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8 14
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From dair-institute.org

Precarious Working Conditions in Content Moderation and their Consequences for Workers

1 1

This podcast (GER with EN subtitles) discusses the struggles of content moderators at Telus International in Essen, Germany, highlighting poor pay, mentally taxing tasks, and lack of support. The w...

#data #labor #workers #research #artificialintelligence

8h ago

From dair-institute.org

Annotate to Educate: The Dual Life of a Syrian Student & Data Annotator

1 1

This short film highlights the inadequate training of data workers in Syria and their resulting personal struggles. It advocates for fair, structured, and honest training processes to empower and p...

#labor #workers #research #dataworkers #artificialintelligence

8h ago

From dair-institute.org

Data Workers Organizing - The African Content Moderators Union

1 1

The formation of the African Content Moderators Union in 2023 marked a key step for workers advocating for better conditions. This documentary explores the issues faced by data workers at Sama in N...

#data #labor #workers #research #artificialintelligence

8h ago

From dair-institute.org

In the Colony of Blooded Eyes: A Trilogy on Working Conditions in Germany as Content Moderator

1 1

This video conversation offers us an intimate insight into the psychological impacts of content moderation and the role of friendship and artistic expression in healing. By Sakine Mohamadi Bozorg R...

#labor #science #research #dataworkers #artificialintelligence

9h ago

From dair-institute.org

Introducing the Data Workers' Inquiry

1 1

Coming soon: the Data Workers Inquiry, a research project that aims to shed light on the experiences and challenges faced by data workers who power the world of artificial intelligence (AI). Learn ...

#data #labor #workers #research #artificialintelligence

9h ago

From dair-institute.org

Arte es EĢtica

1 1

Abstract The irruption of generative AI places us in a scenario that pretends to be an open space of multiple opportunities, but this panorama of apparent enthusiasm is only a mirage that blurs the...

#art #ethics #chatgpt #generativeAI #artificialintelligence

7h ago

From dair-institute.org

Mind over Moderation

1 1

This podcast highlights the precarious conditions of content moderators, as well as the structural constraints faced by migrant workers in Germany. It is also a call to action in the fight for last...

7h ago

From dair-institute.org

Life of a Latin American Data Worker

1 1

Irregular working hours, uncertainty, meager wages, and unpaid time are daily realities for platform data workers. This animation video highlights the profession's structural issues, which are exac...

#data #labor #workers #research #artificialintelligence

9h ago

(Showing 8 out of 8.)