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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From harvard.edu

Shedding light on alcohol’s long shadow  — Harvard Gazette

8 9

Sometimes a single patient alters a career, as with Chan’s Shchetinina.

#hackernews #ycombinator #酗酒對孕婦和家庭的影響

on Fri, 9PM

From harvard.edu

TRACE: a code for time-reversible astrophysical close encounters

1 1

We present TRACE, an almost time-reversible hybrid integrator for the planetary N-body problem. Like hybrid symplectic integrators, TRACE can resolve close encounters between particles while retaining many of the accuracy and speed advantages of a fixed time-step symplectic method such the...

#nbody #Astrodon

11h ago

From harvard.edu

Want better sleep? Aim for at least an hour of exercise per week - Harvard Health

1 1

In a 2024 study, people who exercised at least twice a week (for a total of at least an hour), for 10 years were less likely to report difficulty falling asleep or sleeping for less than six hours ...

#Health #exercise #wellbeing #sleepbetter

10h ago

From harvard.edu

Trump, Twitter, and truth judgments: The effects of “disputed” tags and political knowledge on the judged truthfulness of election misinformation | HKS Misinformation Review

1 1

Misinformation has sown distrust in the legitimacy of American elections. Nowhere has this been more concerning than in the 2020 U.S. presidential election wherein Donald Trump falsely declared that it was stolen through fraud. Although social media platforms attempted to dispute Trump’s false...

on Sep 23

(Showing 8 out of 8.)