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15 16
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From ciechanow.ski

Moon – Bartosz Ciechanowski

39 39

Interactive article about the Moon

#Bot #News #luna #space #tides #impact #phases #太空 #craters #eclipse

15h ago

From lobste.rs

Moon | Lobsters

1 1

12h ago

From github.com

GitHub - KnorrFG/Ablet: An EASY way to create TUIs in Rust

3 3

An EASY way to create TUIs in Rust. Contribute to KnorrFG/Ablet development by creating an account on GitHub.


23h ago

From lobste.rs

Pizarra | Lobsters

1 1

12h ago

From categulario.xyz


3 3


17h ago

From go.dev

Go Protobuf: The new Opaque API - The Go Programming Language

4 23

We are adding a new generated code API to Go Protobuf.

on Mon, 9PM

From honeybadger.io

What's new in Ruby 3.4

1 7

From frozen string literals to default block parameters, the upcoming Ruby release brings some changes. Jump in to learn what's new in Ruby 3.4.

on Mon, 8PM

From ploum.net

20 years of Linux on the Desktop (part 2)

4 8

20 years of Linux on the Desktop (part 2) par Ploum - Lionel Dricot.

#gnome #linux #debian #ubuntu #computinghistory

on Mon, 9PM

From letsencrypt.org

A Note from our Executive Director

4 16

This letter was originally published in our 2024 Annual Report. The past year at ISRG has been a great one and I couldn’t be more proud of our staff, community, funders, and other partners that made it happen. Let’s Encrypt continues to thrive, serving more websites around the world than ever...

#privacy #security #letsencrypt

on Thu, 7AM

(Showing 20 out of 53.)