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8 23
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From railway.app

So You Want to Build Your Own Data Center

8 22

When it comes to infrastructure engineering, building a data center is probably closer to building a house than to deploying a Terraform stack.

on Sat, 1AM

From dusa.rocks

Dusa Docs

10 10

The Dusa logic programming language.

#hackernews #ycombinator #科技資訊

on Oct 28

From subanima.org

Why do bees die when they sting you?

16 16

Suicide is a truly bizarre evolutionary strategy. Why does it exist?

#bees #生物學 #hackernews #ycombinator

on Jan 23

From lightcellenergy.com

lightcell energy

2 10

lightcell energy. power the world with light. california energy startup

on Tue, 2PM

From arxiv.org

ELIZA Reanimated: The world's first chatbot restored on the world's first time sharing system

5 8

ELIZA, created by Joseph Weizenbaum at MIT in the early 1960s, is usually considered the world's first chatbot. It was developed in MAD-SLIP on MIT's CTSS, the world's first time-sharing system, on an IBM 7094. We discovered an original ELIZA printout in Prof. Weizenbaum's archives at MIT,...


on Tue, 8AM

From basilicasanpietro.va

Digital Experience of St. Peter’s Basilica

8 9

The Papal Basilica of St. Peter

#hackernews #旅遊景點

on Thu, 11PM

From latent.space

o1 isn’t a chat model (and that’s the point)

10 17

How to use o1 in anger: Don’t Write Prompts; Write Briefs, Focus on Goals: describe WHAT you want, not HOW you want it, and Know what o1 does and does not do well!

#hackernews #ycombinator #人工智慧

on Jan 12

(Showing 20 out of 41.)