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11 177
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From thelibre.news

Why I recommend against Brave

4 13

If you are keen on personal privacy, you might have come across Brave Browser. Brave is a Chromium-based browser that promises to deliver privacy with built-in ad-blocking and content-blocking protection. It also offers several quality-of-life features and services, like a VPN and Tor access. I...

on Mon, 5PM

From thelibre.news

Servo vs Ladybird

3 8

I believe that Ladybird has more funding and better support for the web, but Servo wins in performance. Though, they're hard to compare directly!

on Tue, 3PM

From github.com

GitHub - cloud-gouv/securix: Sécurix is a NixOS-based secure operating system tailored for small to medium-sized teams. It provides a minimal, hardened environment with strong isolation, reproducibility, and policy-driven configurations to ensure operational security and compliance.

1 1

Sécurix is a NixOS-based secure operating system tailored for small to medium-sized teams. It provides a minimal, hardened environment with strong isolation, reproducibility, and policy-driven conf...

9h ago

From ieee.org

In Praise of “Normal” Engineers

1 3

A software engineer argues against the myth of the “10x engineer”

on Mar 14

From nullprogram.com

Atom vs. RSS

1 1

9h ago

From chesedo.me

Introduction to Monoio: A High-Performance Rust Runtime

1 2

An in-depth look at Monoio, a high-performance Rust async runtime based on io_uring

on Wed, 8PM

From venam.net

RealtimeKit and CPU Scheduling

2 3

Take a look at your process tree, it's likely that you might notice a new service: rtkit-daemon, the RealtimeKit Daemon. It seems nobody on the internet is talking about it, so let's explain what it's about in this article.

#linux #kernel #linuxkernel

on Mon, 9AM

From gpanders.com

What's New in Neovim 0.11 | g.p. anders

4 10

Neovim 0.11 was just released. As in previous installments in this series, let’s talk a bit about some of the big highlights! As always, the full list of changes can be found in the release notes (use :h news to read inside of Neovim). Table of Contents Breaking Changes LSP Simpler LSP setup and...

#vim #nvim #neovim

on Wed, 4PM

From frost.kiwi

Tunneling corporate firewalls for developers

1 1

Establish SSH connections and ensure your dev tools work via HTTPS tunneling, even if proxies and firewalls won't let you

9h ago

From thelibre.news

The most communist FOSS company

1 1

Let's immediately acknowledge that the title is lighthearted, and that "communist company" is an oxymoron. The better choice would've been, "which is the most worker-owned, egalitarian, power-structures-free cooperative?", which SEO experts told me was too long of a title. With that said, let me...

#coop #opensource

16h ago

(Showing 18 out of 53.)