Condemna històrica a NSO per la infecció massiva de WhatsApp que va ajudar a destapar el Catalangate
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Un tribunal de Califòrnia fa responsable NSO de l'espionatge amb Pegasus a 1.400 activistes i polítics de tot el món el 2019
#whatsapp #Principat #NSO #Pegasus #catalangate
17h ago
The Pegasus Project - Kit Author & Charmed Chicken
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Once a celebrated concert pianist, Sonia Morales retired to the New Mexico countryside after her RA made it impossible to continue her career. She cared for her special plot of land and some magical equines as best as she could. She never imagined getting close to them or forming a bond until...
#cozy #magic #Pegasus #academy #horselit #newmexico #horsestory #foundfamily #completeseries
on Mar 1
WhatsApp wins legal victory against NSO Group in Pegasus hacking case
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Judge finds no merit in arguments made by Israeli spyware manufacturer
19h ago
US judge finds Pegasus spyware maker liable over WhatsApp hack
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WhatsApp celebrates victory as judge finds Israeli company NSO Group violated state and federal US hacking laws
#law #Pegasus #spyware #NSOGroup #whatsapp #Technology #HumanRights #surveillance #unitedstates #computerskool
on Sat, 2AM
WhatsApp gagne son procès contre NSO Group, le fabricant de Pegasus
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Après cinq ans de bataille juridique, WhatsApp a remporté une victoire importante contre NSO Group, le créateur du logiciel espion Pegasus. La justice…
20h ago
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US News: A California judge ruled against Israeli spyware firm NSO Group in a lawsuit filed by WhatsApp, accusing NSO of exploiting a bug to install Pegasus sp
#us #NSO #india #Israel #Pegasus #whatsapp #mastindia #mastodonindians
5h ago