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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From knowledgezon.co.in

Messier 83

3 23

Messier 83, also known as the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy and NGC 5236, is a barred spiral galaxy located about 15 million light-years away in the constellation Hydra. It's one of the brightest spiral galaxies visible from Earth, making it a popular target for amateur astronomers.

#carbon #itbyte #islands #trading #messier83 #architecture #knowledgebyte

7h ago


From phys.org

More carbon in soil can control weeds, in some cases

1 1

Cornell researchers have tested an ecological tool in the fight to control weeds in silage soybean and corn fields: adding carbon to soil in the form of sawdust and rye hay.

#carbon #agriculture

12h ago


From climatelinks.org

Natural Climate Solutions for Tanzania: An Overview of Options

1 1

USAID’s Sustainable Landscape Opportunity Analyses (SLOAs) provide national-level overviews to reveal the relative impact of options for reducing GHG emissions through land conservation, management, and restoration. In 2023, with the objective to inform USAID programming in support of the...

#ghg #land #usaid #carbon #topdown #community #footprint #governance #mitigation #transition

on Jun 26

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