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Correlated tags: #ceskarepublika


From byteseu.com

The whole world is going through a drastic decline in the birth rate, especially the best countries to live in. Fyjala is really exaggerating with the anti-social five-demolition!

1 1

The whole world is going through a drastic decline in the birth rate, especially the best countries to live in. Fyjala is really exaggerating with the anti-social five-demolition!https://i.redd.it/do4t9ps9xbad1.pngPosted by GPwat

#czech #czechia #czechrepublic #ceskarepublika

21h ago


From byteseu.com

It's a bit of a niche question, but would someone please know if this thing could be found somehow and, if so, how?

1 1

It's a bit of a niche question, but would someone please know if this thing could be found somehow and, if so, how?https://i.redd.it/0pfci23c2cad1.jpegPosted by ArtMinerCZ

#czech #czechia #czechrepublic #ceskarepublika

20h ago


From byteseu.com

How it all came about…

1 1

How it all came about...https://i.redd.it/ny2p1h0hdcad1.jpegPosted by ProfessionBusy2326

#czech #czechia #czechrepublic #ceskarepublika

19h ago


From byteseu.com

Has anyone figured out how the contactless buttons at the traffic lights in Prague work?

1 1

Has anyone figured out how the contactless buttons at the traffic lights in Prague work?https://i.redd.it/qv5tcjkyedad1.jpegPosted by matynovak007

#czech #czechia #czechrepublic #ceskarepublika

16h ago


From byteseu.com

I built concrete stairs ⛏️

1 1

What do you think about that, what would be good to improve in the video? What is good on the contrary? Thank you very much and I wish everyone a nice day!https://youtu.be/0dcl0Xbl7RYPosted by Bbuilderr

#czech #czechia #czechrepublic #ceskarepublika

11h ago


From byteseu.com

We have expensive ice creams, we rob families

1 1

We have expensive ice creams, we rob familieshttps://v.redd.it/bdp8wppdmgad1Posted by Major_Eggplant_7189

#czech #czechia #czechrepublic #ceskarepublika

6h ago


From byteseu.com

The army paid 280 thousand 42 million for Chinese drones. 2% of GDP in practice.

1 1

The army paid 280 thousand 42 million for Chinese drones. 2% of GDP in practice.https://www.novinky.cz/clanek/domaci-zakazka-za-vsechny-penize-armada-koupila-drony-za-42-milionu-stoji-pritom-par-set-tisic-40478760Posted by ErebusXVII

#czech #czechia #czechrepublic #ceskarepublika

5h ago


From byteseu.com

New elevator at Jiřího z Poděbrady station. (But what is the Mushroom and the lady holding on her hands for a gopher??)

1 1

New elevator at Jiřího z Poděbrady station. (But what is the Mushroom and the lady holding on her hands for a gopher??)https://i.redd.it/79ehkekjfhad1.jpegPosted by ProfessionBusy2326

#czech #czechia #czechrepublic #ceskarepublika

4h ago


From byteseu.com

The municipalities near Pardubice are starting a fight against the VRT, they will fight to the bone for blocking the line: 'We are convinced that the line is not of great importance to people. It will speed up transport to Prague negligibly'

1 1

The municipalities near Pardubice are starting a fight against the VRT, they will fight to the bone for blocking the line: 'We are convinced that the line is not of great importance to people. It will speed up transport to Prague...

#czech #czechia #czechrepublic #ceskarepublika

2h ago


From byteseu.com

Why do you think that such a business did not pick up again? Ordering online?

1 1

Why do you think that such a business did not pick up again? Ordering online?https://i.redd.it/129pix90thad1.pngPosted by JustSpaceExperiment

#czech #czechia #czechrepublic #ceskarepublika

2h ago


From byteseu.com

'Allah Loves Equality'. Sure…

1 1

'Allah Loves Equality'. Sure...https://v.redd.it/yjqufk9v6iad1Posted by ProfessionBusy2326

#czech #czechia #czechrepublic #ceskarepublika

1h ago


From euractiv.com

Czech report warns against Russian tactics to undermine support for Ukraine

3 3

Czechia has been subjected to targeted information operations aimed at reducing support for Ukraine, a recent report by the Czech National Centre for Combating Organised Crime (NCOZ) has revealed.

#Russia #czechia #thecapitals #disinformation

10h ago


From ukrinform.net

Petr Pavel: Russia has no signs of strategic breakthrough on battlefield in Ukraine

2 2

Russia has no signs of a strategic breakthrough on the battlefield in Ukraine, which is why it has no incentive to sit down at the negotiating table. — Ukrinform.

#News #press #czechia #ukraine #czechrepublic #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #nousrepublicans2024 #10yrinvasionofukraine #freeeufromfascistaltright

4h ago

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