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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From t.me


1 3

InfoDefense es un grupo de voluntarios de todas las partes del mundo. Estamos diciendo la verdad sobre la que la mayoría de los medios prefieren guardar silencio. Más de 20 canales en diferentes idiomas. La lista: @InfoDefALL @InfoDefenseMailBot

#ue #ECFR #rusia #grecia #italia #estonia #ucrania

on Jan 21


From byteseu.com

Confirmed: the state plans to offer bonds to the people of Estonia

1 1

Confirmed: the state plans to offer bonds to the people of Estoniahttps://arileht.delfi.ee/artikkel/120304892/kinnitatud-riik-plaanib-pakkuda-eesti-inimestele-volakirjuPosted by koopaoravorav

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

22h ago


From byteseu.com

NATO: Ukraine is still too corrupt to join the alliance

1 1

NATO: Ukraine is still too corrupt to join the alliancehttps://www.err.ee/1609387280/nato-ukraina-on-endiselt-liialt-korrumpeerunud-et-alliansiga-liitudaPosted by DammtorHans

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

22h ago


From byteseu.com

Looking for two Estonian folk songs

1 1

Hi r/Estonia,I had the chance to see the Jaanipäev celebration at Eesti Vabaõhumuuseum this year. And I heard a lot of nice folk music there and these two songs kept stuck in my head. Unfortunately I am not able to find their names, because I don't speak the language and don't know what to look...

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

20h ago


From byteseu.com

Karlos Kolk, killed in prison: 'My cellmate is sick!'

1 1

The killing of the young Jewish tuber Karlos Kolgi, who was sent to his last place on Wednesday, in Tallinn prison could have been avoided if the prison security had done its job as it should. Jutuber was killed by a blow to the carotid artery with a sharp object while...

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

19h ago


From byteseu.com

Soviet power 2024, or power holders in the Soviets

1 1

This morning's Eesti Päevalehte editorial reproached one of Tallinn's coalition partners that for some reason the boards of companies belonging to the city are still filled with representatives who cannot be accused of professional competence. Also, it's been a while since the last data story,...

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

18h ago


From byteseu.com

Müllerson, who performed in St. Petersburg, considers it necessary to visit Russia

1 1

Müllerson, who performed in St. Petersburg, considers it necessary to visit Russiahttps://www.err.ee/1609388093/peterburis-esinenud-mullerson-peab-venemaal-kaimist-vajalikuksPosted by Poems_And_Money

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

9h ago


From byteseu.com

National Audit Office: RMK's sale of wood at the agreed price has not been transparent

1 1

National Audit Office: RMK's sale of wood at the agreed price has not been transparenthttps://www.err.ee/1609388228/riigikontroll-rmk-kokkuleppehinnaga-puidumuuk-pole-olnud-labipaistevPosted by matude

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

6h ago


From byteseu.com

Raudsepp: Estonia is still at the forefront of Europe with food price increases

1 1

Raudsepp: Estonia is still at the forefront of Europe with food price increaseshttps://www.err.ee/1609388318/raudsepp-eesti-on-toidu-hinnatousuga-endiselt-euroopa-esirinnasPosted by Pro-wiser

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

5h ago


From byteseu.com

Digital conversion by Rain Epler

1 1

Digital conversion by Rain Eplerhttps://i.redd.it/8s24wsfnkhad1.jpegPosted by VihmaVillu

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

3h ago


From byteseu.com

WOOD AND RED | That's how the Kremlin launched a massive disinformation campaign against Kaja Kallas

1 1

WOOD AND RED | That's how the Kremlin launched a massive disinformation campaign against Kaja Kallashttps://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/120305241/puust-ja-punaseks-just-nii-kaivitas-kreml-kaja-kallase-vastu-massiivse-valeinfokampaaniaPosted by harjusk

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

1h ago


From byteseu.com

On Wednesday, the second event of Tartu reddit took place. Someone left these things on the table. You can pick them up in Tartu or pick them up at the next event | Summary of the event: it was a nice evening, ~16 people attended. There will definitely be a third event.

1 1

On Wednesday, the second event of Tartu reddit took place. Someone left these things on the table. You can pick them up in Tartu or pick them up at the next event | Summary of the event: it was a nice evening, ~16 people attended. There will definitely be a third...

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

1h ago

Showing first 20 out of 33