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From byteseu.com

The elite who shape the policy of Kaja Kallas and products like her.

1 1

The elite who shape the policy of Kaja Kallas and products like her.https://i.redd.it/zm3mddtmh1bd1.jpegPosted by erlnekbks

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

2h ago

From byteseu.com

In order to congratulate that Tallinn is doing something to reduce car traffic, excuses are being sought

1 1

In order to congratulate that Tallinn is doing something to reduce car traffic, excuses are being soughthttps://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dwywiuPosted by mart945

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

11h ago

From byteseu.com

life can be a dream

1 1

life can be a dreamhttps://i.redd.it/jmc6tw2ylxad1.jpegPosted by crockett22

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

13h ago

From byteseu.com

Youth movement Sinine Äratus leaves EKRE and wants to join ERK

1 1

Youth movement Sinine Äratus leaves EKRE and wants to join ERKhttps://www.err.ee/1609390345/noorteliikumine-sinine-aratus-lahkub-ekre-st-ja-tahab-liituda-erk-igaPosted by rts93

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

15h ago

From byteseu.com

Kremlin propaganda for our taxes

1 1

rus.err did an interview with Aivo Peterson. Of course, Peterson spread again 'for peace' shit with kremlin talking points. If nothing new came from him, the work of the interviewer raises more questions. First of all, he didn't ask any pointed questions about Russia or Putin. The interviewer...

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

16h ago

From byteseu.com

What spider is that?

1 1

I have never met such specimens before.https://i.redd.it/6p5zcu5nmwad1.jpegPosted by egoraas

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

18h ago

From byteseu.com

History of the building

1 1

Hello fellow countrymen! Since there are all kinds of interesting creatures here, perhaps there will also be some historians of Järva County. I also once inquired about Järvamaa's FB group, but I didn't get an answer from there. I am interested in the history of my cottage, more specifically the...

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

18h ago

From biziday.ro

Armata Ucraineană a primit de la Estonia mai multe sisteme Mistral de rachete sol-aer, cu rază scurtă de acțiune. - Biziday

1 1

Ministerul estonian al Apărării a informat că sistemele de rachete, care au o rază de acțiune de până la șase-opt kilometri, precum și proiectile au fost

#știri #estonia #mistral #ucraina #armataucraineana

20h ago

From byteseu.com

Estonia again at the very top. This time it's house prices and rents increase since 2010

1 1

Estonia again at the very top. This time it's house prices and rents increase since 2010https://i.redd.it/uofz5mj9nvad1.jpegPosted by afonja

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

21h ago

From viabaltica.fi

Estonia: Seabed survey to continue for more than 15 years | Via Baltica

1 1

The Estonian Transport Administration (Transpordiamet) has mapped around 75% of the country's seabed so far, ERR reports. The work to survey Estonia's entire maritime area has been going on for many years and may still take more than 15 years to complete. The seabed survey has not yet reached...

#survey #estonia #maritime

22h ago

From byteseu.com

Signing a friend into your apartment – is there any way to take revenge?

1 1

First, the apartment is officially in the name of the grandparents. A friend is returning to the capital from South Estonia over the years and needs registration in Tallinn (even for a few days) to use the services of the Tallinn city government. It would help automatically, but since the...

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

23h ago

From viabaltica.fi

Baltic: Estonia, Latvia to receive German air defence radars | Via Baltica

1 1

Estonia and Latvia will receive TRML-4D radars from German defence electronics manufacturer Hensoldt under the European Sky Shield Initiative, Defense News reports. The company will integrate the radars, worth more than EUR 100mn, into the IRIS-T SLM air defence systems on behalf of Germany's...

#Latvia #radars #Germany #defence #estonia

23h ago

From byteseu.com

Does anyone know why pine trees have such markings on them?

1 1

I went for a walk in the forest near Viljandi and saw dozens of pine trees marked in this way. Does anyone know the reason why some pines are made like this?https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dwlmovPosted by Decent_Salary_9719

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

on Sat, 10AM

From byteseu.com

The director of the Viljandi Academy of Culture watched the female subordinate for a long time and secretly. Finally, he stunned her with his sexual fantasies

1 1

'The young woman K. came to work at the Viljandi Academy of Culture last summer after graduating from university. Her boss was Juko-Mart Kõlar (40), a married man, the father of several children. Kőlar works as the director of the academy from the fall of 2020. Previously, he worked for a long...

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

on Sat, 9AM