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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From youtube.com

What investigating the Iraq War taught me about Gaza | Les Roberts | The Big Picture S4E13

1 1

In 2004, Les Roberts smuggled himself into Iraq as his own government was in the midst of bombing and occupying the country.His mission was to find out how m...

#gaza #Krieg #opfer #genozid #interview #palastina #statistik #lesroberts #todesopfer #volkermord

19h ago


From youtube.com

How To Avoid Mind Control (And Strengthen the Mind)

1 1

Dr. HermanSJr. joined me to discuss ways to reverse the massive tide of continuous brainwashing from media, government, society, and even relationships. You’...

#radio #scary #idiocy #sophia #gnostic #aeonbyte #gnostics #humanity #luminary #interview

on Jun 26


From factmag.com

Interview: SVBKVLT

1 1

Shanghai collective SVBKVLT tell the story of their groundbreaking approach to club music.

#dj #art #read #music #Artist #repost #article #electro #interview #technomusic

on Mar 5


From se-trends.de

Warum wir neue Entwicklungswerkzeuge brauchen: Einblicke in MBSE von Pari Singh (Teil 1)

1 1

Pari Singh, der Gründer von Flow Engineering, teilt in diesem Interview seine Erkenntnisse bezüglich agiler Hardwareentwicklung.

#Apollo #SpaceX #interview #parisingh #werkzeuge #flowengineering #nachverfolgbarkeit #nutzerfreundlichkeit

10h ago



From ukraine-nachrichten.de

Selenskyj erklärt, warum die Streiks gegen Ölraffinerien fortgesetzt werden - Ukraine-Nachrichten

1 1

Es sollte sichergestellt werden, dass Russland den ukrainischen Energiesektor nicht mehr angreift, hat Wolodymyr Selenskyj gesagt.

#Krieg #strom #ukraine #russland #interview #volkermord #wladimirselenskij #WolodymyrSelenskyj

5h ago


From wildhunt.org

A conversation with Elena Petri, High Priestess of the Supreme Council of Ethnikoi Hellenes - Europe, News, Religion, Spotlight on Tradition, World

1 1

Witchcraft & Pagan News - The indigenous religions of the Mediterranean gathered in Athens, Greece, for the Mediterraneum 2024 conference. Greek correspondent Elyse Welles spoke with Elena Petri, the High Priestess of the Supreme Council of Ethnikoi Hellenes (YSEE), to learn about the efforts...

#ysee #pagan #hellenic #interview #polytheist

18h ago

Showing first 9 out of 9