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From pravda.com.ua

Trump admits spat with Zelenskyy in Oval Office was part of pressure on Ukraine

3 3

US President Donald Trump has confirmed that his spat with Volodymyr Zelenskyy during the Ukrainian president’s visit to the Oval Office was part of a strategy to pressure Ukraine. He has also stated that the US decision to pause arms supplies to Ukraine had no consequences for the Ukrainian army.

#eu #uk #maga #nato #italy #japan #spain #canada #europe #france

13h ago


From plagiarismtoday.com

Univesity Invalidates Thesis of Dutch Politician - Plagiarism Today

1 1

Erasmus University has ruled that Vicky Maeijer's thesis is invalid. The Dutch state secretary now faces the loss of her degree.

#politics #plagiarism #netherlands #erasmusuniversity

on Mon, 8PM


From africanews.com

Dutch King highlights Human Rights during state visit to Kenya | Africanews

1 1

King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands has highlighted the importance of human rights during his state visit to Kenya

#kenya #statevisit #humanrights #netherlands #kingwillemalexander

5h ago


From defensenews.com

Israeli companies to supply ship-defense suite to European frigates

1 2

The joint offering by Elbit and Rafael comes amid an uptick in Europe in demand for military equipment.

#nato #israel #rafael #belgium #military #armssales #netherlands #elbitsystems

on Mon, 5PM

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