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From arxiv.org

The Topological form is the Pfaffian form

1 1

For a given graph $G$, Budzik, Gaiotto, Kulp, Wang, Williams, Wu, Yu, and the first author studied a ''topological'' differential form $α_G$, which expresses violations of BRST-closedness of a quantum field theory along a single topological direction. In a seemingly unrelated context, Brown,...

#feynman #physics #quantum #preprint #mathematics

14h ago


From biologists.com

Conservation and divergence of regulatory architecture in nitrate-responsive plant gene circuits - preLights

1 1

How do plants fine-tune their genes to use nitrogen? Is it a conserved mechanism? The preprint delves into this transcriptional network to answer these questions.

#plants #biology #genetics #nitrogen #prelight #preprint #sustainability

11h ago

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