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From decompwlj.com

Decomposition into weight × level + jump of A206039 in 3D - three.js webGL - Rémi Eismann

1 1

Decomposition into weight × level + jump of A206039 in 3D. Made with three.js webGL. Rémi Eismann

#3d #php #math #oeis #graph #webgl #primes #numbers #threejs #sequence

12h ago


From decompwlj.com

Decomposition into weight × level + jump of A206039 - 2D graph - first 500 terms - Rémi Eismann

1 1

Decomposition into weight × level + jump of A206039 with 2D graph and first 500 terms. Rémi Eismann

#3d #php #math #oeis #graph #webgl #primes #numbers #threejs #sequence

12h ago

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