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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).
Correlated tags: #swissconfederation #confederaziunsvizra #confederazionesvizzera #schweizerischeeidgenossenschaft #confederationsuisse


From byteseu.com

Obtaining Civil Status Certificate for Pension Fund?

1 1

Hi all, I'm a US citizen currently living and working in Basel, but am planning to move back to the US within the next few months. According to my employer, I need to provide them with a confirmation of marital status (I am not and have never been married) in order to withdraw my Pillar 2...

#switzerland #swissconfederation #confederationsuisse #confederaziunsvizra #confederazionesvizzera #confoederatiohelvetica #schweizerischeeidgenossenschaft

23h ago


From byteseu.com

Help me buy these chocolates

1 1

Hello everyone,I am new to Basel hence not aware about many places.It would be really appreciated if any of you could tell me where can I find these chocolates in Basel? Is it available in marktkauf in Germany?Please help me. I will attaching the picture of the chocolate...

#switzerland #swissconfederation #confederationsuisse #confederaziunsvizra #confederazionesvizzera #confoederatiohelvetica #schweizerischeeidgenossenschaft

10h ago


From byteseu.com

Most expensive Swiss number plate auctioned off for CHF299,000

1 1

Most expensive Swiss number plate auctioned off for CHF299,000https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/various/andy2-offers-299000-francs-for-the-zh-24-license-plate/82667472?utm_source=multiple&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=news_en&utm_content=o&utm_term=wpblock_highlighted-compact-news-carouselPosted by...

#switzerland #swissconfederation #confederationsuisse #confederaziunsvizra #confederazionesvizzera #confoederatiohelvetica #schweizerischeeidgenossenschaft

2h ago

Showing first 4 out of 4