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From nzz.ch

Heftige Regenfälle im Wallis: Überschwemmungen führen zu Evakuierungen

6 17

Nach heftigen Regenfällen wurden von Samstag auf Sonntag Hunderte Personen evakuiert, Erdrutsche und Überschwemmungen führten zu Sperrungen mehrerer Verkehrsstrecken.

#nzz #News #switzerland

on Sun, 8AM


From nzz.ch

Bundesrat Guy Parmelin in China: «Wir reden auch über Zwangsarbeit»

2 2

Die Schweiz und China wollen Verhandlungen über eine Erweiterung des 2014 geschlossenen Freihandelsabkommens aufnehmen. Der Erfolg ist aber nicht garantiert, denn beim Thema der Menschenrechte könnte es haken.

#nzz #News #switzerland

2h ago


From nzz.ch

Supreme Court urteilt über Immunität von Donald Trump

2 2

Damit hat der ehemalige US-Präsident einen bedeutsamen Teilsieg errungen. Ein möglicher Prozess gegen Trump wegen versuchten Wahlbetrugs dürfte sich somit weiter verzögern.

#nzz #News #switzerland

23h ago


From nzz.ch

Supreme Court: Teilsieg für Trump in Immunitätsurteil

2 2

Das lange erwartete Verdikt ist gefällt: Ein Präsident sei nur vor Strafverfolgung geschützt bei offiziellen Amtshandlungen, nicht bei privaten Handlungen. Ob Trumps Versuche, das Wahlresultat von 2020 zu kippen, Amtshandlungen waren, müssen nun andere entscheiden.

#nzz #News #switzerland

19h ago


From nzz.ch

Björn Höcke erneut wegen Nazi-Parole zu Geldstrafe verurteilt

2 2

Die Staatsanwaltschaft hatte den AfD-Politiker angeklagt, weil er bei einem Stammtisch seiner Partei eine verbotene SA-Parole angestimmt haben soll. Seine Wählbarkeit in politische Ämter behält er.

#nzz #News #switzerland

on Mon, 2PM


From emsc.eu


1 1

A unique earthquake detection system: a blend of collaborative work from eyewitnesses and of data collection from seismic institutes. You felt an earthquake and want to add or see testimonies on a specific seismic event? Do you want to know if there are any earthquakes near you, or see the...

#cevio #Erdbeben #earthquake #switzerland

18h ago


From byteseu.com

Prices of certain cheap medicine to rise sharply in Switzerland | Consumers in Switzerland face higher prices for certain common medicine following a reform of the pricing system that came into force on July 1. Ibuprofen, for example, is doubling in price.

1 1

Prices of certain cheap medicine to rise sharply in Switzerland | Consumers in Switzerland face higher prices for certain common medicine following a reform of the pricing system that came into force on July 1. Ibuprofen, for example, is doubling in...

#switzerland #swissconfederation #confederationsuisse #confederaziunsvizra #confederazionesvizzera #confoederatiohelvetica #schweizerischeeidgenossenschaft

4h ago


From byteseu.com

Seeking romantic picnic spots for anniversary celebration

1 1

Hi everyone,I recently moved to Lausanne, and next month is my first wedding anniversary. I want to surprise my husband with a romantic picnic and would love some recommendations for ideal spots. We're open to locations that are max 2 hours drive from Lausanne, whether it's up in the mountains...

#switzerland #swissconfederation #confederationsuisse #confederaziunsvizra #confederazionesvizzera #confoederatiohelvetica #schweizerischeeidgenossenschaft

3h ago


From kyivindependent.com

Politico: Democrats urge Pentagon to train more Ukrainian F-16 pilots

4 4

House Democrats say in a letter obtained by Politico that Kyiv "will have more F-16 aircraft than they will have qualified pilots to fly them by the end of the year," which "threatens to undermine the strategic advantages" that these aircraft can provide to Ukraine.

#eu #g7 #uk #News #nato #Italy #Japan #czech #press #spain

17h ago


From youtube.com

★ 4K 🇨🇭 Pontresina - Alp Grüm - Pontresina cab ride in a Gem 4/4 (54 year old hybrid loco) [10.2021]

1 2

I hope you enjoyed the video. If you'd like to donate, please click the following link. Donations will be used for equipment and software in order to bring y...

#trains #webcam #switzerland

on Feb 14


From pravda.com.ua

Russians install air defence system next to beach in Sevastopol – photos

3 3

Members of the Atesh guerrilla movement have reported that the Russian military has placed a Tor M2KM surface-to-air missile system (SAM) near the beach in temporarily occupied Crimea, putting the lives of the locals at risk.

#eu #g7 #uk #USA #News #nato #Italy #Japan #czech #press

on Mon, 2PM


From kyivindependent.com

Ukraine should be allowed to strike ‘valid military targets’ in Russia, US House Intelligence Committee chair says

7 7

Ukraine should be allowed to strike "valid military targets" in Russia, Mike Turner, chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and a Republican congressman from Ohio, said in Kyiv on July 1.

#eu #g7 #uk #nato #Biden #Italy #Japan #czech #press #spain

21h ago

Showing first 20 out of 67