Stelling van Amsterdam | JTravel
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De Stelling van Amsterdam is een verdedigingslinie van 135 kilometer. Meer informatie over de Stelling van Amsterdam leest u in dit artikel.
#unesco #werelderfgoedlijst #stellingvanamsterdam
21h ago
Schloss Brühl: A symbol of clerical excess and power
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Schloss Augustusburg (Augustusburg Palace) in Brühl, near Cologne, is one of Germany’s most notable examples of Rococo architecture and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its history is intricately linked to the powerful Electors and Archbishops of Cologne, particularly Clemens August of Bavaria, who...
#bruhl #unesco #baroque #cologne #histodons #clemensaugust #catholicchurch #weekendstories #worldheritagesite #schlossaugustusburg
5h ago
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Ministrul Culturii, Raluca Turcan, a dezvelit oficial, sâmbătă, la Alba Iulia, plăcuţa UNESCO care certifică recunoaşterea internaţională a manuscrisului
#aur #unesco #știri #romania #alianțapentruunirearomanilor
20h ago