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From healthcareinfosecurity.com

Insurer Notifying 335,500 Customers, Agents, Others of Hack

2 4

A Texas-based insurance firm is notifying more than 335,500 people of a December hack involving their sensitive personal and health information. The breach affects

#hipaa #cookies #doctors #doxxing #hacking #privacy #hospital #security #healthcare #itsecurity

3h ago

From healthcareinfosecurity.com

RansomHub Claims Theft of Montana Planned Parenthood Data

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Planned Parenthood of Montana, which provides patients with reproductive healthcare services including birth control and abortion, is responding to a hack and a

#HIPAA #Cookies #doctors #doxxing #hacking #privacy #hospital #security #ransomhub #healthcare

on Sep 6

From lmgsecurity.com

Cyberside Chats: Live! Encryption Backdoors: Security Savior or Cyber Risk? | LMG Security

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In this quick, high-impact session, we’ll dive into the top three cybersecurity priorities every leader should focus on. From integrating AI into your defenses to tackling deepfake threats and tightening third-party risk management, this discussion will arm you with the insights you need to stay...

#ciso #infosec #cyberrisk #encryption #itsecurity #dataprivacy #itleadership #cybersecurity #cybersidechats

3h ago

From fraunhofer.de


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»Innovations for Our Future« – unter diesem Motto präsentiert sich die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft auf der Hannover Messe 2025. Mehr als 13 Fraunhofer-Institute, -Verbünde und -Allianzen stellen vom 31. März bis 4. April 2025 auf dem Fraunhofer-Stand ihre Exponate aus drei Themen vor: AI for...

#ki #hm25 #itsecurity #cybersecurity

8h ago