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From goodnewsnetwork.org

Cotton-and-Squid-Bone Sponge Can Soak Up 99.9% of Microplastics, Scientists Say

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With proper testing at a commercial or industrial scale, they estimate the sponges could become products within a couple of years. 

#China #press #Health #plastic #kewlnews #materials #pollution #marinelife #happy #happynews

8h ago

From goodnewsnetwork.org

From 150,000 Pups to None At All, Fur Seals Return to California Islands After 150 Years

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The latest population count provides a sight unseen for 150 years when these islands were once home to 150,000 elephant and fur seals

#animals #wildlife #inspiring #California #marinelife #restoration #Conservation #sanfrancisco #happy #science

15h ago