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From redpacketsecurity.com

BianLian Ransomware Victim: Legend Properties, Inc[.] - RedPacket Security

1 1

NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating to the content of the files should be directed at the attackers

#Tor #darkweb #bianlian #Ransomware #databreach #threatintel

1h ago

From redpacketsecurity.com

Roblox Developer Conference (2024) - 10,386 breached accounts - RedPacket Security

1 1

In July 2024, Roblox disclosed a data breach related to a vendor inadvertently exposing user information from a 2022-2024 Roblox Developer Conference

#hibp #osint #security #troyhunt #databreach #threatintel #haveibeenpwnedlatestbreaches

6h ago

From redpacketsecurity.com

CISA: CISA and Partners Release Guidance for Exploring Memory Safety in Critical Open Source Projects - RedPacket Security

1 1

CISA and Partners Release Guidance for Exploring Memory Safety in Critical Open Source Projects

#cisa #cyber #osint #threatintel

8h ago

From redpacketsecurity.com

CISA: CISA Releases Guidance on Single Sign-On (SSO) Adoption for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses: (SMBs) - RedPacket Security

1 1

CISA Releases Guidance on Single Sign-On (SSO) Adoption for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses: (SMBs)

#cisa #cyber #osint #threatintel

8h ago

From 0dave.ch

Honey and Pots

1 1

SSH Honeypots are active again; blocklist available https://blocklists.0dave.ch/

#ssh #honeypot #opendata #threatintel

15h ago

From redpacketsecurity.com

INC Ransom Ransomware Victim: waupacacounty-wi[.]gov - RedPacket Security

1 1

NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating to the content of the files should be directed at the attackers

#Tor #darkweb #incransom #Ransomware #databreach #threatintel

22h ago

From redpacketsecurity.com

INC Ransom Ransomware Victim: Center for Human Capital Innovation (centerforhci[.]org) - RedPacket Security

1 1

NOTE: No files or stolen information are by RedPacket Security. Any legal issues relating to the content of the files should be directed at the attackers

#Tor #darkweb #incransom #Ransomware #databreach #threatintel

22h ago