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From energynews.pro

Norway challenges climate injunction blocking three oil fields

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Norway is calling for the injunctions blocking three oil fields to be lifted, citing economic loss in the face of climate concerns.

#norway #climate #ecology #pollution #Environment #climatechange #globalburning #globalwarming #climatesuicide #massextinction

on Sep 6

From energynews.pro

Brazil increases LNG purchases to offset hydroelectric decline

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Faced with a drop in hydroelectricity, Brazil is stepping up its LNG imports, intensifying the competition for cargoes in winter 2024.

on Sep 27

From energynews.pro

Germany: Climate mobilization slumps in the face of energy priorities

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The decline in climate mobilization in Germany reflects a downgrading of energy and climate policies.

on Sep 23

From energynews.pro

Ukraine: Des innovations optimisent la capture de CO2

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L'Ukraine innove avec Pipes.one et Carbominer dans la réduction des émissions de CO2, soutenue par l'EBRD et l'UE.

on Sep 23

From energynews.pro

Nuclear revival in Paris countries united for a sustainable energy future

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The international conference in Paris explores strategies for reviving nuclear power, the key to the energy transition.

on Sep 21

From energynews.pro

India faces an energy dilemma between coal and climate commitments

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Rising coal production in India raises concerns about methane emissions, compromising the country's climate targets.

on Sep 20

From energynews.pro

JERA and Denso develop SOEC hydrogen production technology

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JERA and Denso are developing an innovative hydrogen technology using SOEC and waste heat for global decarbonization.

on Aug 7

From energynews.pro

France defends nuclear power and rejects EU renewable targets

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France opposes European renewable energy targets by promoting its decarbonized nuclear power as an alternative.

on Jul 14

From energynews.pro

Alberta : Les feux de forêt menacent les opérations de Suncor

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Les feux de forêt en Alberta menacent les opérations de Suncor Energy, perturbant la production de sables bitumineux.

on Jul 8

From energynews.pro

Anomalies with no Consequences Detected at the Flamanville EPR according to ASN

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Several safety incidents have been detected at the Flamanville EPR with no impact on safety or the environment, according to ASN.

on Jul 7

From energynews.pro

Développement d'un parc solaire de 220 MW en Algérie

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Un nouveau parc solaire de 220 MW à Biskra renforce l'engagement de l'Algérie envers les énergies renouvelables et génère des emplois locaux.

on May 7

From energynews.pro

Mexique: Nationalisation d'une Unité d'Air Liquide par Pemex

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Le Mexique a décrété l'occupation immédiate d'une usine d'hydrogène d'Air Liquide, affirmant sa souveraineté énergétique et renforçant Pemex, l'entreprise pétrolière nationale.

on Jan 3