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From globalvoices.org

UK diamond company that won water and climate awards has been linked to water pollution in Lesotho

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In one case, a nine-year-old girl became ill and died in 2015 after drinking water from the river into which villagers say Gem Diamonds dumped its waste. 

#uk #water #africa #mining #climate #ecology #lesotho #Environment #massextinction #pollution

22h ago

From globalvoices.org

Pouring concrete on rice fields in Nepal

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Delayed rains, a prolonged heatwave, rapid urbanization, and climate change have hampered Nepal's rice plantation industry, transforming the country from a rice exporter to an importer.

#rice #Nepal #crops #urban #development

on Mon, 6PM

From globalvoices.org

War on citizens: How the junta’s VPN ban is strangling communication in Myanmar

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"People should not underestimate what the regime is doing. Yet at the same time, they should not succumb to unwarranted fear. The regime can’t control everything."

on Fri, 11PM

From globalvoices.org

After devastating the Caribbean, Hurricane Beryl has been downgraded, but can continue to bring ruin

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The death toll from Beryl is estimated to be at least seven people thus far, surprising give the level of ruin to infrastructure, buildings, and the natural environment.

on Fri, 3AM

From globalvoices.org

A year after environmental protests rocked Azerbaijan's village of Soyudlu, it is business as usual

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A year since the protest, it seems the company, the ministry, and the government of Azerbaijan are back to business as usual, with no new monitoring reports or investigations.

on Thu, 11AM

From globalvoices.org

In Georgia, a series of legal amendments are putting the country's EU aspirations on hold

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A foreign agent bill, a ban on gender election quotas, and most recently an LGBTQ+ propaganda bill are just the latest legal amendments proposed by the ruling Georgian Dream party.

on Thu, 11AM

From globalvoices.org

Six dishes that most represent Hong Kong

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Hong Kong young people picked snacks that most represented Hong Kong cuisines. The winners were egg tarts, pineapple buns, egg waffles, milk tea, siu mai and curry fishball.

on Thu, 9AM

From globalvoices.org

Waiting for Beryl in Jamaica

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"I know this from hurricanes past, trees will fall, hillsides will come down, the coastline will be redrawn. And there will be damage, maybe even disastrous damage, to the [island]."

on Wed, 6PM

From globalvoices.org

Mongolia's new electoral system results in greater representation in the parliament

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It was the first time in the country’s history as many as five political parties won seats in the parliament.

on Wed, 2PM

From globalvoices.org

Boycotting Xinjiang cotton: What does it mean for environmental and labor justice in Central Asia?

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While international brands have stepped away from cotton produced in Xinjiang, China, due to human rights concerns, some of the alternative producers, including Uzbekistan, have their own environmental and labor rights issues.

on Wed, 12PM

From globalvoices.org

The complex role China plays in Africa's energy transition

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China's investment in the clean energy sector in East African countries has simultaneously offered thousands access to electricity, while also creating opportunities for exploitation within the market.

on Wed, 11AM

From globalvoices.org

Albanian author Ismail Kadare remembered by authors from Central and Southern Europe

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The news of Albanian writer Ismail Kadare's death on June 30 stunned global readers, who also include writers from Central Europe and the Balkans where he enjoyed a particular fame.

on Wed, 10AM

From globalvoices.org

As Jamaica braces for a direct hit, relief efforts have begun for islands shattered by Hurricane Beryl

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Weather experts may be fascinated by Beryl's exceptionality, but those who have been routinely battered fear that all the factors that make Beryl stand out may well become the norm.

on Wed, 4AM

From globalvoices.org

Nigeria-born writer and academic Funso Aiyejina, who had a lasting impact on Caribbean literature, has died

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"Tireless" in his contributions to promote Caribbean literature and himself a prizewinning writer and beloved teacher, Aiyejina trained many leading contemporary Caribbean writers.

on Wed, 1AM

From globalvoices.org

Why news about Kenya is trending in Africa

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Many African youths have used social media to commend Kenyan citizens for their courage and persistence, while encouraging other young people in their own countries to follow Kenyans' example.

on Tue, 9PM

From globalvoices.org

Drums, dance and sensuality: Afro-Panamanian bullerengue

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Bullerengue is an essential part of Darién culture and symbolizes feminine sensuality.

on Tue, 4PM

From globalvoices.org

Hurricane Beryl continues to leave its mark on the Caribbean

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The hurricane is currently moving in a west-northwesterly direction at a pace of about 32 km (20 miles) per hour.

on Tue, 1AM

From globalvoices.org

New president in Chad signals change in continuity: An interview with Clément Sianka

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In the wake of this election that marked the end of Chad’s military transition, Chadians are eager for profound change due to the country’s ongoing economic challenges.

on Mon, 5PM

From globalvoices.org

Chad: Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno succeeds father as president in election

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Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno was elected as the next President of Chad in the May 6, 2024 presidential elections. Déby succeeded his father.

on Mon, 12PM

From globalvoices.org

Ecuador revokes visa of critical Cuban–Ecuadorian journalist

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It is not the first time that the Noboa government has been criticized for alleged authoritarianism.

on Mon, 11AM

From globalvoices.org

Kyrgyzstan’s president’s niece undermines his efforts to remold national traditions

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The over-the-top engagement ceremony delivered a blow to the authorities ongoing work to remold local traditions surrounding the celebration of major life-cycle events.

on Mon, 7AM

From globalvoices.org

The China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway: Between optimism and concern

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The proposed route will further integrate Kyrgyzstan into Central Asian trade routes and potentially open new transport avenues to European and Gulf countries.

on Mon, 6AM

From globalvoices.org

La sagao de senŝirma ĉevalo iĝas simbolo de espero dum klimata katastrofo en Brazilo

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Por "gaŭĉoj", la homoj de la plej suda ŝtato de Brazilo, ĉevaloj estas parto de tradicio. Nun, ili iĝis ankaŭ simbolo de rezistemo dum la plej severa natura katastrofo de la ŝtato.

on Mon, 1AM

From globalvoices.org

Beryl, the first major storm of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season, has the Caribbean's Windward Islands in her sights

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Even as some social media users focused on “hurricane history” being made, Caribbean netizens were feeling deeply anxious.

on Sun, 8PM

From globalvoices.org

Poland plans to close the last border crossings with Belarus as migrant crisis continues

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‘Like in Finland, the talk in Poland is of instrumentalized migration driven by a hostile foreign state, not of the humanitarian needs of those on the move.’

on Sun, 11AM

From globalvoices.org

South Africans react to the new coalition government led by Cyril Ramaphosa

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“This is not a government of national unity. This is a grand coalition between the ANC and white monopoly capital.”

on Jun 30

From globalvoices.org

Nigeria battles cervical cancer as doctors raise awareness about screening and HPV vaccine

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"Everybody should get the HPV vaccine, both men and women ... It is necessary because apart from cervical cancer, the HPV vaccine prevents against penal cancer, anal cancer, throat cancer ..."

on Jun 28

From globalvoices.org

Niger: Boubacar Touré analyzes the withdrawal of US troops

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Following the withdrawal of French troops from Niger in December 2023, it’s now time for the withdrawal of US troops at the request of the military rulers.

on Jun 28

From globalvoices.org

‘The reality of women who need access to legal abortion in Brazil is one of banishment’

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A new bill aims to give harder punishment for women who seek legal and safe abortion, withdrawing rights guaranteed by the current law. In practice, it could criminalize rape victims.

on Jun 27

From globalvoices.org

Central African Republic: Renewed relations with France despite Russian military presence

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After pausing discussions following the Russian military group Wagner’s arrival in the Central African Republic in 2018, Paris and Bangui resumed talks and announced the next phase of their cooperation.

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

China’s legal warfare on Taiwan separatists: The death penalty and absentia trials

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Critics believe the guidelines will have a chilling effect and deter ordinary Taiwanese from expressing pro-independent views. Additionally, fewer Taiwanese tourists will travel to China and Hong Kong.

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

Guinea's toxic media landscape threatens press freedom

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The press has paid a heavy price for the restrictions on freedom since the 2021 coup d'état in Guinea. This environment does not support journalists in their work.

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

Australia's northern hairy-nosed wombat is back from brink of extinction

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In a magnificent moment for conservation, the first northern hairy-nosed wombats have been released to explore their new home at Powrunna State Forest near St George in south-west Queensland.

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

Turkey's forest fire season begins

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Reports of the fire indicate it was stubble burning incident that started the fire, quickly spreading due to high temperatures and strong winds.

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

A message from a Jamaica-born Briton on Windrush Day

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As victims still wait for adequate compensation, the ongoing fiasco has prompted calls for a public inquiry into the UK's repatriation policy.

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

Unearthing Nepal's Past: An Interview with Journalist and Author Mohan Mainali

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Global Voices interviewed journalist and writer Mohan Mainali to explore the importance of historical context in shaping Nepal’s future and inspire a deeper appreciation for the nation’s rich heritage.

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

The story of a Nigerian lesbian: From holy celibacy to secret marriage

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“I realised that I was gay after I had decided to live a life of celibacy at 17 because of my newfound understanding of God’s love ..."

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

Tensions at Colombia’s largest gold mine highlight climate justice quagmire

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The Colombian government is simultaneously facing a lawsuit by a Chinese mining company, protests by local miners, and calls for action by communities caught in the middle.

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

Trump and Biden are eyeing the Latino vote

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For the first time in nearly 250 years of history, Latinos may be key to electing the next president.

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

How data shapes political narratives amid the 2024 super-elections

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"The age of data might seem like a modern concept, but the notion of using information for political advantage has a long history."

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

How the Moldovan opposition is searching for a unifying presidential candidate

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Experts don't believe opposition parties will be able to propose a common idea beyond the idea of ‘ousting the current President.’

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

What did Claudia Sheinbaum do to become the new president of Mexico?

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Yes, Claudia Sheinbaum followed the general policy of AMLO, but in a more refined manner.

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

Women leaders remain scarce in Thai local politics. What can be done?

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"Women leaders in local politics have been working relentlessly to combat gender stereotypes, to improve the people’s standard of living, and to become living examples for future generations."

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

How will China balance Russian and European relations after the Swiss Peace Summit?

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China called for an alternative peace talk after the Swiss Summit, but Russia and Ukraine do not have any common ground for the meetup.

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

Where are the women from peripheral areas in Brazilian politics?

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In 2020, 22 cities in Greater São Paulo elected no women councillors or had only one seat occupied by a woman. How does this impact policies and the 2024 elections?

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

Mauritania: First round of presidential elections on June 29, 2024

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Seven candidates will compete in Mauritania’s first round of presidential elections on June 29, 2024. These include Mohamed Ould Ghazouani, the country’s president since August 2019.

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

Implications of the EU Digital Services Act on critical voices in Serbia: Challenges for civil society organizations and investigative journalists

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Europe’s Digital Services Act (DSA) will have a significant impact on the digital environment, both within the European Union and beyond.

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

Polish-Taiwanese cultural bridges: An interview with translator Wei-Yun Lin-Górecka

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Taiwan and Poland are distant geographically and culturally, yet share a long history of bilateral relations, as Lin Wei-Yun Górecka, a Taiwan based translator and researcher explains to Global Voices.

on Jun 26

From globalvoices.org

The ingenious ‘network tree’ defying Gaza's connectivity blockade

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An interview with renowned Italian film director Manolo Luppichini highlights grassroots efforts in Gaza to counter communication blockades using simple technologies like ”Web Trees,“ addressing global double standards and resistance of cultural genocide.

on Jun 25

From globalvoices.org

The troubling connections between ‘politically exposed persons’ and Chinese companies within Ghana's fisheries sector

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Documents from 25 fishing companies authorized to operate in Ghana over the last five years revealed that not a single director or shareholder had disclosed their 'politically exposed person' status.

on Jun 25