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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From thenation.com

Why Aren’t We Talking About Trump’s Fascism?

6 8

Joe Biden has created a distraction from the existential question that should define this election.

#fascism #Politics #newsmedia

on Fri, 4PM

From thenation.com

How Pinochet’s Chile Became a Laboratory for Neoliberalism

2 2

A new book examines how a group of University of Chicago–trained economists sought to remake the Chilean economy in the aftermath of 1973.

#SouthAmerica #latinamerica #southernhemisphere #chile #recap #chicagoboys #univchicago #neoliberalism #nationmagazine #allendepinochet

on Nov 14

From thenation.com

Biden Did Not Save His Presidency on ABC

2 2

An uneven interview with George Stephanapoulos was too little, too late—and maybe a bit too churlish.

#vsn #News #leftistnews

7h ago

From thenation.com

An Experiment in Tribally Owned Internet

1 1

On reservations across the country, tribes are using federal grants to create their own Internet providers. But it takes more than money to get a community online.

#native #infrastructure

22h ago

From thenation.com

We Just Witnessed the Biggest Supreme Court Power Grab Since 1803

1 12

The court has given itself nearly unlimited power over the administrative state, putting everything from environmental protections to workers’ rights at risk.

on Jun 29

From thenation.com

Masks Are a Symbol of Solidarity. Don’t Let Democrats Take Them Away.

1 2

Mask bans are ostensibly about public safety. The result would be disastrous for public health—but it goes beyond that, too.

on Jun 28

(Showing 8 out of 8.)