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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From visualmodo.com

How To Create a Content Strategy (Best Marketing Tactics)

1 1

A guide to lean how to create a content strategy with best & modern marketing tactics that guarantees right message reaches right audience

#create #content #tactics #strategy #marketing

17h ago


From stackdiary.com

Bing to webmasters: no prompt injections or face consequences

1 2

In a recent update to its Webmaster Guidelines, Microsoft's search engine Bing has taken a stand against a growing concern in the AI space: prompt

#AI #bing #webdev #aimodel #backend #content #business #microsoft #guidelines #development

7h ago


From engadget.com

New YouTube policy lets you request the removal of AI-generated content that uses your likeness

5 5

YouTube quietly added a new policy last month that lets you request the removal of AI-generated content featuring your likeness. The new privacy violation allows you to flag videos that “used AI to alter or create synthetic content that looks or sounds like you.”

#AI #tech #press #policy #YouTube #content

16h ago


From trendingtech.news

Hoe de amerikaanse hooggerechtshof de socialemediawetten van texas en

1 1

Het Amerikaanse Hooggerechtshof heeft een aanzienlijke beslissing genomen over de socialemediaregulatie wetten van Texas en Florida, een beweging die diepgaand

#News #texas #eerste #nieuws #content #trending #netchoice #hooggerechtshof

21h ago

Showing first 6 out of 6