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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From wheresyoured.at

The Subprime AI Crisis

3 88

None of what I write in this newsletter is about sowing doubt or "hating," but a sober evaluation of where we are today and where we may end up on the current path. I believe that the artificial intelligence boom — which would be better described as a generative AI boom


on Tue, 12AM


From bbc.com

The Bitcoin bros who want to crowdfund a new country

4 36

How a group of Silicon Valley tech entrepreneurs plan to create "the network state."

#balaji #horowitz #andreessen #cryptobros #srinivasan #dystopianheadlinegenerator

on Fri, 4AM


From theregister.com

Chinese boffins claim Starlink signals can defeat stealth

1 6

If this really was that useful, they wouldn't be telling us


on Wed, 1PM


From jamanetwork.com

Microplastics in the Olfactory Bulb of the Human Brain

1 16

This case series investigates microplastics in the olfactory bulbs of deceased individuals and examines their size, morphology, color, and polymeric composition.


on Tue, 8PM


From honest-broker.com

Are We Now Living in a Parasite Culture?

2 6

In the new consumer economy, you get consumed


on Tue, 11PM


From theregister.com

Open source maintainers underpaid and going gray

1 20

AI-coded contributions? Most would rather skip the bot's work


on Thu, 9AM


From theverge.com

YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads

1 23

“We’ve since widely rolled out Pause ads to all advertisers.”


on Wed, 11PM


From theregister.com

Second-gen Starlink sats leak even more EM radiation

2 16

V2 sats beam 10M times brighter noise, hampering telescopes


on Fri, 12PM


From therecord.media

Federal civil rights watchdog sounds alarm over DOJ, DHS and HUD use of facial recognition technology

2 10

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (UCCR) on Thursday released a report which asserts that three federal agencies’ use of facial recognition technology (FRT) is deeply concerning, not sufficiently standardized and not transparent enough.


on Fri, 2AM


From businessinsider.com

Wait, has LinkedIn become a dating app?

1 1

People are mixing business with pleasure on the career networking site. What could possibly go wrong?


on Jan 9


From theguardian.com

Elon Musk on pace to become world’s first trillionaire by 2027, report says

1 2

In addition to world’s richest person, who has $251bn, report names others on track to receive trillionaire status


on Sep 10


From gizmodo.com

Microsoft Deal Will Bring Nuclear Power Back to Three Mile Island

1 4

As AI ramps up carbon emissions, Microsoft is going nuclear.


on Fri, 6PM


From eff.org

Senate Vote Tomorrow Could Give Helping Hand To Patent Trolls

1 18

A patent on crowdfunding. A patent on tracking packages. A patent on photo contests. A patent on watching an ad online. A patent on computer bingo. A patent on upselling. These are just a few of the patents used to harass software developers and small companies in recent years. Thankfully, they...


on Wed, 9PM


From umn.edu

H5N1 avian flu virus detected in wastewater from 10 Texas cities

1 6

Before March 2024, H5N1 had not been detected in 1,337 wastewater samples analyzed by the team.


on Fri, 1AM


From justice.gov

Twelve Defendants Sentenced for Violent Home Invasion Robberies to Steal Cryptocurrency

1 4

A Florida man was sentenced to 47 years in prison on Wednesday for his role in a scheme involving a series of home invasion robberies targeting cryptocurrency. Between Sept. 5 and Sept. 12, a total of 12 men have been sentenced for their role in the scheme.


on Sep 14


From iflscience.com

Dropped Cheetos Could Have Triggered Ecosystem Chaos In Largest US Cave Chamber

1 1

"A spilled snack bag may seem trivial, but to the life of the cave it can be world-changing," said the National Park Service.


on Sep 10


From theguardian.com

Minister for police’s purse stolen – at policing conference

1 1

Diana Johnson was giving speech in which she said UK was in grip of ‘epidemic of antisocial behaviour, theft and shoplifting’


on Sep 12


From theguardian.com

Granddaughter of Mussolini to leave Brothers of Italy as it is ‘too rightwing’

1 1

Rachele Mussolini, a city councillor in Rome, will join Forza Italia, a more liberal party in Meloni’s ruling coalition


on Sep 12

Showing first 20 out of 20