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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From korben.info

Crack massif du système de licence Microsoft Windows et Office

1 2

Pour ceux qui suivent mes aventures sur Patreon, vous vous souvenez peut-être que j’avais déjà évoqué MassGrave il y a plus d’un an. Eh bien, …

#office #infosec #windows #msoffice #massgrave #microsoft #windowshacks #windowslicense #microsoftlicensing

on Sat, 10PM


From helpnetsecurity.com

Phishers send corrupted documents to bypass email security - Help Net Security

2 2

Malware peddlers have come up with a new trick for bypassing email security systems: corrupted MS Office documents.

#any #don #News #infosec #ceptbiro #hotstuff #msoffice #phishers #phishing #security

18h ago

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