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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From sandspice.com

Gdansk Poland Activities 🇵🇱 What to see & do in 3 days

2 2

Apart from a picturesque old town & excellent eating venues, enjoy top-class interactive museums & Virtual Reality insanity.

#gdansk #poland #Museums #activities

2h ago


From frontstory.pl

Futro od Putina. Brat Szczepana Wójcika kontrolował fermę norek w Rosji - FRONTSTORY.PL

2 2

Szczepan Wójcik organizuje głośne, antyunijne demonstracje. W tym czasie jego brat Wojciech kontroluje hodowlę norek w Rosji

#farmer #Germany #netherlands #agricultural #Russia #poland #ukraine

3h ago


From emsc.eu


1 1

A unique earthquake detection system: a blend of collaborative work from eyewitnesses and of data collection from seismic institutes. You felt an earthquake and want to add or see testimonies on a specific seismic event? Do you want to know if there are any earthquakes near you, or see the...

#glogow #poland #wstrzas #earthquake

11h ago


From byteseu.com

Warsaw moment

1 1

Warsaw momenthttps://i.redd.it/xuib12xlebad1.jpegPosted by rafioo

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

22h ago


From byteseu.com

0.5 per mille and loss of car. Ministry tightens regulations for drunk drivers

1 1

0.5 per mille and loss of car. Ministry tightens regulations for drunk drivershttps://serwisy.gazetaprawna.pl/orzeczenia/artykuly/9537015,05-promila-i-utrata-samochodu-ministerstwo-zaostrza-przepisy-dla-pij.htmlPosted by starnak

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

21h ago


From byteseu.com

So what's the matter, keep pouring?

1 1

So what's the matter, keep pouring?https://v.redd.it/rxs5r02kwbad1Posted by Efficient_atom

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

20h ago


From byteseu.com

singing owl wants to kill me

1 1

My daughter listens to these little songs. In one of them, an owl sings in the forest. I know that this musical motif comes from somewhere, but I don't know where. Every time this song comes on, it tears part of my brain away. Please, does anyone know where this music originally comes...

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

19h ago


From byteseu.com

Polish rocket reaches space! A historic day

1 1

Polish rocket reaches space! A historic dayhttps://space24.pl/pojazdy-kosmiczne/systemy-nosne/polska-rakieta-siegnela-kosmosu-historyczny-dzienPosted by starnak

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

17h ago


From byteseu.com

Mushrooms: is it parasol mushroom?

1 1

Hello everyone. I've never picked it myself but my wife was taught by her family and she says that's it. I'm terrified by the idea that it's actually a poisonous mushroom 🙈 will you help? 😊https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1duj61wPosted by J3J3_5

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

14h ago


From byteseu.com

Last moment of respite from the heat. Thunderstorms possible again

1 1

Last moment of respite from the heat. Thunderstorms possible again https://www.tvp.info/79117949/prognoza-pogody-na-czwartek-4-lipca-imgw-deszcz-burze-jaka-temperaturaPosted by BubsyFanboy

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

8h ago


From byteseu.com

Visa system audit. Student visa as a ticket to Europe

1 1

Visa system audit. Student visa as a ticket to Europehttps://edukacja.rp.pl/uczelnie-wyzsze/art40759561-studencka-afera-wizowa-jak-rekrutacja-na-studia-w-polsce-stala-sie-przepustka-do-europyPosted by xsmj

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

6h ago


From byteseu.com

Play is making me pay PLN 260 for 7 MB of internet (PLN 37,000 for 1 GB)

1 1

I didn't even cross the border, I was just in Bieszczady, but Play already served me foreign internet :|The matter is being investigated. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dv2iosPosted by ismybeardright

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

5h ago


From byteseu.com

The Left Wants Health Tax. Health Minister: Would Like to Return to the Polish People's Republic

1 1

The Left Wants Health Tax. Health Minister: Would Like to Return to the Polish People's Republichttps://www.money.pl/podatki/lewica-chce-podatku-zdrowotnego-minister-zdrowia-chcialaby-wrocic-do-prl-7045418475010720a.htmlPosted by Megamind_43

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

4h ago


From byteseu.com

Biedronka charged me 800 PLN for a leek.

1 1

Of course, the manager came right away, clicked something and it got filled up normally, but this is the third time something like this has happened to me in Biedronka. Now I can easily figure it out, but the last time my mom was shopping, she noticed that her avocado for 70 PLN had been filled...

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

3h ago


From byteseu.com

Fur from Putin. Szczepan Wójcik's brother controlled a mink farm in Russia

1 1

Fur from Putin. Szczepan Wójcik's brother controlled a mink farm in Russiahttps://frontstory.pl/futro-norki-ferma-rosja-brat-wojciech-szczepan-wojcik-krolewiec-kaliningrad/Posted by grot_13

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

2h ago


From byteseu.com

The Polish Senate retweets an interesting response

1 1

The Polish Senate retweets an interesting responsehttps://i.redd.it/g7q4d6id8iad1.pngPosted by itsbudyn

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

1h ago


From kyivindependent.com

Ukraine should be allowed to strike ‘valid military targets’ in Russia, US House Intelligence Committee chair says

1 8

Ukraine should be allowed to strike "valid military targets" in Russia, Mike Turner, chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and a Republican congressman from Ohio, said in Kyiv on July 1.

#eu #g7 #uk #USA #nato #Biden #Italy #Japan #czech #spain

on Mon, 5PM


From therecord.media

Polish Parliament strips official of immunity, clearing path for prosecution in spyware scandal

1 8

The Polish parliament on Friday voted to lift an opposition leader’s legal immunity in order to prosecute him for the part he allegedly played in buying powerful commercial spyware when he was a leader in the former ruling majority.

#poland #trumpy #Pegasus #spyware #michalwos

on Fri, 5PM


From viabaltica.fi

Lithuania: Poland proposes joint purchase of air defence systems | Via Baltica

1 1

Lithuania will acquire Polish-made Piorun air defence systems, Defence Minister Laurynas Kasciunas announced, BNS reports. Polish Defence Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz proposed that Lithuania procure the new systems jointly with Poland. Kasciunas said that Lithuania was "very pleased" with...

#piorun #poland #lithuania

8h ago

Showing first 20 out of 26