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From byteseu.com

They cheated me on onions

1 1

Due to lack of time to make dinner I quickly bought a casserole at Biedronka today. I don't mind the lack of onion, but I'm amused that there's almost none. There are literally 3 stripes on the entire casserole and according to the ingredients it's 7% https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dx0f97Posted...

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

2h ago

From byteseu.com

Morawiecki listens to who??

1 1

Morawiecki listens to who??https://i.redd.it/4098w1fa6yad1.jpegPosted by Veyo___

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

8h ago

From byteseu.com

What is this?

1 1

Hey, does anyone know what this is?https://i.redd.it/oqpynx0toxad1.jpegPosted by beatz721

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

10h ago

From byteseu.com

Polish saturday evening at home

1 1

Pickled cucumbers made by grandma 😄🙏🏻„Bring more ogórki!.. Just take the whole jar!”The jar:https://i.redd.it/lpez7lcdbyad1.jpegPosted by youradhdborderlineex

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

12h ago

From byteseu.com

Will the last glassworks in the Lublin region go bankrupt? They pay PLN 11 million for gas

1 1

Will the last glassworks in the Lublin region go bankrupt? They pay PLN 11 million for gashttps://www.dlahandlu.pl/detal-hurt/wiadomosci/ostatnia-huta-szkla-z-lubelszczyzny-upadnie-to-dostawca-producentow-alkoholi,148192.htmlPosted by starnak

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

12h ago

From byteseu.com

Does anyone know anything about this project?

1 1

Maybe it's already been said, but please someone explain to me why it has such strange reviews on Google xDhttps://i.redd.it/8akglm3ugxad1.jpegPosted by Tall_Ebb2172

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

14h ago

From byteseu.com

/Caution politicians/ This man is mentally ill xD He's as detached as flat-earthers.

1 1

/Caution politicians/ This man is mentally ill xD He's as detached as flat-earthers.https://v.redd.it/cor3pq6b3xad1Posted by Goju98

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

15h ago

From byteseu.com

The most libertarian leftist party

1 1

The most libertarian leftist partyhttps://i.redd.it/3gdem02zgvad1.jpegPosted by wokolis

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

17h ago

From byteseu.com

The government plans to introduce regulations legalizing corporations that rent apartments

1 1

The government plans to introduce regulations legalizing corporations that rent apartmentshttps://www.bankier.pl/wiadomosc/Trwaja-prace-nad-wprowadzeniem-przepisow-o-REIT-ach-Korponajem-wygryzie-konkurencje-8777023.htmlPosted by exus1pl

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

19h ago

From youtube.com

Poland versus Russia - Economic Life Compared

1 1

I compare the real economic life of the average person in Poland to that of Russia. What is it really like? I base my comparison largely on Numbeo data and m...

#Russia #poland

19h ago

From byteseu.com

Żabka stores in Poland in 1922

1 1

Żabka stores in Poland in 1922https://i.redd.it/6upswlmbsuad1.jpegPosted by Robi7454

#poland #polska #republicofpoland #rzeczpospolitapolska

23h ago