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Correlated tags: #SlovakRepublic #slovenskarepublika #slovensko


From etnofilm.sk

Home - Etnofilm

1 1

Etnofilm - medzinárodné bienále festivalu dokumentárnych filmov a videofilmov.

#nitra #zilina #hopalide #slovakia #bratislava #banskabystrica #ethnographicfilm #visualanthropology #visualethnomusicology

22h ago


From byteseu.com

The premiere of 'Ships to the unknown' by Tublatanka

1 1

The premiere of 'Ships to the unknown' by Tublatankahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOfkMydyrb0&ab_channel=RAZAArchivePosted by Ashamed_Respond_9604

#slovakia #slovensko #SlovakRepublic #slovenskarepublika

20h ago


From byteseu.com

The statue was created in 1997 by Viktor Hulik in Bratislava to commemorate a sanitation worker who was promised coffee by a girl. He waited for her every day, at the same time and place. Today, it serves as a reminder to respect the nature of his work and the sacrifices made to keep the city clean.

1 1

The statue was created in 1997 by Viktor Hulik in Bratislava to commemorate a sanitation worker who was promised coffee by a girl. He waited for her every day, at the same time and place. Today, it serves as a reminder to respect the nature of his work and the sacrifices made to keep the city...

#slovakia #slovensko #SlovakRepublic #slovenskarepublika

19h ago


From byteseu.com

Um, what? :D

1 1

Um, what? :Dhttps://i.redd.it/e10195gp1rsd1.pngPosted by Dante_Unchained

#slovakia #slovensko #SlovakRepublic #slovenskarepublika

13h ago


From byteseu.com

Rant on the brash Bratislava dog lovers, because I don't know what to do anymore (TLDR)

1 1

First of all, let me add that I myself am a long-time dog lover, so this is not a rant about dogs per se, but rather about their owners. Since I'm a dog owner, I hate other dog owners. Many of them are completely rubber-stamped individuals who don't even care about other dogs, let alone people....

#slovakia #slovensko #SlovakRepublic #slovenskarepublika

11h ago


From byteseu.com

The journalist disassembled the fool like a lego

1 1

The journalist disassembled the fool like a legohttps://v.redd.it/jl8qwnokwrsd1Posted by Desperate_Green6838

#slovakia #slovensko #SlovakRepublic #slovenskarepublika

10h ago


From byteseu.com


1 1

Tradehttps://i.redd.it/gsuhgkzv3ssd1.jpegPosted by pwninyourface

#slovakia #slovensko #SlovakRepublic #slovenskarepublika

9h ago


From byteseu.com

Verses on the new pass

1 1

Source: Hard week https://i.redd.it/ruzboqpdnssd1.jpegPosted by Unlikely-Worth-7248

#slovakia #slovensko #SlovakRepublic #slovenskarepublika

8h ago

Showing first 20 out of 22