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From kyivindependent.com

97% of Russian missiles, drones, bombs hit civilian infrastructure, diplomat says

9 9

Only 3% of Russian missiles, drones, and guided bombs hit military targets in Ukraine, while 97% have struck civilian infrastructure, Danylo Kubai, Ukraine's envoy to international organizations in Vienna, said on July 3, according to Ukrinform.

#eu #uk #USA #coe #icc #icj #PACE #echr #hague #kubai

7h ago

From youtube.com


9 11

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on how right-wing Supreme Court Justices committed perjury at their confirmation hearing in connection with issues such...

#USA #gop #News #lies #Biden #Trump #putsch #verdict #benmeiselas #meidastouch

8h ago

From kyivindependent.com

Ukraine withdraws from eastern Chasiv Yar neighborhood, military says

8 8

The decision was made because defensive positions in the area were destroyed, and commanders agreed to withdraw to better-protected positions, said Nazar Voloshyn, the spokesperson for the Khortytsia group of forces

#eu #USA #nato #press #Russia #russianwar #unitedstates #EuropeanUnion #russianinvasion #1936europein2024

7h ago

From defense.gov

Biden Administration Announces Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine

8 8

The Defense Department announced additional security assistance to meet Ukraine's critical security and defense needs.

#USA #ukraine

20h ago

From kyivindependent.com

Russia claims strike on Ukrainian Air Force base in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Kyiv hasn't confirmed

6 6

The Russian military destroyed a Ukrainian Mig-29 fighter jet that was stationed on the Dovhyntseve airfield in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Russia's Defense Ministry claimed on July 4.

#USA #nato #press #Germany #romania #russianwar #unitedstates #russianinvasion #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar

3h ago

From kyivindependent.com

14 brigades underarmed, aid arriving too slowly, Zelensky comments on battlefield situation

6 6

Ukraine is grateful to Western partners for their support, but the pledged assistance is arriving too slowly, complicating the situation on the front lines, President Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview with Bloomberg published on July 4.

#eu #uk #USA #nato #press #Mastodon #russianwar #unitedstates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom

3h ago

From substack.com

July 2, 2024

6 18

On July 2, 1776, the Second Continental Congress passed a “Resolution for Independence” declaring “That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between...

#TFG #USA #law #july4th #heathercoxrichardson

14h ago

From kyivindependent.com

US announces new defense aid package for Ukraine worth $150 million

6 6

The package includes missiles for air defense systems, ammunition for high mobility artillery rocket systems (HIMARS), artillery rounds, and other critical capabilities drawn from U.S. stocks, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said.

#us #USA #press #Russia #himars #russianwar #unitedstates #russianinvasion #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar

20h ago

From apnews.com

FACT FOCUS: Trump wasn’t exonerated by the presidential immunity ruling, even though he says he was

5 5

Former President Donald Trump is turning to his social media platform to declare “total exoneration” after the Supreme Court ruled presidents have broad immunity when it comes to their actions while in office.

#USA #News #lies #maga #Biden #Honor #Trump #USpol #women #scotus

4h ago

From n-tv.de

"Die Kühe haben absurd hohe Viruslasten in der Milch"

5 5

Das Vogelgrippe-Virus H5N1 breitet sich in den USA unter Kühen aus. "Es ist bedenklich, was sich da zusammenbraut", sagt Virologin Isabella Eckerle im ntv.de Interview. Akute Gefahr sieht sie zwar bisher nicht. Ohne Gegenmaßnahmen könnte die Lage jedoch außer Kontrolle geraten.

#USA #h5n1 #viren #bildung #pandemie #Pandemien #rindergrippe #infektionskrankheiten #gesundheit #vogelgrippe

9h ago

From tagesschau.de

Gouverneure unterstützen Biden: "Der Präsident ist unser Kandidat"

5 5

Mehrere Gouverneure der US-Demokraten haben ihrem Präsidenten nach dem misslungenen TV-Auftritt den Rücken gestärkt. Auch Biden selbst soll sich sehr entschlossen zeigen. Parteikollegen denken derweil über alternative Kandidaten nach.

#Trump #prasidentschaftswahl #USA #Biden

9h ago

From apnews.com

A conservative leading the pro-Trump Project 2025 suggests there will be a new American Revolution

5 5

The leader of a conservative think tank planning for a massive overhaul of the federal government says we are in the midst of “a second American Revolution” that will be bloodless “if the left allows it to be.”

#USA #gop #Vote #koch #Trump #USpol #scotus #fascism #charleskoch #billionaires

20h ago

From apple.com

‎The Politicrat: Democratic Math: The Vision, Not Division (Postscript: President Biden Fights On To November) on Apple Podcasts

4 4

‎Show The Politicrat, Ep Democratic Math: The Vision, Not Division (Postscript: President Biden Fights On To November) - Jul 3, 2024

#Vote #voting #audible #history #Politics #VoteBlue #biden2024 #bidenharris2024 #USA #podcast

2h ago

From n-tv.de

USA melden vierten Vogelgrippe-Fall bei Menschen

4 4

Fachleute weltweit sind alarmiert: Bereits zum vierten Mal infiziert sich in den USA ein Mensch mit der Vogelgrippe. Nach Texas und Michigan ist nun eine Milchviehfarm in Colorado der Ursprung der Ansteckung. Die Gesundheitsbehörde arbeitet an einer Risikobewertung.

#h5n1 #zoonose #gesundheit #international #christiandrosten #USA #vogelgrippe

15h ago

From votefromabroad.org

Vote From Abroad

4 11

Absentee ballots for US Citizens abroad

#az #us #USA #law #King #Schiff #maddow #america #arizona #july4th

on Sat, 9AM

From kitty.social


4 7

A general instance for cats, cool cats, loud cats, sad cats, any other kind of cat, and everyone else too!

#truth #honesty #fourthofjuly #unitedstatesofamerica #Election #USA #america #unitedstates

on Jun 25

From election-politique.com

Accueil - Election Politique Citoyen

4 36

election france monde popularites referendum presidentielle legislatives senatoriales européennes

#rn #USA #ensemble #sierraleone #elections2024 #robertkennedy #juliusmaadabio #priscathevenot #presidentielle2024 #nouveaufrontpopulaire

on Nov 30

From washingtonpost.com

Opinion | Above the law

3 3

Ann Telnaes cartoon on the Supreme Court decision on Trump’s immunity.

#USA #Trump #scotus #cartoon #Politics #uspolitics #abovethelaw #editorialcartoon

1h ago

From youtube.com

‘What To The Slave Is The Fourth Of July?’: Descendants Read Frederick Douglass' Speech | NPR

3 3

In the summer of 2020, the U.S. commemorated Independence Day amid nationwide protests for racial justice and systemic reforms in the wake of George Floyd’s ...

#USA #npr #history #slavery #liberation #fourthofjuly #unitedstates #independenceday #frederickdouglass

1h ago

From ukrinform.net

Zelensky: 14 brigades of AFU are not equipped due to delay in arms supplies

3 3

Due to the delay in the supply of Western weapons, 14 brigades in Ukraine remain understaffed. — Ukrinform.

#g7 #News #Italy #Japan #czech #press #spain #Canada #Europe #Latvia

2h ago

From kyivindependent.com

Zelensky expresses gratitude to US for new military aid package

3 3

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked U.S. President Joe Biden, Congress, and American citizens on July 3 for their continued military support.

#USA #News #press #ukraine #unitedstates #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #nousrepublicans2024 #10yrinvasionofukraine #freeeufromfascistaltright

11h ago

From spiegel.de

Nächster Fall von Vogelgrippe beim Menschen in den USA

3 3

In Kuhställen in den USA grassiert die Vogelgrippe. Doch das Virus springt nicht nur von Kuh zu Kuh, sondern kann auch den Menschen befallen. Nun hat es erneut eine Mitarbeiterin eines Milchviehbetriebs getroffen.

#USA #natur #Corona #colorado #vogelgrippe

11h ago

From ukrinform.net

Zelensky thanks US for new military aid package

3 3

The President of Ukraine expressed his gratitude to American leader Joe Biden, the Congress and the people of the United States for new efforts in military support of our country. — Ukrinform.

#USA #press #russianwar #unitedstates #russianinvasion #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #nousrepublicans2024 #10yrinvasionofukraine #freeeufromfascistaltright

11h ago

From youtube.com

U.S. Congressmen in Kyiv Advocated Permission to Shoot Deeper into Russian Territory. Wrap-up

3 3

Ukraine should not fight with one hand tied behind its back, and it should be able to respond to attacks from Russia but also attack military targets. The to...

#tv #USA #Video #press #report #Mastodon #explainer #russianwar #unitedstates #1936europein2024

14h ago

From ukrinform.net

Minister Galushchenko holds meeting with U.S. Secretary of Energy

3 3

As part of his working visit to the United States, Ukrainian Energy Minister German Galushchenko met with United States Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm. — Ukrinform.

#USA #press #Mastodon #russianwar #unitedstates #russianinvasion #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #nousrepublicans2024 #10yrinvasionofukraine

15h ago

From ukrinform.net

Pentagon unveils new security assistance package for Ukraine

3 3

A new security assistance package for Ukraine will include $150 million worth of weapons and equipment within a Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA) and about $2.2 billion in Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) funds. — Ukrinform.

#USA #press #russianwar #unitedstates #russianinvasion #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #nousrepublicans2024 #10yrinvasionofukraine #freeeufromfascistaltright

18h ago

From ukrinform.net

Kuleba, Blinken discuss bolstering Ukraine's air defenses

3 3

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken have discussed the strengthening of Ukraine's air defenses and the recovery of the country's energy system. — Ukrinform.

#USA #press #Mastodon #russianwar #unitedstates #russianinvasion #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #nousrepublicans2024 #10yrinvasionofukraine

19h ago

From ukrinform.net

U.S. announces new security assistance package for Ukraine

3 3

The U.S. government has announced a significant new security assistance package for Ukraine, which includes ammunition for HIMARS systems, interceptors for air defense systems, artillery rounds and other weapons. — Ukrinform.

#USA #nato #press #russianwar #unitedstates #russianinvasion #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #nousrepublicans2024 #10yrinvasionofukraine

20h ago

From ukrinform.net

Russia's strike on Dnipro: five dead, number of injured rises to 53

3 3

The number of victims of Russia's combined morning attack on the Dnipro River has increased to 53. — Ukrinform.

#eu #USA #icc #icj #News #nato #hague #press #ukraine #Mastodon

20h ago

From theverge.com

Xbox Live is down

3 10

There’s this place called “outside” that runs at 4K60.

#USA #News #Canada #Technology

on Tue, 9PM

From kitty.social


3 8

A general instance for cats, cool cats, loud cats, sad cats, any other kind of cat, and everyone else too!

#fourthofjuly #unitedstatesofamerica #Election #USA #america #unitedstates

on Jun 26

From seerofsouls.com

Happy 4th Of July To Those That Celebrate - SeerOfSouls

2 2

July 4th (also known as Independence Day) is an annual American holiday that falls on, you guessed it, the 4th of July. While you’re thinking of fun 4th of July ideas for this year’s celebration (like planning a trip to see the best fireworks, shopping great sales or sharing meaningful quotes on...

#USA #blog #tech #author #writer #blogger #holiday #july4th #blogging #4thofjuly

3h ago

From ukrinform.net

NATO summit to unveil concrete steps for Ukraine's membership - senior U.S. official

2 2

NATO will roll out "concrete ways" to accelerate Ukraine's eventual membership in the Atlantic alliance during a summit next week in Washington. — Ukrinform.

#USA #News #nato #press #ukraine #Mastodon #unitedstates #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #nousrepublicans2024

7h ago

From tagesspiegel.de

Nach Kontakt mit Milchkühen: Vierter Fall von Vogelgrippe beim Menschen in den USA

2 2

Eine Frau, die in einem Milchviehbetrieb in Colorado arbeitete, ist an Vogelgrippe erkrankt. Sie soll nur leichte Symptome aufweisen.

#USA #vegan #colorado #milchkuh #milchvieh #hafermilch #vogelgrippe #tagesspiegel #bovineseutersekret

7h ago

From nytimes.com

Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Gaza

2 6

Israel’s military leadership wants a cease-fire with Hamas in case a bigger war breaks out in Lebanon, security officials say. It has also concluded that a truce would be the swiftest way to free hostages.

#USA #war #gaza #truce #Israel #lebanon #military #palestine

9h ago

From spiegel.de

(S+) Wie in den USA Obdachlosigkeit kriminalisiert wird

2 2

Behörden in den USA dürfen Obdachlose fürs Übernachten im Freien bestrafen. Diese Regel hat das Oberste Gericht der USA bestätigt. Die Entscheidung könnte weitreichende Folgen für das Land haben.

#USA #JoeBiden #DonaldTrump #SupremeCourt #obdachlosigkeit

10h ago

From tagesschau.de

Warum die USA im Wettrennen um die beste KI (noch) vorne liegen

2 2

In Shanghai startet heute Chinas größte Konferenz für Künstliche Intelligenz. Das Land will aufholen, denn noch haben die USA bei der Technologie die Nase vorne. Warum das so ist - und sich doch ändern könnte, analysiert Nils Dampz.

#ki #USA #China

15h ago

From seattletimes.com

Here’s how Harris could take over Biden’s campaign cash if he drops out and she runs for president

2 2

Vice President Kamala Harris has been one of President Joe Biden’s staunchest defenders following his shaky performance in last week’s debate, but she’s also emerged as a potential option to lead the party herself if Biden opted not to continue...

#USA #press #Election #candidacy #politicalParty

18h ago

From pravda.com.ua

Pentagon to procure US$2.2bn worth of Patriot and NASAMS interceptors for Ukraine

2 2

The US Department of Defense has announced the procurement of interceptors for the Patriot and NASAMS air defence systems worth US$2.2 billion.

#USA #News #press #ukraine #Mastodon #unitedstates #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #nousrepublicans2024 #10yrinvasionofukraine

18h ago

From 9to5mac.com

Millions of iOS apps were exposed to CocoaPods security breach

2 7

Millions of iOS and macOS apps have been exposed to a security breach that could be used for potential supply-chain...

#USA #iOS #apps #tech #breach #infosec #security #cocoapods #Technology

on Wed, 1AM

From inquirer.com

To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Board

2 123

Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.

#USA #debate #President

on Sun, 12AM

From kitty.social


2 2

A general instance for cats, cool cats, loud cats, sad cats, any other kind of cat, and everyone else too!

#USA #america #Election #unitedstates

on Jun 26

From kitty.social


2 3

A general instance for cats, cool cats, loud cats, sad cats, any other kind of cat, and everyone else too!

#USA #america #Election #unitedstates

on Jun 25

From ncronline.org

The Holy See could be a bridge for UN climate negotiations

1 1

"The Holy See may have one of the smallest delegations," writes John Leo Algo, "but it has the potential to make the biggest long-term impact in future climate negotiations, given its unique context." 

#USA #art #News #tech #music #Europe #nature #climate #dignity #economy

1h ago

From flickr.com


1 1

Travel to NOLA - February 2024 - Day 7 Various pics of the day seven in New Orleans. Diverses photos prisent en Nouvel Orlean le jour sept.

#USA #Travel #street #candide #holiday #louisiana #neworleans #photoderue #photography #unitedstates

1h ago

From byteseu.com

The Supreme Court Has Murdered the Constitution

1 1

The Supreme Court Has Murdered the Constitutionhttps://prospect.org/justice/2024-07-04-supreme-court-roberts-murdered-constitution/

#us #USA #america #Politics #uspolitics #usapolitics #unitedstates #unitedstatesofamerica

1h ago

From aerotelegraph.com

Pan Am kehrt für zwölf Tage zurück - aeroTELEGRAPH

1 1

Im kommenden Sommer soll Pan Am nochmal abheben. Ein Reisebüro in den USA bietet eine exklsuive Rundreise zu den wichtigsten Flughäfen der ikonischen Airline an. 

#USA #panam #airlines #Aerotelegraph #newpacificairlines

2h ago