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From byteseu.com

Finnish painter from the 60s

1 1

Finnish painter from the 60shttps://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dwxxuzPosted by Hot-Maize-6005

#suomi #finland #suomentasavalta #republicoffinland #republikenfinland

2h ago

From byteseu.com

Any tips to get of this ant nest?

1 1

These ants are tormenting my kids on a path to our Mikko, anybyips on how we can get rid of them?https://i.redd.it/o4v9oumiuxad1.jpegPosted by Anfarq

#suomi #finland #suomentasavalta #republicoffinland #republikenfinland

4h ago

From byteseu.com

How to find an apartment, not room

1 1

I am using oikotie.fi to find a cheap apartment, but it shows rooms with shared facilities in addition to apartments. How do I find an apartment excluding just rooms on oikotie or some other service?https://old.reddit.com/r/Finland/comments/1dwtyxt/how_to_find_an_apartment_not_room/Posted by Luciano77

#suomi #finland #suomentasavalta #republicoffinland #republikenfinland

5h ago

From byteseu.com

Hosting a party in Finland

1 1

I am not that familiar of Finnish customs or anticipations towards hosting a party. I have invited roughly 30 people to my place, age around 30-50, ~50/50 male/female, more of a sophisticated type of group that are not all familiar together. I have realized that Finns are somewhat heavy...

#suomi #finland #suomentasavalta #republicoffinland #republikenfinland

7h ago

From yle.fi

FMI warns of strong winds, severe thunderstorm for Finland

1 1

A low pressure front will bring heavy rain showers, strong winds and a severe thunderstorm on Sunday.

#fmi #finland #strongwinds #thunderstorm #severeweather

8h ago

From byteseu.com

In a recent article and interview, Yle explains why Finland's largest retailer urges customers to welcome foreign employees and use English in customer situations

1 1

According to S Group, Finland's biggest retailer, 'It is time (for Finnish customers) to get used to the fact that service will not always be available in Finnish. Finland cannot function without foreign workers.' In a recent article and interview, Yle explains why Finland's largest retailer...

#suomi #finland #suomentasavalta #republicoffinland #republikenfinland

9h ago

From byteseu.com

Tourism, moving and studying in Finland? Read this first!

1 1

Hi, this is recurring post to include some information about frequently asked questions in r/Finland. Please check the links first before asking trivial questions. You can ask here in comments, or create a new post. Remember that there is a very large chance that someone has already asked the...

#suomi #finland #suomentasavalta #republicoffinland #republikenfinland

11h ago

From byteseu.com

#6 Pain girl – Kalevala

1 1

Kipu-tyttö lives in Tuonela and usually sits on a rock collecting people’s pain and putting it into holes in the rock. While casting spells she often cries. She’s joined by a grebe. Birds with long necks, such as the grebe, are believed to have contact with the underworld Tuonela. They can see...

#suomi #finland #suomentasavalta #republicoffinland #republikenfinland

12h ago

From byteseu.com

Stricter residence requirement for Finnish citizenship takes effect in October

1 1

Is this going to be applied to everyone or there will be exceptions? I remember when the early news came out, there was something around if studied in Finland, worked for a specific duration, or language test, this duration is still the same as before. When to expect the full exceptions and...

#suomi #finland #suomentasavalta #republicoffinland #republikenfinland

14h ago

From byteseu.com

What happened here?

1 1

Very curious as to why this place was completely destroyed? All the glass panels and door were broken and there was a lot of graffiti around. I really got into my urban explorer mode ( it doesn’t exist, I’m scared of everything) and now I’m here to ask what happened....

#suomi #finland #suomentasavalta #republicoffinland #republikenfinland

on Fri, 11PM