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From europa.eu

Commission provides guidance under Digital Markets Act to facilitate development of innovative products on Apple's platforms

3 3

Today, the European Commission adopted two decisions under the Digital Markets Act (DMA) specifying the measures that Apple has to take to comply with certain aspects of its interoperability obligatio

#eu #ue #dma #ios #apple #choice #iphone #privacy #sicurezza #innovation

3h ago

From msicc.net

Automating Apple Builds: A Practical Guide to GitHub Secrets

3 3

In this post, I show how to set up GitHub Secrets to securely manage credentials for automated Apple builds.

#ios #cicd #build #github #iosdev #secrets #security #automation #deployment #certificates

on Tue, 5PM

From ipsw.me

Choose an IPSW for iOS 18.3.1 / IPSW Downloads

3 3

Download current and previous versions of Apple's iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS, audioOS and macOS firmware and receive notifications when new firmwares are released.


on Feb 10

From heise.de

Apple Passwords app: Problematic bug is said to have existed for months

1 1

Attackers in a “privileged network position”, i.e., on the same Wi-Fi network, could read details from Apple's Passwords app. This allowed attacks.

#it #ios #news #mobiles #phishing #security #verschlusselung #sicherheitslucken

1h ago

From igen.fr

Notifications d'iOS, alternative à AirDrop et à AirPlay : l’Europe demande à Apple de rendre iOS plus interopérable

1 1

La Commission européenne vient d’adopter deux décisions visant spécifiquement à ce qu’Apple ouvre un peu plus son écosystème aux accessoires tiers (montres, casques…). Prises dans le cadre du Digital Markets Act, celles-ci cherchent à ce qu’Apple se ...

#ios #interoperabilite

2h ago

From winbuzzer.com

Hugging Face Releases HuggingSnap iOS App for Visual Assistance With On-Device Processing - WinBuzzer

1 1

With HuggingSnap, Hugging Face has combined the smolVLM2 model and on-device AI to offer instant visual analysis and descriptions.

#ai #ios #apps #iphone #iosapps #aivision #smolvlm2 #ondeviceai #huggingface #huggingsnap

2h ago

From youtube.com

- YouTube

1 1

Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.

#ios #cswrld #intune #ipados #enrollment #accountdriven #videotutorial

2h ago

From youtube.com

- YouTube

1 1

Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.

#ios #ios18 #swift #iosdev #swiftui #swiftlang

3h ago

From heise.de

In der EU: Apple muss weitere Funktionen mit iOS 19 und iOS 20 öffnen

1 1

Die EU-Kommission diktiert jetzt haarklein, wie iOS 19 und iOS 20 mit der Hardware anderer Hersteller zusammenspielen müssen. Apple warnt vor den Auswirkungen.

#eu #it #ios #news #apple #iphone #mobiles #digitalmarketsact

3h ago

From heise.de

Apple Passwörter-App: Problematischer Bug soll Monate bestanden haben

1 1

Angreifer in "privilegierter Netzwerkposition", also etwa im gleichen WLAN, konnten Details aus Apples Passwörter-App mitlesen. Darüber waren Angriffe möglich.

#it #ios #news #mobiles #phishing #security #verschlusselung #sicherheitslucken

6h ago

From igen.fr

Apple a discrètement corrigé une faille de l’application Mots de passe en décembre 2024

1 1

« Un utilisateur occupant une position privilégiée sur le réseau pourrait être en mesure de divulguer des informations sensibles » : cette phrase ne dit rien de bon, encore moins lorsqu’elle figure dans les notes de sécurité d’iOS 18.2, surtout dans ...

#ios #apple

6h ago

From heise.de

Data protection report for Apple Intelligence is still rare

1 1

Apple wants to make it transparent to users when Apple Intelligence is switched to the cloud. But the reports are often empty.

#it #ios #news #apple #macos #mobiles #cloudcomputing #appleintelligence #kunstlicheintelligenz

6h ago

From habr.com

Выжимаем максимум из код-ревью и спасаем нервные клетки

1 1

Большинство разработчиков не любит проводить код-ревью. Все понимают, что это важно и нужно, могут с ходу назвать три-четыре причины необходимости этого процесса. Но раз за разом они всячески...

#ios #android #flutter #code_review #кодревью #ревью_кода #разработка #разработка_вебсайтов #разработка_приложений

6h ago

From cryptomator.org

Cryptomator 2.7.0 for iOS: Now with SharePoint Integration!

1 1

With Cryptomator 2.7.0 for iOS, you can now securely encrypt your files in Microsoft SharePoint and Teams with end-to-end encryption, ensuring full control over your sensitive data within Microsoft 365.

#ios #update #encryption #sharepoint #cryptomator #cybersecurity #microsoftteams #privacymatters

8h ago

From appletips.nl

Trucje om snel een pagina te verversen in Safari

1 1

Handig trucje om snel een pagina te verversen in Safari en de inhoud opnieuw te laden op je iPhone of iPad.


8h ago

From heise.de

"Privacy Report" für Apple Intelligence bleibt ohne Inhalte – doch warum?

1 1

Apple will Nutzern gegenüber transparent machen, wann für Apple Intelligence in die Cloud gewechselt wird. Doch die Berichte sind oft leer.

#it #ios #news #apple #macos #mobiles #cloudcomputing #appleintelligence #kunstlicheintelligenz

9h ago

From winfuture.de

Sicherheitslücke in Apples Passwords-App war monatelang ungepatcht

1 1

Eine Sicherheitslücke in Apples Passwort-App gefährdete iOS-Nutzer über mehrere Monate. Die Anwendung verwendete (bis iOS 18.2) unverschlüsselte HTTP-Verbindungen, wodurch Angreifer in öf­fent­li­chen Netzwerken Phishing-Attacken durchführen konnten.


9h ago

From appletips.nl

De wetenschappelijke rekenmachine gebruiken op een iPhone, iPad of Mac

1 1

De calculator applicatie voor iPhone en Mac beschikt ook over een wetenschappelijke rekenmachine, met een hoop handige berekeningen.

#ios #ios18 #sequoia

10h ago

From computerbase.de

iOS 18.3.1 wird nicht mehr signiert: Apple blockiert Downgrade von iOS 18.3.2

1 1

Apple entfernt bei iOS 18.3.2 und iPadOS 18.3.2 die Möglichkeit zum Downgrade, Version 18.3.1 wird nicht mehr signiert.

#ios #apple #ipados

12h ago

From types.pl

(mapcar #'emacsomancer objs) (@emacsomancer@types.pl)

1 1

(disappointed to see how many Apple apologists there are on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43401245 . for your own sakes: isn't it uncomfortable to have to contort yourselves so?)

#ios #grapheneos

20h ago

From appletips.nl

iOS 18.4: Weergave van albums in foto's aanpassen naar lijst, hoofdfoto en meer

1 1

Weergave van albums in foto's voor iPhoen of iPad aanpassen naar lijst, hoofdfoto en meer sorteer en filter mogelijkheden toepassen

#ios #ios18

22h ago

From github.io

Comparison of Web Browsers

1 2

Comparison of Web Browsers

#ios #tip #web #data #tech #tips #apple #linux #macos #chrome

on Sun, 12AM

From xenodium.com

Journelly open for beta

1 2

I've reignited Journelly, my note-taking/journaling project. The iOS app is coming along nicely. I've been using Journelly daily. The best I can desc...

#ios #org #vim #food #thai #emacs #music #swift #iphone #orgmode

on Fri, 7PM

From sakurajima.social

Sakurajima Social (桜島SNS)

1 1

<p>A comfy, non-toxic, and inclusive Misskey/Sharkey Server for Anime/Manga/Japanese Media fans and Anime/Japanese Media Content Creators (Bloggers/Video Creators/Podcasters/etc.). Sister instance of sakurajima.moe.</p> <p>Note: You may not use TOR and/or Temporary/Burner Email to create an...

#ios #iphone #android #nothing #samsung

on Nov 26

From sakurajima.social

Sakurajima Social (桜島SNS)

1 1

A comfy, non-toxic, and inclusive Misskey/Sharkey Server for Anime/Manga/Japanese Media fans and Anime/Japanese Media Content Creators (Bloggers/Video Creators/Podcasters/etc.). Sister instance of sakurajima.moe. Note: You may not use TOR and/or Temporary/Burner Email to create an account. (TOR...

#ios #iphone #android #nothing #samsung

on Apr 18

From sakurajima.social

Sakurajima Social (桜島SNS)

1 1

A comfy, non-toxic, and inclusive Misskey/Sharkey Server for Anime/Manga/Japanese Media fans and Anime/Japanese Media Content Creators (Bloggers/Video Creators/Podcasters/etc.). Sister instance of sakurajima.moe. Note: You may not use TOR and/or Temporary/Burner Email to create an account. (TOR...

#ios #iphone #android #nothing #samsung

on Mar 21

From sakurajima.social

Sakurajima Social (桜島SNS)

1 1

A comfy, non-toxic, and inclusive Misskey/Sharkey Server for Anime/Manga/Japanese Media fans and Anime/Japanese Media Content Creators (Bloggers/Video Creators/Podcasters/etc.). Sister instance of sakurajima.moe. Note: You may not use TOR and/or Temporary/Burner Email to create an account. (TOR...

#ios #iphone #android #nothing #samsung

on Mar 21