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Asistente de identificación de especies—paso a paso Contesta tres preguntas sencillas sobre una especie de ave que deseas identificar y Merlin te dará una lista de las aves probables. Merlin ofrece asistencia rápida para la identificación de especies, así ayuda a aprender más sobre las aves en cu
#ios #vogel #merlin #nature #android #naturschutz #vogelstimmen #appempfehlungen
on Feb 13
Apple Pro Weekly News (10.03 – 16.03.25)
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Вышли обновления ПО от Apple с важными исправлениями и свежие бета-версии для разработчиков – рассказываем, что там нового. Стартовали продажи новых Mac и iPad, а значит вышли первые обзоры и есть...
#ios #mac #ipad #siri #apple #macos #iphone #visionos #кино #слухи
13h ago
AVM startet Update für FritzApp Smart Home mit neuen Funktionen
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Nach einer kleinen Durststrecke ohne nennenswerte Neuerungen erhält die FritzApp Smart Home ein Update, das einige frische Funktionen mitbringt. Die Aktualisierung gibt es dabei sowohl für Android-Geräte als auch für Smartphones und Tablets mit iOS.
#app #avm #ios #update #android #fritzapp #smarthome
10h ago
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I don’t even like doing this, but other people do - for ✨ aesthetics ✨ I guess - kylebshr/AestheticText
13h ago
Toetsenbord tikjes activeren op een iPhone
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Vanaf iOS 16 kun je op de iPhone feedback ontvangen van de trilmotor als je het toetsenbord gebruikt. Bij iedere toets voel je een tikje.
on Apr 5
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Lost paws need found hearts. StraySync is your go-to app for locating and tracking stray animals in your area. Whether it’s a curious cat or a wandering dog, you can make a difference—one pin at a time. How It Works: Spot & Pin: See a stray? Snap a photo and drop a pin on the map with its exact lo…
#app #ios #ipad #apple #iphone #itouch #itunes #appstore #ios_apps #app_store
5h ago
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Hydra is the ultimate Reddit experience on iOS. It's fast, fluid, and designed to make browsing more seamless than ever before. If you're looking for a powerful yet beautifully simple Reddit client, Hydra is the way to go. "Hydra makes Reddit feel like a natural part of iOS. Everything just flows."…
12h ago
iOS 18.4: Achtergrondmuziek direct raadplegen vanuit het Bedieningspaneel
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Achtergrondmuziek direct raadplegen vanuit het Bedieningspaneel op iPhone of iPad en hoe de rustgevende achtergrondgeluiden werken.
11h ago
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Transform the way you manage time with Timix, the ultimate cross-Apple platforms app designed to optimize your daily routine. Whether you’re working out, studying, cooking, or meditating, Timix offers powerful and customizable features across iPhone, Apple Watch, Mac, and iPad to help you stay on tr…
12h ago
New tool to help make Apple Maps better
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Apple has released a new app for the iPhone that will soon help improve the Maps app.
#ios #news #apple #iphone #applemaps
17h ago
Apple Patches Zero-Day Flaw Used in Targeted iPhone Attacks
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Apple has released iOS 18.3.2 and iPadOS 18.3.2 to fix a zero-day vulnerability that may have been exploited in highly targeted attacks.
#ios #apple #oldnewz #zeroday #securitypatch
15h ago
Neues Tool soll helfen, Apple Maps besser zu machen
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Apple hat eine neue App für das iPhone veröffentlicht, mit der demnächst dabei geholfen werden kann, die Karten-App zu verbessern.
#ios #news #apple #iphone #applemaps
18h ago
RCS on the iPhone: Useful new features only with iOS 19
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Apple's next iPhone update in the fall should also improve communication with Android. These features could be coming.
#ios #news #apple #iphone #android #imessage #verschlusselung #instantmessaging
20h ago
RCS auf dem iPhone: Erst mit iOS 19 nützliche neue Features
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Mit Apples nächstem iPhone-Update im Herbst soll auch die Kommunikation in Richtung Android besser klappen. Diese Features könnten kommen.
#ios #news #apple #iphone #android #imessage #verschlusselung #instantmessaging
21h ago