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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From alienvault.com

LevelBlue - Open Threat Exchange

1 1

Learn about the latest cyber threats. Research, collaborate, and share threat intelligence in real time. Protect yourself and the community against today's emerging threats.

#bot #lnk #otx #asia #iran #china #korea #europe #russia #infosec

8h ago


From theregister.com

Microsoft isn't fixing 8-year-old zero day used for spying

11 13

: 'Only' a local access bug but important part of N Korea, Russia, and China attack picture

#it #0day #china #itnews #spying #exploit #russian #zeroday #security #northkorea

4h ago


From cyberinsider.com

Microsoft Declines to Fix Actively Exploited Windows Zero-Day Vulnerability

1 1

A Windows zero-day flaw is being actively exploited by state-backed hackers, yet Microsoft has opted not to release a security patch.

#newz #linux #windows #zeroday #microsoft #cybersecurity

3h ago


From thedefendopsdiaries.com

Understanding the Western Alliance Bank Data Breach: Lessons in Cybersecurity | The DefendOps Diaries

1 1

Explore the Western Alliance Bank data breach, highlighting zero-day vulnerabilities and third-party risks in cybersecurity.

#zeroday #databreach #ransomware #cybersecurity #thirdpartyrisk

21h ago

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