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From globalnews.ca

Canadian doctor will join Virgin Galactic research space crew | Globalnews.ca

10 10

Dr. Shawna Pandya, an Edmonton physician, will be flying to space as a research astronaut with Virgin Galactic on its new Delta Class of spacecraft.

#dr #tech #world #virgin #University #international #globalnews #Canada #Health #science

17h ago

From globalnews.ca

Hurricane Beryl: Mexico’s Caribbean coast braces for storm’s arrival - National | Globalnews.ca

4 4

Mexico's popular Caribbean coast prepared shelters, evacuated some small outlying coastal communities and even moved sea turtle eggs off beaches threatened by storm surge.

#where #hurricane #globalnews #hurricaneberylpath #hurricaneberylcaribbean #world #weather

3h ago

From independent.co.uk

Supreme Court set to hand down ruling on Trump’s claim of presidential immunity: Live

4 12

Former president’s battle to shield himself from criminal prosecution reaches its endgame

#us #world #americas

on Mon, 10AM

From globalnews.ca

Bird flu outbreaks expands in U.S. after 4th farm workers tests positive - National | Globalnews.ca

2 2

The worker had direct contact with infected dairy cows on a northeast Colorado farm, state and federal health officials said. The man developed pink eye, or conjunctivitis.

#world #Health #birdflu #avianflu #globalnews

2h ago

From globalnews.ca

U.K. election: Britons go to polls, with Labour Party win expected - National | Globalnews.ca

2 2

Britons were voting on Thursday in a parliamentary election that is expected to bring Keir Starmer's Labour Party to power, sweeping away the Conservatives.

#uk #keir #globalnews #keirstarmer #ukelectioncampaign #world #Politics

3h ago

From globalnews.ca

This chicken rides the bus to school. Now it’s been declared world’s smartest | Globalnews.ca

2 2

A chicken living on Gabriola Island has set a new Guinness World Record, not for her size, or for laying the most eggs, but for her intelligence.

#bc #world #Canada #globalnews #smartchicken #guinnessbookofworldrecords

13h ago

From globalnews.ca

Hurricane Beryl headed toward Jamaica after killing at least 6 in Caribbean - National | Globalnews.ca

2 5

Hurricane Beryl was roaring toward Jamaica on Wednesday, after the powerful Category 4 storm earlier killed at least six people in the southeast Caribbean.

#world #weather #hurricane #hurricanes

on Wed, 1PM

From byteseu.com

88-year-old grandmother of Israeli MK beaten in France, called 'dirty Jew'

1 1

88-year-old grandmother of Israeli MK beaten in France, called 'dirty Jew'https://www.timesofisrael.com/88-year-old-grandmother-of-israeli-mk-beaten-in-france-called-dirty-jew/

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

2h ago

From nogov.us

Gaza war grinds on as forcibly displaced run out of space to shelter

1 1

Bombing continued overnight into Thursday in Gaza where some of the tens of thousands of people uprooted in response to Israeli evacuation orders have had to turn back after

#News #world

2h ago

From nogov.us

J. Michael Waller discusses his book Big Intel—Part 2

1 1

In this second interview, the former CIA operative and counter-intelligence expert exposes the US intelligence services’ disruption of the political and democratic process. Read

#News #world

3h ago

From bytesde.com

Der Gaza-Krieg lässt die Unterstützung für die Hamas schwinden und sieht sich wachsendem öffentlichen Widerstand gegenüber

1 1

Der Gaza-Krieg lässt die Unterstützung für die Hamas schwinden und sieht sich wachsendem öffentlichen Widerstand gegenüberhttps://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0vewvp14zdo

#News #welt #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #nachrichten #ausallerwelt #breakingnews #weltnachrichten

3h ago

From singularityhub.com

Google DeepMind's AI Rat Brains Could Make Robots Scurry Like the Real Thing

1 1

To make robots more agile, scientists are looking to train the algorithms that control them on the recorded activity of biological brains.

#smart #world #Issues #change #future #global #people #players #progress #community

3h ago

From ac.news

Post-Roe V. Wade: Where Americans Stand On Abortion

1 1

US: Last week saw the second anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, ending the

#media #topic #world #america #abortion #discover #trending #breakingnews

3h ago

From byteseu.com

Hezbollah fired over 200 rockets and UAVs into Northern Israel

1 1

Hezbollah fired over 200 rockets and UAVs into Northern Israelhttps://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/392540

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

3h ago

From bytesde.com

Hisbollah feuerte über 200 Raketen und Drohnen auf Nordisrael ab

1 1

Hisbollah feuerte über 200 Raketen und Drohnen auf Nordisrael abhttps://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/392540

#News #welt #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #nachrichten #ausallerwelt #breakingnews #weltnachrichten

3h ago

From byteseu.com

Hamas faces growing public dissent as Gaza war erodes support

1 1

Hamas faces growing public dissent as Gaza war erodes supporthttps://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0vewvp14zdo

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

4h ago

From bytesde.com

Der Gaza-Krieg lässt die Unterstützung für die Hamas schwinden und sieht sich wachsendem öffentlichen Widerstand gegenüber

1 1

Der Gaza-Krieg lässt die Unterstützung für die Hamas schwinden und sieht sich wachsendem öffentlichen Widerstand gegenüberhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c0vewvp14zdo

#News #welt #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #nachrichten #ausallerwelt #breakingnews #weltnachrichten

4h ago

From byteseu.com

Hamas faces growing public dissent as Gaza war erodes support

1 1

Hamas faces growing public dissent as Gaza war erodes supporthttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c0vewvp14zdo

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

6h ago

From byteseu.com

Video appears to show gang-rape of Afghan woman in a Taliban jail | Global development

1 1

Video appears to show gang-rape of Afghan woman in a Taliban jail | Global developmenthttps://www.theguardian.com/global-development/article/2024/jul/03/video-appears-to-shows-gang-rape-of-woman-in-a-taliban-jail

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

6h ago

From bytesde.com

Video zeigt offenbar Gruppenvergewaltigung einer afghanischen Frau in einem Taliban-Gefängnis | Globale Entwicklung

1 1

Video zeigt offenbar Gruppenvergewaltigung einer afghanischen Frau in einem Taliban-Gefängnis | Globale Entwicklunghttps://www.theguardian.com/global-development/article/2024/jul/03/video-appears-to-shows-gang-rape-of-woman-in-a-taliban-jail

#News #welt #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #nachrichten #ausallerwelt #breakingnews #weltnachrichten

6h ago

From byteseu.com

Elderly busker, jailed after playing protest anthem ‘Glory to Hong Kong,’ faces fresh charges

1 1

Elderly busker, jailed after playing protest anthem ‘Glory to Hong Kong,’ faces fresh chargeshttps://hongkongfp.com/2024/07/03/elderly-busker-jailed-after-playing-protest-anthem-glory-to-hong-kong-faces-fresh-charges/

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

8h ago

From bytesde.com

KI führt dazu, dass Googles Treibhausgasemissionen in 5 Jahren um 48 % steigen

1 1

KI führt dazu, dass Googles Treibhausgasemissionen in 5 Jahren um 48 % steigenhttps://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c51yvz51k2xo

#News #welt #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #nachrichten #ausallerwelt #breakingnews #weltnachrichten

9h ago

From wacoca.com


1 1


#News #world #Worldnews #headlines #globalnews #breakingnews

9h ago

From byteseu.com

Chinese spy bases in Cuba are multiplying, including one near a US naval base.

1 1

Chinese spy bases in Cuba are multiplying, including one near a US naval base.https://armyrecognition.com/news/army-news/army-news-2024/alarm-bells-ring-as-china-multiplies-spy-bay-close-to-guantanamo-bay-in-cuba

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

9h ago

From byteseu.com

AI means Google's greenhouse gas emissions up 48% in 5 years

1 1

AI means Google's greenhouse gas emissions up 48% in 5 yearshttps://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c51yvz51k2xo

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

10h ago

From nogov.us

Gaza ‘split in two’ as civilians, humanitarians reset lives, aid efforts

1 1

The Gaza Strip is virtually “split in two”, with blockades not only restricting the movement of displaced people seeking shelter, but also aid workers trying to assist civilians

#News #world

10h ago

From bytesde.com

Scholz: Deutschland wird niemals einen Waffenstillstand unterstützen, der eine Kapitulation der Ukraine zur Folge hätte

1 1

Scholz: Deutschland wird niemals einen Waffenstillstand unterstützen, der eine Kapitulation der Ukraine zur Folge hättehttps://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/07/3/7463913/

#News #welt #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #nachrichten #ausallerwelt #breakingnews #weltnachrichten

11h ago

From byteseu.com

Germany will never support ceasefire that entails Ukraine's surrender – Scholz

1 1

Germany will never support ceasefire that entails Ukraine's surrender – Scholzhttps://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/07/3/7463913/

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

11h ago

From byteseu.com

Israeli strike kills senior Hezbollah commander in south Lebanon, prompting retaliatory rocket fire

1 1

Israeli strike kills senior Hezbollah commander in south Lebanon, prompting retaliatory rocket firehttps://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-07-04/israeli-strike-kills-senior-hezbollah-commander-in-south-lebanon/104056102

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

12h ago

From bytesde.com

Israelischer Angriff tötet hochrangigen Hisbollah-Kommandeur im Südlibanon, woraufhin es zu Vergeltungsraketenbeschuss kommt

1 1

Israelischer Angriff tötet hochrangigen Hisbollah-Kommandeur im Südlibanon und löst Vergeltungsraketenbeschuss aushttps://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-07-04/israeli-strike-kills-senior-hezbollah-commander-in-south-lebanon/104056102

#News #welt #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #nachrichten #ausallerwelt #breakingnews #weltnachrichten

12h ago

From bytesde.com

Israel treibt den Siedlungsausbau im Westjordanland mit der größten Landnahme seit Jahrzehnten voran

1 1

Israel treibt den Siedlungsausbau im Westjordanland mit der größten Landnahme seit Jahrzehnten voranhttps://www.thestar.com/news/world/middle-east/israel-turbocharges-west-bank-settlement-expansion-with-largest-land-grab-in-decades/article_c294a669-0d50-59c7-880c-eb4f2ee0c248.html?source=newsletter

#News #welt #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #nachrichten #ausallerwelt #breakingnews #weltnachrichten

13h ago

From byteseu.com

Israel turbocharges West Bank settlement expansion with largest land grab in decades

1 1

Israel turbocharges West Bank settlement expansion with largest land grab in decadeshttps://www.thestar.com/news/world/middle-east/israel-turbocharges-west-bank-settlement-expansion-with-largest-land-grab-in-decades/article_c294a669-0d50-59c7-880c-eb4f2ee0c248.html?source=newsletter

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

13h ago

From bytesde.com

Singapur ist bereit, einen palästinensischen Staat mit einer handlungsfähigen Regierung anzuerkennen, die das Existenzrecht Israels akzeptiert.

1 1

Singapur ist bereit, einen palästinensischen Staat mit einer handlungsfähigen Regierung anzuerkennen, die das Existenzrecht Israels akzeptiert.https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/palestine-israel-singapore-prepared-principle-recognise-state-reject-terrorism-4450696

#News #welt #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #nachrichten #ausallerwelt #breakingnews #weltnachrichten

14h ago

From topuniversities.com

QS Best Student Cities Ranking 2025

1 1

Thinking of studying abroad? Explore the world's most student-friendly locations with the QS Best Student Cities 2025.

#world #cities #students #University

14h ago

From bytesde.com

Japan erklärt seine Bemühungen, die Verwendung von Disketten durch die Regierung zu beenden, für erfolgreich

1 1

Japan erklärt seine Bemühungen, die Verwendung von Disketten durch die Regierung zu beenden, für erfolgreichhttps://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-declares-victory-effort-end-government-use-floppy-disks-2024-07-03/

#News #welt #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #nachrichten #ausallerwelt #breakingnews #weltnachrichten

14h ago

From byteseu.com

Japan declares victory in effort to end government use of floppy disks

1 1

Japan declares victory in effort to end government use of floppy diskshttps://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-declares-victory-effort-end-government-use-floppy-disks-2024-07-03/

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

15h ago

From bytesde.com

In Gaza ansässiger freiberuflicher CNN-Journalist arbeitete mit der Hamas zusammen und unterstützte sie, so ein Bericht einer Überwachungsbehörde

1 1

In Gaza ansässiger freiberuflicher CNN-Journalist arbeitete mit der Hamas zusammen und unterstützte sie, so ein Bericht einer Überwachungsbehördehttps://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-808696

#News #welt #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #nachrichten #ausallerwelt #breakingnews #weltnachrichten

15h ago

From byteseu.com

Gaza-based CNN freelance journalist worked with, supported Hamas, watchdog report finds

1 1

Gaza-based CNN freelance journalist worked with, supported Hamas, watchdog report findshttps://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-808696

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

15h ago

From byteseu.com

Russia cheers Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in French election

1 1

Russia cheers Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in French electionhttps://www.politico.eu/article/russia-marine-le-pen-national-rally-french-election-2024-ukraine-sanctions-war/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=Twitter

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

17h ago

From byteseu.com

AI-Driven Fake News Network from Russia Impersonates US Local Media to Influence Elections

1 1

AI-Driven Fake News Network from Russia Impersonates US Local Media to Influence Electionshttps://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c72ver6172do.amp

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

17h ago

From bytesde.com

Mindestens 900 Terroristen bei Bodenoperation in Rafah getötet, sagt IDF-Chef – I24NEWS

1 1

Mindestens 900 Terroristen bei Bodenoperation in Rafah getötet, sagt IDF-Chef - I24NEWShttps://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/artc-at-least-900-terrorists-killed-in-rafah-ground-operation-idf-chief-says

#News #welt #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #nachrichten #ausallerwelt #breakingnews #weltnachrichten

18h ago

From byteseu.com

Some Israeli hostages have attempted suicide, Islamic Jihad armed wing says

1 1

Some Israeli hostages have attempted suicide, Islamic Jihad armed wing sayshttps://www.straitstimes.com/world/some-israeli-hostages-have-attempted-suicide-islamic-jihad-armed-wing-says

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

18h ago

From bytesde.com

Einige israelische Geiseln haben einen Selbstmordversuch unternommen, teilt der bewaffnete Flügel des Islamischen Dschihad mit

1 1

Einige israelische Geiseln haben einen Selbstmordversuch unternommen, teilt der bewaffnete Flügel des Islamischen Dschihad mithttps://www.straitstimes.com/world/some-israeli-hostages-have-attempted-suicide-islamic-jihad-armed-wing-says

#News #welt #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #nachrichten #ausallerwelt #breakingnews #weltnachrichten

18h ago

From wacoca.com


1 1


#News #world #Worldnews #headlines #globalnews #breakingnews

19h ago

From byteseu.com

Zelensky says Trump should reveal plan on ending Russia's war

1 1

Zelensky says Trump should reveal plan on ending Russia's warhttps://kyivindependent.com/zelensky-18/

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

20h ago

From bytesde.com

Selenskyj fordert Trump auf, seinen Plan zur Beendigung des russischen Krieges offenzulegen

1 1

Selenskyj fordert Trump auf, seinen Plan zur Beendigung des russischen Krieges offenzulegenhttps://kyivindependent.com/zelensky-18/

#News #welt #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #nachrichten #ausallerwelt #breakingnews #weltnachrichten

21h ago

From nogov.us

UK Column News - 1st July 2024

1 1

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and Charles Malet with today’s UK Column News. Recorded live at Sounds Beautiful FestivalOriginal post on UKColumn News

#News #world

21h ago

From byteseu.com

Ukraine says it is unwilling to compromise in response to claims by Trump

1 1

Ukraine says it is unwilling to compromise in response to claims by Trumphttps://tvpworld.com/79105464/ukraine-says-it-is-unwilling-to-compromise-in-response-to-claims-by-trump

#News #world #Worldnews #globalnews #latestnews #breakingnews

21h ago