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16 19 Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From kitty.social


3 3

A general instance for cats, cool cats, loud cats, sad cats, any other kind of cat, and everyone else too!

#netgeat #dlink #netgear #router #tplink #linksys

on Jun 27


From kitty.social


3 3

A general instance for cats, cool cats, loud cats, sad cats, any other kind of cat, and everyone else too!

#netgeat #dlink #netgear #router #tplink #linksys

on Jun 27


From kitty.social


3 3

Kitty.social is a chill space for all cats—big, small, fluffy, loud, quiet, and even the humans who adore them. Whether you're a neko, furry, or just a cat at heart, this is your cozy corner of the fediverse.

#netgeat #dlink #netgear #router #tplink #linksys

9h ago


From kitty.social


2 2

Kitty.social is a chill space for all cats—big, small, fluffy, loud, quiet, and even the humans who adore them. Whether you're a neko, furry, or just a cat at heart, this is your cozy corner of the fediverse.

#netgear #netgeat #dlink #router #tplink #linksys

8h ago


From kitty.social


2 2

Kitty.social is a chill space for all cats—big, small, fluffy, loud, quiet, and even the humans who adore them. Whether you're a neko, furry, or just a cat at heart, this is your cozy corner of the fediverse.

#dlink #router #tplink #linksys #netgear

8h ago


From mastodon.social

Ars Technica (@arstechnica@mastodon.social)

3 3

Attached: 1 image Report: US considers banning TP-Link routers over security flaws, ties to China Founded in China, TP-Link makes routers popular in US homes and...

#dlink #router #tplink #linksys #netgear

8h ago


From theverge.com

US targets TP-Link with a potential ban on the Chinese routers

17 17

The incoming Trump administration could take action next year.

#us #law #wifi #UniFi #autosum #privacy #routers #spyware #hardware #ubiquiti

13h ago


From arstechnica.com

TP-Link faces possible US ban as hijacked routers fuel Chinese attacks

14 14

Founded in China, TP-Link makes routers popular in US homes and businesses.

#wifi #China #openwrt #privacy #routers #tplink #security

8h ago


From kitty.social


1 1

Kitty.social is a chill space for all cats—big, small, fluffy, loud, quiet, and even the humans who adore them. Whether you're a neko, furry, or just a cat at heart, this is your cozy corner of the fediverse.

#dlink #router #tplink #linksys #netgeat

7h ago


From winfuture.de

TP-Link Router: US-Behörden ermitteln, Verbot wegen Sicherheitsrisiko?

1 1

Die US-amerikanischen Behörden nehmen derzeit offenbar den chinesischen Hersteller TP-Link ins Visier, weil sie vermuten, dass dessen Netzwerk-Hardware für Privatanwender zu Spionagezwecken und für Online-Attacken verwendet worden sein könnte.

#USA #hacker #tplink #sicherheit

9h ago


From elmundo.hn

Estados Unidos evalúa prohibir los routers chinos ante el temor de un ciberataque | Diario El Mundo | Noticias de Honduras y el Mundo

1 1

TP-Link, que controla aproximadamente el 65% del mercado estadounidense de routers para hogares y pequeñas empresas, ha sido señalado en un análisis de Microsoft por tener miles de dispositivos comprometidos utilizados en ciberataques.

#China #router #tplink #prohibicion #ciberataques #medidasdeseguridad #gobiernodeestadosunidos #dispositivoselectronicos

11h ago


From nypost.com

US could ban Chinese-made TP-Link routers over hacking fears: report

11 11

The Departments of Commerce, Defense and Justice have all opened probes into the company, people familiar with the matter told Wall Street Journal.

#USA #opsec #tplink #hacking #openwrt #privacy #security #chinatech #hackernews #internetsecurity

12h ago


From bleepingcomputer.com

US considers banning TP-Link routers over cybersecurity risks

13 13

The U.S. government is considering banning TP-Link routers starting next year if ongoing investigations find that their use in cyberattacks poses a national security risk.

#News #cysec #tplink #routers #cybersec #infosec #BleepingComputer #security

5h ago


From mac4ever.com

Les routeurs TP-Link dans le viseur des États-Unis : vers une interdiction ?

1 1

Les routeurs TP-Link, omniprésents dans les foyers américains, pourraient y être bannis. En cause : des soi-disant failles de sécurité et des…

#tplink #mac4ever

12h ago


From macg.co

Le gouvernement américain enquête sur les routeurs de TP-Link

1 1

Plusieurs autorités américaines ont lancé des enquêtes sur le fabricant chinois TP-Link dont les millions de routeurs courent le risque d'être bannis du pays. Les départements de la Justice, de la Défense et du Commerce ont chacun ouvert une enquê...

#tplink #routeurs

12h ago


From microsoft.com

Chinese threat actor Storm-0940 uses credentials from password spray attacks from a covert network | Microsoft Security Blog

1 1

Since August 2023, Microsoft has observed intrusion activity targeting and successfully stealing credentials from multiple Microsoft customers that is enabled by highly evasive password spray attacks. Microsoft has linked the source of these password spray attacks to a network of compromised...

#News #China #botnet #tplink #infosec #routers #cybersecurity #cyberespionage #nationalsecurity

on Oct 31

Showing first 20 out of 20