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US and UK politics

News from the US and UK

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#1: 1h ago

From cnn.com

Russia wants to confront NATO but dares not fight it on the battlefield – so it’s waging a hybrid war instead | CNN

2 7

When someone tried – and failed – to burn down a bus garage in Prague earlier this month, the unsuccessful arson attack didn’t draw much attention. Until, that is, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala revealed it was “very likely” that Moscow was behind it.

#eu #us #nato #Russia #belarus #ukraine

on Mon, 3AM

#2: 3h ago

From washingtonpost.com

Federal court blocks Biden’s pause on approving gas export projects

4 4

A federal court on Monday blocked the Biden administration’s pause on approving new facilities that export liquefied natural gas.

#us #USA #gas #law #Biden #Trump #court #ecology #louisiana #pollution

5h ago

#3: 8h ago

From theguardian.com

US-Mexico border crossings fall to three-year low after Biden’s executive order

5 5

About 84,000 people crossed into the US in June, the lowest monthly total since Biden assumed office in January 2021

#us #press #usnews #JoeBiden #uspolitics #usimmigration

11h ago

#4: 9h ago

From latimes.com

Beavers, back on tribal land after 100 years, could aid California's fragile ecosystem

1 2

The Tule River Indian Tribe and state wildlife crews reintroduced nine beavers to their natural habitat in the Sierra.

#us #USA #america #animals #beavers

on Fri, 4PM

#5: 12h ago

From cnn.com

A summer wave of Covid-19 has arrived in the US | CNN

1 4

Covid-19 levels have been rising in the United States for weeks as new variants drive what’s become an annual summer surge.

#us #wave #sewage #COVID19 #network #surveillance #wastewaterscan

14h ago

#6: 17h ago

From theguardian.com

Plastics companies blocked mitigation efforts and may have broken US laws – study

3 14

Paper outlines different legal theories that could help governments pursue accountability for harms

#us #USA #Health #america #climate #plastic #science #plastics #pollution #Environment

on Thu, 12AM

#7: 22h ago

From bbc.com

Steve Bannon says 'Maga army' ready, as he reports to prison

8 16

Former top Trump adviser tells BBC he is unconcerned about missing crucial campaign period while he sits behind bars.

#us #FBI #bbc #News #USpol #Politics #svengali #strippenzieher #maga #Trump

on Mon, 1AM

#8: on Mon, 12AM

From theguardian.com

US accused of offering Boeing ‘sweetheart deal’ over fatal crashes

4 11

Planemaker set to be offered plea deal, angering loved ones of the 346 people who died on 2018 and 2019 flights

#faoa #theguardian #corporations #airlinecrashes #federalcontract #supremecourtspooges #fuckamericaoveragain #boeing

20h ago

#9: on Sun, 7PM

From theguardian.com

‘They burned books, like the Nazis did 80 years ago’: Russia’s deadly attack on Ukraine’s biggest printing house

1 8

A Russian missile killed seven people and wiped out the country’s main book printer in May. But moves are already afoot to rebuild Factor Druk

on Sun, 4AM

#10: on Sun, 3PM

From theguardian.com

Rising sea levels will disrupt millions of Americans’ lives by 2050, study finds

0 18

Floods could leave coastal communities in states like Florida and California unlivable in two decades

on Wed, 9AM

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