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From theguardian.com

Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer

40 40

Labour leader also says he cannot foresee circumstances where UK would re-enter single market or customs union

#ue #uk #snp #ge24 #press #Rejoin #Election #Politics #toryplanb #UutisBotEN

23h ago

From stopthetories.vote


19 47

Vote tactically in House of Commons to Stop The Tories. Find out how you can vote tactically to Stop The Tories, and influence the next government.

#uk #css #gtto #frood #hoopy #ukpol #Politics #toriesout #ukelection #countbinface

on Wed, 6AM

From apnews.com

Anti-settlement group says Israel has made largest West Bank land seizure in 3 decades

15 24

An anti-settlement watchdog says Israel has approved the largest seizure of land in the occupied West Bank in over three decades.

#uk #un #bds #icj #Iran #News #gaza #liar #siege #unrwa

on Wed, 12PM

From theguardian.com

Did that really happen? 14 years of chaotic Tory government

14 14

How the occupants of No 10 brought us austerity, Brexit, Partygate and an economic crash

#sf #uk #snp #uup #apni #gtto #sdlp #bunny #press #ge2024

11h ago

From theguardian.com

Far right using climate crisis as bogeyman to frighten voters and build higher walls | Jonathan Watts

12 12

It is no coincidence that ever more extreme politics has come at a time of ever more extreme weather

#uk #press #climate #ecology #fascism #lobbying #pollution #agnotology #Environment #climatescam

10h ago

From kyivindependent.com

97% of Russian missiles, drones, bombs hit civilian infrastructure, diplomat says

9 9

Only 3% of Russian missiles, drones, and guided bombs hit military targets in Ukraine, while 97% have struck civilian infrastructure, Danylo Kubai, Ukraine's envoy to international organizations in Vienna, said on July 3, according to Ukrinform.

#eu #uk #USA #coe #icc #icj #PACE #echr #hague #kubai

7h ago

From kyivindependent.com

14 brigades underarmed, aid arriving too slowly, Zelensky comments on battlefield situation

6 6

Ukraine is grateful to Western partners for their support, but the pledged assistance is arriving too slowly, complicating the situation on the front lines, President Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview with Bloomberg published on July 4.

#eu #uk #USA #nato #press #Mastodon #russianwar #unitedstates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom

3h ago

From theguardian.com

What photo ID do I need to vote in the 2024 UK general election?

6 6

For the first time people must bring photo ID to vote in a UK general election. Here is everything you need to know

#uk #press #generalelection #generalelection2024 #ukpolitics

8h ago

From theguardian.com

Mark Cavendish powers to record-breaking 35th Tour de France stage win

6 6

Mark Cavendish has overtaken Eddy Merckx as the Tour de France’s stage win record-holder with 35 wins after triumphing on stage five of this year’s race

#uk #cool #press #sports #biketoot #tourdefrance #tdf #cycling

14h ago

From bbc.com

The Sun backs Labour Party saying it's 'time for change'

6 6

The newspaper says the Tories have become "a divided rabble" and need "a period in opposition to unite".

#uk #bbc #JFT97 #media #ukpol #labour #thesun #Murdoch #gennylec #newspaper

22h ago

From electoralcommission.org.uk

Accepted forms of photo ID

5 5

You need to show photo ID when voting at polling stations in some UK elections. Find out about the different types of photo ID accepted.

#uk #Vote #ukpol #ge2024 #4thjuly #votenow #fediverse #generalelection #generalelection2024 #dogsatpollingstations

on May 25

From ukrinform.net

Zelensky: 14 brigades of AFU are not equipped due to delay in arms supplies

3 3

Due to the delay in the supply of Western weapons, 14 brigades in Ukraine remain understaffed. — Ukrinform.

#g7 #News #Italy #Japan #czech #press #spain #Canada #Europe #Latvia

2h ago

From youtube.com

VOTE THE BASTARDS OUT - The Spooky Mens Chorale

3 4

To help keep Parody Project alive and functioning, please visit https://parodyproject.com/supportusParody Project Store: https://parodyproject.com/shopTo bec...

#uk #election2024

4h ago

From theguardian.com

Chinese ‘broken pots’ found in Lincolnshire attic sell for £166,000

3 3

Auctioneers taken aback by high price fetched by porcelain collected by local woman’s grandfather during Boxer rebellion

#uk #China #press #guardian #Worldnews #porcelain

5h ago

From nbcnews.com

U.K. election live updates: Incumbent Sunak pitted against Starmer as Britain votes

3 3

Latest news and live updates as the 2024 U.K. election begins. Follow live as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's Conservative Party faces off against Keir Starmer's Labour.


6h ago

From nytimes.com

The Conservatives Have Run Britain for 14 Years. How Has That Worked Out?

3 4

The metrics that British voters say matter the most offer a portrait of decline.

#uk #gas #oil #climate #ukpolitics #fossilfuels

on Wed, 3PM

From getvoting.org

How do I vote tactically?

3 4

2 in 3 people can’t name the party likely to come in second in their area – which means they could make it worse if they try to vote tactically.

#uk #ukpol #ukpolitics #ge2024

on Wed, 10AM

From globalnews.ca

U.K. election: Britons go to polls, with Labour Party win expected - National | Globalnews.ca

2 2

Britons were voting on Thursday in a parliamentary election that is expected to bring Keir Starmer's Labour Party to power, sweeping away the Conservatives.

#uk #keir #globalnews #keirstarmer #ukelectioncampaign #world #Politics

3h ago

From sky.com

Election latest: Party leaders vote as the UK goes to the polls; dogs spotted at polling stations

2 3

Polling stations are open until 10pm. Scroll down to read how to follow Sky's election night coverage.

#uk #ukpol #ge2024 #Election #dogsofmastodon #generalelection

4h ago

From apnews.com

Labour is hopeful and Conservatives morose as voters deliver their verdict on UK's election day

2 2

The Labour Party has had a steady and significant lead in opinion polls for months, but its leaders have warned against taking the result for granted.

#News #press #breaking #headline #breakingnews #aurefreepress #uk

7h ago

From youtube.com

GE 2024: A few final words before the election

2 2

Are they mostly swears? Yeah. See you on the other side, my loves.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * You can shout me a coffee/ subscribe here: https://ko-f...

#uk #votes #tories

15h ago

From youtube.com

How supercharged tactical voting could get rid of Tory MP for the first time in 100 years

2 2

Totnes is well known for its independent streak. When Costa tried to open branch, residents chased them out of town, for fear it would affect the independent...

#uk #totnes #politicsjoe #election2024 #generalelectionuk #generalelection2024

21h ago

From zeit.de

Parlamentswahlen: Wenn die rechte Mitte kollabiert

2 2

Die Wahlen dürften es in Frankreich und Großbritannien besiegeln: Der gemäßigte Konservatismus rutscht in die Bedeutungslosigkeit. Überraschend kommt das jedoch nicht.

#eu #uk #brexit #europa #paywall #denkeuropamit

on Wed, 4PM

From ign.com

Man Sentenced to Four Months in Prison for Carrying a 6-Inch Master Sword in Public - IGN

2 3

A man was sentenced to four months in prison for carrying a six-inch Master Sword from The Legend of Zelda series in public.

#uk #link #sword #zelda #fidget #england #arrested #nintendo #videogames #mastersword

on Wed, 2PM

From thebureauinvestigates.com

Five parties accept illegal donations, exposing flaws in…

2 3

Conservatives, SNP, Reform, Lib Dems and Greens took payments from donor not on electoral register

#uk #snp #tbij #greens #tories #LibDems #reformpartei #parteispenden #illegaleparteispenden

on Wed, 12PM

From theguardian.com

India deadly crush blamed on huge overcrowding as death toll passes 120

2 7

Police report says 250,000 people had gathered at a Hindu event in Uttar Pradesh that had a capacity of just 50,000

#uk #News

on Wed, 6AM

From sky.com

Police search for boy after suspected crocodile attack in Australia's Northern Territory

2 5

Police boats are searching a creek for the child and officers say their thoughts are with their family.

#uk #News

on Wed, 5AM

From youtube.com

It's The End Of The Tories And They Know It (And I Feel Fine) - R.E.M. remix

2 3

Edit: SwedemasonAdditional writing: Jason SpaceySubscribe to our new podcast now, or you're a silly goose: https://linktr.ee/pubcast

#uk #rem #ukpol #humour #politicsjoe #election2024

on May 25

From youtube.com

Where is Humanity Going to Shid Now? Ep 1

2 2

One of the symptoms of The Enshittenment is the inability to told more than 1 truth at the same time

#uk #un #bds #gaza #hamas #Israel #uspoli #cdnpoli #genocide #apartheid

on Nov 30

From apnews.com

AP PHOTOS: Voters will deliver judgment on Conservative government in UK national election

1 1

LONDON (AP) — Voters in the United Kingdom will cast ballots in a national election on Thursday, passing judgment on British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s 20 months in office — and the four Conservative prime ministers before him.


51m ago

From byteseu.com

Disastrous fruit and vegetable crops must be ‘wake-up call’ for UK, say farmers

1 1

Disastrous fruit and vegetable crops must be ‘wake-up call’ for UK, say farmershttps://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jul/03/disastrous-fruit-and-vegetable-crops-must-be-wake-up-call-for-uk-say-farmersPosted by LowQualityDiscourse

#uk #UnitedKingdom

1h ago

From amaravati.today

Nigel Farage sets sights on being thorn in Labour's side after UK election

1 1

UK Reform party leader Nigel Farage speaks during an interview ahead of Thursday's general election in Clacton-on-Sea, Britain, July 2, 2024. /Hollie AdamsCLACTON-ON-SEA, England - Nigel Farage's supporters are out in force in Clacton-on-Sea to ensure he wins his first seat in parliament, a...

#uk #News #labour #Election #Worldnews #amaravati #nigelfarage #breakingnews #amaravatitoday

1h ago

From desmog.com

Reform UK Leader Nigel Farage Spreads Climate Denial with Conspiracy Groups in Clacton-on-Sea

1 1

Nigel Farage has attacked “the net zero agenda” at a campaign event with two climate science denial groups in Clacton-on-Sea, where he is standing for parliament in tomorrow’s (4 July) general election.  The Reform UK leader made the comments at a meeting organised by the Together Declaration,...

#uk #climate #UnitedKingdom #climatechange

1h ago

From mirror.co.uk

101 reasons to boot the Tories out - Partygate scandal to sewage and Liz Truss

1 1

From Rishi Sunak's helicopter usage, fury over the Tories partying while the nation was locked down under strict Covid rules and a burgeoning mental health crisis, to Liz Truss' disastrous stint as PM and spiralling energy costs... there are more than enough reasons to give the Tories a kicking...

#uk #ge24 #gtto #COVID #Sunak #crime #greed #brexit #sleaze #tories

1h ago

From byteseu.com

Polls have opened for the General Election 2024 | ITV News

1 1

Polls have opened for the General Election 2024 | ITV Newshttps://www.itv.com/news/2024-07-04/polls-have-opened-for-the-general-election-2024Posted by Dry-Frosting1779

#uk #UnitedKingdom

2h ago

From nexxtpress.de

Robert De Niro, Jeremy Irons - The Mission (1986)

1 1

Auch wenn Sie ganz und gar nicht katholisch sind, ist dieser Film von Roland Joffé ein sehenswertes Stück Monumentalkino aus den 80er Jahren. Eine brutale Geschichte über Kolonialismus…

#uk #film #kino #drama #artetv #fskab12 #chucklow #jimclark #aidanquinn #liamneeson

2h ago

From computing.co.uk

Microsoft to build hyperscale datacentre in Yorkshire

1 1

Tech giant Microsoft is solidifying its presence in Yorkshire with the acquisition of a 48-acre plot of land at Skelton Grange, located southeast of Leeds.

#uk #technews #microsoft #yorkshire #datacenter

3h ago

From byteseu.com

How right-wing newspapers changed their coverage as Tory campaign imploded

1 1

How right-wing newspapers changed their coverage as Tory campaign implodedhttps://i.redd.it/8thx95idggad1.pngPosted by theipaper

#uk #UnitedKingdom

4h ago

From youtube.com

Tories face worst ever election defeat | Peter Kellner

1 1

Former president of YouGov Peter Kellner tells Andrew Neil the gap between the Conservatives and Labour has “narrowed’ but still remains “enormous.”📻 Listen...

#uk #News #labour #yougov #Election #Politics #andrewneil #timesradio #peterkellner #conservatives

4h ago

From socialistworker.co.uk

‘Cops confiscated my equipment for reporting on protest’—photo journalist Guy Smallman

1 1

When my property has been returned, I’ll donate the temporary equipment to the Palestinian Journalist Syndicate, writes Guy Smallman

#uk #Democracy

4h ago

From edie.net

Why supercharging solar in Britain isn’t at odds with safeguarding food security - edie

1 1

Mark Owen Lloyd, director of the development firm behind the hotly-debated proposed Botley West solar project, explores why UK policymakers are misguided in pitting food security and renewable energy expansion against each other.

#uk #solar #farming #solarpower #UnitedKingdom

5h ago

From byteseu.com

28% of Britons say the outcome of general elections has little to no impact on them personally

1 1

28% of Britons say the outcome of general elections has little to no impact on them personallyhttps://yougov.co.uk/politics/articles/49956-28-of-britons-say-the-outcome-of-elections-general-elections-has-little-impact-on-them-personallyPosted by Puzzleheaded_Post_20

#uk #UnitedKingdom

5h ago

From youtube.com

Goodfellows: Boris Johnson resigns as an MP

1 1

Boris Johnson has resigned as an MP after the Privileges committee found him to have misled parliament.The law is finally catching up with the wise guys of t...

#uk #ukpol #humour #politicsjoe #election2024

7h ago

From byteseu.com

Only five failed asylum-seekers were flown to Rwanda at a cost of £74million a head in scheme set to be axed if Labour win power

1 1

Only five failed asylum-seekers were flown to Rwanda at a cost of £74million a head in scheme set to be axed if Labour win powerhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13598805/Only-five-failed-asylum-seekers-flown-Rwanda-cost-74million-head-scheme-set-axed-Labour-win-power.htmlPosted by...

#uk #UnitedKingdom

7h ago

From weownit.org.uk

Thames Water Profits from Pollution

1 1

How much does Thames Water profit from pollution? Use our tool to find out!

#uk #water #weownit #thameswater

7h ago

From oslo.town

Matt 🌻 (@matt@oslo.town)

1 1

Attached: 2 images Time to vote! ✉️ ➡️ 🗳️ Slightly concerning that I know this was mailed to me from the UK 🇬🇧 on the 14th June and I received it today (10 days later). For my vote to count, it needs to be returned by July 4th (10 days from today). #UK #UnitedKingdom #UKpol #politics...

#uk #Vote #ukpol #Politics #vote2024 #toriesout #ukpolitics #election2024 #UnitedKingdom #stopthetories

7h ago

From youtube.com

Labour Will Be The Greenest Government EVER! | Interview with Dale Vince

1 1

Michael caught up with green industrialist and founder of Ecotricity Dale Vince at Glastonbury festival. Novara Live broadcasts every weekday from 6PM on You...

#uk #ukpol #dalevince #novaramedia #election2024

8h ago