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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From lowyat.net

Google Gemini 2.0 Flash Used To Erase Watermarks From Images

1 1

Google Gemini 2.0 Flash has gotten an unexpected and ironic use - removing watermarks from images from stock image banks and adding its own

#ai #gemini #google #generativeai #aigeneratedimages #googlegemini20flash #artificalintelligence #artificialintelligence

13h ago


From analyticsindiamag.com

Perplexity AI is Destroying the LLM Wrapper Myth

1 1

No one has shipped faster than Perplexity AI in the past month. Yet, when CEO Aravind Srinivas launched the startup, he was met with scepticism and criticism, with some dismissing it as nothing more than an LLM wrapper.

#ai #llms #generativeai

3h ago


From 404media.co

AI Slop Is a Brute Force Attack on the Algorithms That Control Reality

47 47

Generative AI spammers are brute forcing the internet, and it is working.

#ia #im #media #openai #chatgpt #fedizen #deepseek #mastodon #algorithm #fediverse

7h ago


From theworldbeast.com

Generative AI in Software Development: Innovate and Automate

1 1

Generative AI in Software Development is transforming modern services by automating complex tasks and boosting productivity.

#ai #generativeai #customsoftware #softwaresolutions #softwaredevelopment

13h ago


From heise.de

KI-Update kompakt: OpenAI, Apples Siri, Russische Propagada, Xbox Copilot

2 2

Das "KI-Update" liefert werktäglich eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten KI-Entwicklungen.

#news #siri #xbox #openai #wissen #journal #kiupdate #generativeai #googlegemini #urheberrecht

8h ago


From infoworld.com

Why AI-generated code isn’t good enough (and how it will get better)

1 1

Did we normalize AI-generated code too soon? Here’s where it falls short and how it’s improving.

#ai #llms #programming #generativeai #aicodingassistants #softwaredevelopment

8h ago


From thoughtworks.com

The seven deadly sins of AI transformation: Lessons for enterprises

1 1

Avoid these common mistakes organizations make when embarking on AI transformation in order to unlock value.

#ai #tech #aiinnovation #generativeai #techstrategy #aitransformation

13h ago

Showing first 10 out of 12