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From bbc.com

McDonald’s Australia cuts breakfast hours due to bird flu

15 15

McDonald's Australia serving its full breakfast menu only until 10:30am, instead of mid day.

#onion #Australia #bbc #News #press

13h ago

From vibewire.com.au

Fatima Payman resigns from Labor after a long walk

12 12

The senator has resigned from the party to sit as an independent following her rebellion over Gaza.

#canberra #Australia #breakingnews #fatimapayman #australiapolitics

7h ago

From bbc.com

Should koala cuddles be banned? This zoo thinks so

12 12

A popular Australian sanctuary has announced it will no longer allow its visitors to cuddle its koalas.

#koala #Australia #bbc #News #press

9h ago

From nature.com

Narrative cave art in Indonesia by 51,200 years ago - Nature

9 9

A cave art scene at Leang Karampuang, Indonesia, dated to at least 51,200 years ago using laser-ablation uranium-series imaging, depicts human-like figures interacting with a pig.

#press #caveart #sulawesi #Australia #indonesian #OralTradition #cavepaintings #indonesia #anthropology

on Wed, 4PM

From abc.net.au

There are 'huge profits' to be made from land banking. Should they be taxed out of existence?

6 6

With official estimates putting the number of vacant and derelict homes above 100,000 across Australia, local governments and property lawyers argue they could be part of the solution to Australia's apparent housing shortage.

#rent #Australia #landlords #realestate #landbanking #rentalcrisis #vacantpropertytax #housingcrisis

19h ago

From abc.net.au

Did you see a series of mysterious fireballs fly through Melbourne's sky overnight? Astronomers say the sightings were 'unusual'

4 4

Multiple unrelated fireballs were detected over Victoria last night. Experts say the back-to-back sightings were a "bit of a fluke".

#News #Australia

9h ago

From phys.org

Aboriginal ritual passed down over 12,000 years, cave find shows

4 14

Two slightly burnt, fat-covered sticks discovered inside an Australian cave are evidence of a healing ritual that was passed down unchanged by more than 500 generations of Indigenous people over the last 12,000 years, according to new research.

#caveart #Australia #indonesia #anthropology #OralTradition

on Tue, 6PM

From ukrinform.net

Zelensky: 14 brigades of AFU are not equipped due to delay in arms supplies

3 3

Due to the delay in the supply of Western weapons, 14 brigades in Ukraine remain understaffed. — Ukrinform.

#g7 #News #Italy #Japan #czech #press #spain #Canada #Europe #Latvia

2h ago

From vibewire.com.au

Gaza protestors climb on Federal Parliament Building rooftop

3 3

Look at these dickheads that are protesting and have climbed up on the Parliament House roof.

#canberra #Australia #protestors #breakingnews #australiapolitics

11h ago

From phys.org

Rising risks of climate disasters mean some communities will need to move—Australians need to plan for relocation

3 3

Many Australians live in areas increasingly exposed to climate change and associated extreme weather such as floods, fires, coastal erosion, cyclones and extreme heat. If we wait for disasters to happen, hundreds of thousands of people could be forced to flee.

#climate #ecology #science #Australia #pollution #Environment #climatechange #massextinction

20h ago

From theguardian.com

Should cuddling koalas be legal? Here’s why there’s a push to ban it in Queensland

3 3

Scores of famous faces have been snapped holding koalas in Australia over the years, but the practice is falling out of favour

#harm #press #koalas #captive #habitat #selfies #wildlife #Australia #amusement #Conservation

23h ago

From abc.net.au

Artist shares her surprise after her design is picked for new NAIDOC collectible coin

2 2

A young Indigenous artist will have her work circulated in wallets around the country to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the National Aboriginal and Islanders Day Observance Committee.

#News #coin #naidoc #Australia #aboriginal #indigenous #numismatics

8h ago

From thecyberexpress.com

Australia Gives Online Industry Ultimatum to Protect Children from Age-Explicit Harmful Content

2 2

Australia’s eSafety Commissioner has given key online industry players six months to develop "enforceable codes" to shield children from exposure

#Australia #compliance #governance #childsafety #dataprivacy #regulations #firewalldaily #policyupdates #cyberessentials #thecyberexpress

18h ago

From mas.to

Tony Arcieri 🌹🦀 (@bascule@mas.to)

2 2

Grid scale sodium ion batteries have arrived! The first phase of Datang Group’s 100 MW/200 MWh sodium-ion energy storage project in Qianjiang, Hubei Province, was connected to the grid. The technology has less energy density than lithium ion (which matters little for stationary grid-scale...

#auspol #Australia #renewableenergy

19h ago

From yle.fi

Arkeologinen löytö kertoo Australian aboriginaalien rituaalin eläneen 12 000 vuotta

2 2

Jo 500 sukupolvea sitten shamaani loitsusi ihmisen tai eläimen kepeillä, joihin oli hierottu ihmisen tai eläimen rasvaa.

#tiede #ihmiset #Australia #rituaalit #UutisBotFI #shamanismi #yleuutiset #esihistoria #aboriginaalit

20h ago

From youtube.com

SULDUSK - Mythical Creatures (Official Video) | Napalm Records

2 2

From the upcoming album "Anthesis", out March 1, 2024 .Pre-Order here: https://lnk.to/SULDUSK-AnthesisThe band states:"Mythical Creatures is a song dedicated...

#np #folk #music #neofolk #darkfolk #Australia #mastomusic #nowplaying

on Wed, 4PM

From nature.com

Archaeological evidence of an ethnographically documented Australian Aboriginal ritual dated to the last ice age - Nature Human Behaviour

2 5

Australian archaeological finds of 12,000-year-old fireplaces and artefacts match nineteenth-century GunaiKurnai ritual practices. They represent approximately 500 generations of cultural transmission of this ritual.


on Wed, 12PM

From abc.net.au

Charity told to remove homeless sleeping pods set up without council permit in latest tussle

2 3

A Tasmanian homelessness charity has removed two mobile trailers containing sleeping pods for people sleeping rough after being told it didn't have permission to put them there, in the latest tussle with the local council. 

#auspol #strayia #tasmania #Australia #homelesness #rentalcrisis #thirdworldcountry #homeless #housingcrisis

on Wed, 6AM

From hollywoodreporter.com

Australia Juices Hollywood Blockbuster Movie Incentives

1 1

After the Sony Pictures' rom-com 'Anyone but You' and 'The Fall Guy' shot locally, lawmakers nearly doubled the 16.5 percent location tax credit to 30 percent with a new legislation that passed into law.

#business #Australia #thefallguy #BusinessNews #sonypictures

1h ago

From byteseu.com

The flavours of each snake of Allen’s Snakes Alive… I refuse to believe that these are the official flavours

1 1

The flavours of each snake of Allen’s Snakes Alive… I refuse to believe that these are the official flavourshttps://i.redd.it/1qct1sdvzhad1.jpeg


1h ago

From byteseu.com

Theres no reason Melbourne cant have more little laneway markets with tents like in London is there?

1 1

Theres no reason Melbourne cant have more little laneway markets with tents like in London is there? Posted by Comfortable_Zone7691

#Australia #melbourne

2h ago

From makertube.net

Making Tracks

1 1

Model Railway on 24sqm Videos from my train room (work in progress) as well as real world trainspotting clips

#trains #railway #peertube #railroad #railways #Australia #railroads #peertubers #modeltrains #modelrailway

2h ago

From byteseu.com

New Boardgame Cafe – Meeple & Mug

1 1

New Boardgame Cafe - Meeple & MugPosted by brisdaz

#brisbane #Australia

3h ago

From byteseu.com

Spotted on my walk a few days ago.(📍Upway)

1 1

Spotted on my walk a few days ago.(📍Upway)Posted by restingbee

#Australia #melbourne

3h ago

From deadline.com

Australia Celebrates As Improved Rebate Scheme Arrives: “This Will Provide Certainty For International Productions”

1 1

The Australian screen industry is celebrating after the country's Location Offset scheme was raised to 30%.

#News #funding #Australia

4h ago

From greataustralianpods.com

Half Ties | Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory

1 1

Podcast: Half Ties Host: Olivia and Kwamena Category: Society & Culture Sub-Category: Culture & Identity, Parenting & Pregnancy & Families, Relationships & Sexuality First Episode: 2024 Half-ties is a…

#auspods #culture #podcast #society #families #identity #podcasts #Australia #parenting #podcasters

4h ago

From byteseu.com

Cataract gorge in Launceston this morning

1 1

Wife decided to go for a walk this morning after dropping the kids off at school nearby.https://v.redd.it/8yr6n2evzgad1


5h ago

From bbc.com

97% of northern Barrier Reef coral has died following bleaching event

1 1

Scientists say they were 'horrified' after analysing the reef in the waters off Lizard Island in northern Australia,

#sea #reef #coral #Australia #acidification #coralbleaching #greatbarrierreef

5h ago

From byteseu.com

Transported back in time

1 1

I am not really a frequent train rider on these routes. So I was pleasantly surprised to find them still in service. I was completely engrossed in phone and only realised after sitting down that it’s one of the old gems.I actually stepped out and confirmed with a guard that I was in correct...

#sydney #Australia

6h ago

From t.me

Antifascist Solidarity

1 1

The Victorian government is using criticism of the Free Palestine movement to justify the suppression of political dissent. https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/the-ongoing-crackdown-on-the-naarm-palestine-rally-is-targeting-the-right-to-protest/

#law #gaza #naarm #rafah #ausgov #auslaw #auspol #ethics #morals #tasgov

6h ago

From sydneycriminallawyers.com.au

The Ongoing Crackdown on the Naarm Palestine Rally Is Targeting the Right to Protest

1 1

A collective of activists asserts that Victoria is using the political backlash against the Free Palestine movement to implement an antiprotest regime.

#law #gaza #naarm #rafah #ausgov #auslaw #auspol #ethics #morals #tasgov

6h ago

From greataustralianpods.com

Environmental As Anything | Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory

1 1

Podcast: Environmental As Anything Interviews Host: Sean O’Shannessy Category: News & Current Affairs Sub-Category: Climate & Sustainability, Commentary & Conversations First Episode: 2020 Tune in to…

#auspods #climate #podcast #podcasts #Australia #Commentary #podcasters #podcasting #greatauspods #conversations

6h ago

From g4media.ro

Agenţia de spionaj din Australia îşi mută datele strict secrete în cloud

1 1

Australia îşi va muta datele strict secrete obţinute de serviciile sale de informaţii în cloud, în urma unui contract cu Amazon în valoare de două

#știri #spionaj #Australia

7h ago

From byteseu.com

Senior Tasmanian police officer Paul Reynolds groomed more than 50 boys and young men, final report finds

1 1

Senior Tasmanian police officer Paul Reynolds groomed more than 50 boys and young men, final report findshttps://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-07-04/weiss-report-on-paul-reynolds-child-sex-abuse/104056356


7h ago

From vibewire.com.au

Meteor delights Victorian stargazers

1 1

Victorian stargazers were treated to a spectacular sight last night as a meteor lit up the sky.

#Australia #brunswick #spacenews #breakingnews #melbourneevents

7h ago

From byteseu.com

Late Arvo Rays…

1 1

Late Arvo Rays…Posted by Rant-O-Rama

#sydney #Australia

7h ago

From byteseu.com

Accident in little lonsdale street cbd

1 1

Does anyone know what happenedPosted by afailingunistudent

#Australia #melbourne

7h ago

From vibewire.com.au

Weapons seized after brawl involving 15 people breaks out at shopping centre

1 1

A number of weapons were seized by police with one person taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

#crime #morwell #victoria #Australia #breakingnews

7h ago

From vibewire.com.au

Person in hospital after being struck by car in serious CBD carjacking

1 1

A person is in hospital after being struck by a car in a serious carjacking in the CBD this afternoon.

#3aw #Australia #breakingnews #melbourneevents

7h ago

From byteseu.com

Ability Fest returns and expands to Queensland

1 1

Ability Fest returns and expands to QueenslandPosted by langdaze

#brisbane #Australia

7h ago

From byteseu.com

ANZ named and shamed for charging dead clients

1 1

ANZ named and shamed for charging dead clientshttps://www.thenewdaily.com.au/finance/2024/07/02/anz-charge-dead-customers


7h ago

From vibewire.com.au

Tasmania records a new record for the coldest July -12.9

1 1

Other Tasmanian locations that dropped below zero this morning included Cressy at -4.4°C, Launceston Airport at -3.6°C and Wynyard at -3.2°C.

#liawenee #Australia #breakingnews #launcestonairport

7h ago

From byteseu.com

RIP Tom Frith. Australian Volunteer Firefighter killed battling Canadian Fires

1 1

RIP Tom Frith. Australian Volunteer Firefighter killed battling Canadian Fireshttps://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/helicopter-pilot-death-fort-good-hope-nwt-wildfire-1.7252039


8h ago

From greataustralianpods.com

Showreel | Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory

1 1

Podcast: Showreel Host: Annie McLoughlin Category: TV & Movies Sub-Category: Entertainment News, Film & TV Interviews First Episode: 2015 Your half hour of local film news…

#film #movies #auspods #podcast #podcasts #Australia #podcasters #podcasting #greatauspods #filminterviews

8h ago

From byteseu.com

Arts Centre Melbourne wtaf

1 1

Wtaf is this nonsense? Why the hell is it an EXTRA $9 to pick my tickets up?! Emailing me a digital ticket costs $9?! I hate it here. Posted by The_HungryRunner

#Australia #melbourne

8h ago

From byteseu.com

Western suburbs getting some love

1 1

Western suburbs getting some lovePosted by cheesybaconmushroom

#sydney #Australia

8h ago

From apple.news

Camouflaged beach discovery prompts excitement after 20 years of fear — Yahoo News Australia

1 1

Extraordinary images reveal the tiny creatures hiding in sand. See the heartwarming pictures.

#nature #Australia

8h ago

From byteseu.com

Fatima Payman to quit Labor and become an independent

1 1

Fatima Payman to quit Labor and become an independenthttps://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-07-04/fatima-payman-quits-labor-after-palestinian-vote-furore/104056278


9h ago

From g4media.ro

Penurie de ouă: Gripa aviară scurtează programul pentru mic dejun la McDonald's Australia

1 1

Fanii australieni ai unui mic dejun McDonald's trebuie să se trezească mai devreme. Gigantul fast-food a scurtat temporar cu 90 de minute orele de servire

#știri #Australia #gripaaviara

9h ago

From byteseu.com

Sydney Harbour, still a working port.

1 1

Sydney Harbour, still a working port. Posted by copacetic51

#sydney #Australia

10h ago