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From theguardian.com

The French republic is under threat. We are 1,000 historians and we cannot remain silent | Patrick Boucheron, Antoine Lilti and others

30 30

We implore voters not to turn their backs on our nation’s history. Go out and defeat the far right in Sunday’s vote, say Patrick Boucheron, Antoine Lilti and others

#rn #News #Vote #gaza #press #racism #trends #voting #history #Election

14h ago

From bbc.com

Cyclist Julien Bernard fined for kissing wife during Tour de France

16 16

Cycling's governing body says the fine is for "unseemly or inappropriate behaviour".

#france #tdf2024 #couchpeloton #tourdefrance #bbc #News #press

6h ago

From bbc.com

French election: Ugly campaign ends and France draws breath before election

9 9

France’s sometimes violent election campaign closes with appeals from leaders ahead of Sunday’s vote.

#france #bbc #News #press

19h ago

From bbc.com

Euro 2024: France beat Portugal on penalties to set up semi-final with Spain

9 9

France beat Portugal 5-3 on penalties following a 0-0 draw in Hamburg to set up a semi-final with Spain.

#bbc #News #sport #france #football #press

22h ago

From theguardian.com

Moulin Rouge in Paris celebrates installation of new windmill sails

8 8

Cabaret club’s sails collapsed in April and new ones are up in time for Olympic torch to pass by on 15 July

#press #guardian #Worldnews #paris #Europe #france #guardianlimerick

10h ago

From bbc.com

Portugal v France: Why are Kylian Mbappe and co struggling at Euro 2024?

8 8

France may be in the Euro 2024 semi-finals, but their "bang average" style of play continues to attract criticism.

#bbc #News #sport #france #football #press

14h ago

From bbc.com

Euro 2024: Eduardo Camavinga misses great chance to put France ahead

8 8

France's Eduardo Camavinga misses a golden opportunity to give his country the lead against Portugal in Hamburg, during their Euro 2024 quarter-final match.

#bbc #News #sport #france #football #press

23h ago

From kyivindependent.com

Ukraine calls for ban on Russian athletes at Olympics due to evidence of non-neutrality

7 7

Ukraine's National Olympic Committee (NOC) and Sports Ministry called on July 5 for Russian athletes to be barred from participating in the upcoming Olympics in Paris due to evidence of their support for the Russian military, violating neutrality rules.

#paris #press #Russia #france #russianwar #russianinvasion #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #removethomasbach #investigatetheioc

12h ago

From cnn.com

Marine Le Pen promises French far right will rein in aid to Ukraine, slams soccer star Mbappé | CNN

7 11

As Ukraine bleeds territory to Russia, support from one of Kyiv’s strongest backers looks set to falter if the far right sweep to power in Sunday’s French parliamentary elections.

#eu #kyiv #nato #lepen #Russia #france #macron #ukraine #populismi #aarioikeisto

on Fri, 12PM

From kyivindependent.com

French far-right surge threatens the country's commitment to Ukraine

6 6

France is gearing up for its second round of legislative elections scheduled for July 7, which could provide the far-right National Rally (RN) with a historic victory and their first-ever chance to appoint a prime minister. Headed by 28-year-old Jordan Bardella and parliament leader Marine Le...

#News #paris #press #france #ukraine #Mastodon #olympics #frenchnazis #boycottolympics #1936europein2024

4h ago

From bbc.com

Euro 2024: Theo Hernandez's penalty sends France into semi-finals

6 6

Watch Theo Hernandez's winning penalty that sends France into the semi-finals of Euro 2024 at the expense of Portugal.

#bbc #News #sport #france #football #press

22h ago

From inews.co.uk

Russia behind fake news bot campaign to empower French far right

6 11

A fake website mimicking Emmanuel Macron’s party, Ensemble, claimed the president and his party were buying votes for €100 ahead of the election

#Bot #france #fakenews #Democracy #extremism #disinformation

on Fri, 3PM

From theguardian.com

‘We want our peace’: why is France’s far-right support such a rural affair?

5 5

Media rhetoric about migrants and crime is rallying support for the National Rally in the countryside but, say city folk, the reality is different

#press #crime #Europe #france #migration #guardianlimerick

8h ago

From kyivindependent.com

Le Pen against France providing long-range missiles, troops to Ukraine

4 4

French far-right politician Marine Le Pen said in an interview with CNN on July 5 that her party is against continuing to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles and the possibility of sending French troops to Ukraine.

#paris #press #france #russianwar #frenchnazis #boycottfrance #boycottolympics #russianinvasion #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar

8h ago

From bbc.com

French elections: Fifty violent attacks shock country ahead of crunch vote

4 18

The interior minister says 51 candidates and activists have been targeted ahead of Sunday's election.

#france #farright

on Fri, 8PM

From mediapart.fr

L’avocate et députée macroniste Émilie Chandler fait doublement scandale

4 6

Émilie Chandler, députée sortante, refuse de se désister malgré sa troisième place au premier tour. Mais sa campagne de 2022 pose une autre question : comme avocate, elle a touché de l’argent de l’Ét…

#13nov #france #13nov2015

on Fri, 5PM

From bbc.com

Results - UK 2024 -

4 23

Get the latest news and election results in the 2024 General election from BBC News

#eu #brexit #france #starmer #Democracy #ukelection

on Thu, 10PM

From theguardian.com

French Jewish people conflicted over voting choices amid antisemitism fears

3 3

Many say they feel stuck in middle between far-right National Rally and hard-left France Unbowed

#Race #press #Europe #france #guardian #Worldnews #antisemitism #guardianlimerick

6h ago

From pravda.com.ua

Le Pen calls for cancellation of authorisation for Ukraine to use French weapons to strike Russia

3 3

Marine Le Pen, the de-facto leader of the French far-right National Rally party, has promised that if her party comes to power after the second round of parliamentary elections, she will not allow Ukraine to use French long-range weapons to strike Russia.

#News #paris #press #france #ukraine #Mastodon #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #nousrepublicans2024 #10yrinvasionofukraine

11h ago

From aljazeera.com

France braces for ‘high drama’ run-offs as far right eyes power

3 3

With the far right seemingly headed for victory, voters on the left and in the centre feel on edge.

#eu #lepen #press #france #ukraine #farright #universitytoulousecapitole

11h ago

From eldiario.es

Enzo Traverso: "Si Francia forma un gobierno de gran coalición contra la extrema derecha, Le Pen ganará la presidencia"

2 2

El historiador critica la idea del cordón sanitario y califica a la formación Agrupación Nacional de Le Pen y al resto de partidos de extrema derecha en Europa de posfascismo

#Europe #france #politica #periodismo

9h ago

From lemonde.fr

En direct, législatives 2024 : la campagne express, émaillée d’incidents, a pris fin à minuit

2 3

Selon Gérald Darmanin, « 51 candidats, suppléants ou militants ont été agressés physiquement » durant la campagne. Le ministre de l’intérieur a ajouté que « plus d’une trentaine d’interpellations » avaient eu lieu, avec des « profils [d’agresseurs] extrêmement variés ».

#News #france

12h ago

From dn.se

Rasism och hatbrott ökar efter Nationell samlings framgångar

2 2

Rasism och hatbrott ökar i Frankrike efter Nationell samlings framgångar i EU-valet och parlamentsvalet.

#france #Frankrike

12h ago

From pravda.com.ua

Ukraine appeals to Olympic Committee about admission of Russians to Olympics

2 2

Vadym Huttsait, President of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine (NOC), and Matvii Bidnyi, acting Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, have appealed to the International Olympic Committee with evidence of support for the war by Russian athletes who qualified for the 2024 Olympics in Paris.

#News #paris #press #france #ukraine #olympics #frenchnazis #RussiaUkraineWar #removethomasbach #investigatetheioc

14h ago

From lemonde.fr

Forte flambée épidémique de coqueluche en France

2 2

Dix-sept personnes, dont douze nourrissons, sont mortes, depuis le début de l’année, des suites de cett infection respiratoire très contagieuse.

#france #flambee #coqueluche #nourrissons

16h ago

From latribune.fr

Dans quelques mois, le couvercle défectueux de l’EPR de Flamanville deviendra le plus gros et lourd déchet nucléaire

2 2

L'EPR de Flamanville s'apprête à démarrer alors que le couvercle de la cuve du réacteur présente une anomalie. Celui-ci devra donc être changé à la fin d'un seul et unique cycle de fonctionnement, soit 18 mois tout au plus. A l'issue de cette très courte période, il deviendra le plus gros déchet...

#epr #france #energie #nucleaire #flamanville

23h ago

From byteseu.com

Speech by Abbé Pierre, the voice of the voiceless

1 1

Speech by Abbé Pierre, the voice of the voicelesshttps://youtu.be/kpFzztF1ozo?si=Eh0NAdpKNriV-FDwPosted by elyoyoda


1h ago

From go.com

France's president called a surprise election. The result could diminish his power in world affairs

1 1

The second round of the high-stakes legislative election on Sunday will almost certainly impact how much say France's president has in the fields of defense and foreign affairs

#nato #Russia #france #ukraine #SlavaUkraini #frenchelection #frenchelection2024 #RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState

1h ago

From change.org

Signez la pétition

1 1

NON à la justice coloniale et à la répression en Kanaky/Nouvelle-Calédonie -

#kanak #france #kanaky #colonialisme #neocolonialisme #nouvellecaledonie

1h ago

From byteseu.com

Don you sang

1 1

Don you sanghttps://dondesang.efs.sante.fr/Posted by ben_roxx


2h ago

From byteseu.com

Italy: Mount Etna and Stromboli simultaneously spew lava flows and ash clouds

1 1

Italy: Mount Etna and Stromboli simultaneously spew lava flows and ash cloudshttps://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/italie-l-etna-crache-des-coulees-de-lave-et-des-nuages-de-cendres-20240705Posted by Andvarey


3h ago

From blast-info.fr


1 1

"Au revoir la France. Bye Bye Love. Pays finito. The End. Nous sommes au XVe siècle, après 1420 et le Traité de Troyes. Affamée, épuisée, livrée au pillage, rançonnée par les bandes armées, ravagée...

#blast #france #gauchiste #jeannedarc #resistance

4h ago

From byteseu.com

UK: Keir Starmer to abandon plans to deport migrants to Rwanda

1 1

UK: Keir Starmer to abandon plans to deport migrants to Rwandahttps://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/royaume-uni-keir-starmer-confirme-vouloir-abandonner-le-projet-d-expulsion-de-migrants-au-rwanda-20240706Posted by Andvarey


5h ago

From francebleu.fr

Une Niçoise crée une intelligence artificielle pour aider les radiologues - France Bleu

1 1

La société Mata, installée à Sophia Antipolis et fondée par une Niçoise, a lancé le 25 juin 2024 une intelligence artificielle dans le secteur de la santé. Ce robot conversationnel doit permettre des diagnostics de radiologues plus rapides.

#AI #ia #nice #france #radiologues

5h ago

From byteseu.com

Emmaüs: the three directors sentenced to suspended sentences and banned from practicing

1 1

Emmaüs: the three directors sentenced to suspended sentences and banned from practicinghttps://www.lavoixdunord.fr/1480457/article/2024-07-05/emmaus-les-trois-dirigeants-condamnes-du-sursis-et-interdits-d-exercerPosted by arktal


5h ago

From byteseu.com

Rocket basket, missiles… They inherit a real war arsenal when a loved one dies

1 1

Rocket basket, missiles... They inherit a real war arsenal when a loved one dieshttps://actu.fr/centre-val-de-loire/vierzon_18279/panier-de-roquettes-missiles-ils-heritent-dun-veritable-arsenal-de-guerre-au-deces-dun-proche_61262876.htmlPosted by chinchenping


6h ago

From japantimes.co.jp

Will Meloni and Le Pen be right-wing besties? It’s complicated.

1 1

People familiar with Meloni’s thinking say she is acutely conscious that, should Le Pen’s party prevail on July 7, they would be uneasy allies at best.

#eu #Italy #france #Politics #Worldnews #marinelepen #GiorgiaMeloni

6h ago

From peertube.stream

Ceux qui détestent les autres ne peuvent pas aimer la France

1 1

Jean-Luc Mélenchon est intervenu à Champigny-sur-Marne à l'occasion d'une réunion publique avec Clémence Guetté et Lyes Louffok le 5 juillet 2024.

#lepen #france #macron #bardella #melenchon

7h ago

From byteseu.com

July 9th Inaugural flight of Ariane 6

1 1

July 9th Inaugural flight of Ariane 6https://cnes.fr/evenements/vol-inaugural-dariane-6Posted by CossiAnatz


7h ago

From www.gov.uk

France travel advice

1 1

Latest FCDO travel advice for France including on entry requirements, safety and security and local laws and customs.


8h ago

From travel.gc.ca

Travel advice and advisories for France

1 1

Travel Advice and Advisories from the Government of Canada


8h ago

From emsc.eu


1 1

A unique earthquake detection system: a blend of collaborative work from eyewitnesses and of data collection from seismic institutes. You felt an earthquake and want to add or see testimonies on a specific seismic event? Do you want to know if there are any earthquakes near you, or see the...

#france #seisme #tarbes #earthquake

9h ago

From radiofrance.fr

Réformer en France : le pouvoir par l'individu ?

1 1

Un pouvoir autoritaire, un peuple français rétif au changement… Chacun y va de son explication pour analyser l'actuelle crise des retraites. Mais si la réponse était ailleurs, du côté d'institutions qu’il nous faudrait revoir, pour donner davantage de pouvoir aux citoyens ?

#france #pouvoir #individu #reformer

9h ago

From blipfoto.com

No wind | ajt

1 1

No wind today so I was able to take a half decent picture of this flower in my mother-in-law's garden. Today was the first Monday in May, so...

#blip #gimp #flower #france #blipfoto #brittany #aquilegia #columbine #photography #rawtherapee

9h ago

From japantimes.co.jp

Spain digs deep to earn a dramatic extra time victory over Germany

1 1

In the other match Friday, France converted all their kicks in a shootout to edge Portugal 5-3 on penalties after a goalless stalemate.

#spain #france #soccer #Germany #portugal #kylianmbappe #cristianoronaldo

10h ago

From byteseu.com

Adding a video to the YouTube queue has become paid? I have no words.

1 1

Adding a video to the YouTube queue has become paid? I have no words.https://i.redd.it/82d0n56ctuad1.pngPosted by lhrivsax


10h ago

From lamarea.com

Ladj Ly: "La gente tiene una imagen completamente deformada de los suburbios" | lamarea.com

1 2

Ladj Ly, director de ‘Los miserables’ y de ‘Los indeseables’, apuesta por el compromiso político en pleno ascenso de la extrema derecha.

#cine #france #francia #mastocine

11h ago

From unherd.com

Nigel Farage : le Rassemblement National sera 'un désastre' pour la France

1 1

Nigel Farage a affirmé que le Rassemblement National (RN) de Marine Le Pen serait un ‘désastre’ s’il était élu en France. S’exprimant en exclusivité hier à UnHerd après un rassemblement de Reform UK à Birmingham auquel auraient participé 4 500 personnes, le chef de parti a déclaré que le RN...

#farage #france #royaumeuni #extremedroite #rassemblementnational

12h ago