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From theguardian.com

Ukraine war briefing: Starmer assures Zelenskiy of ‘unwavering’ support

12 12

EU leadership condemns self-styled peacemaker Orbán’s visit to Moscow; Russian attacks kill eight in Donetsk, say Ukrainian officials. What we know on day 864

#News #nato #press #starmer #zelenskiy #rishisunak #russianwar #britishpeople #russianinvasion #UutisBotEN

19h ago

From kyivindependent.com

Partisans claim sabotage of Russian railway transporting North Korean ammo

7 7

In a post on Telegram, the ATESH group said the operation was carried out on the Trans-Siberian railway east of the Ural Mountains.

#eu #USA #Ural #nato #Japan #atesh #press #Russia #Mastodon #northkorea

20h ago

From cnn.com

Marine Le Pen promises French far right will rein in aid to Ukraine, slams soccer star Mbappé | CNN

7 11

As Ukraine bleeds territory to Russia, support from one of Kyiv’s strongest backers looks set to falter if the far right sweep to power in Sunday’s French parliamentary elections.

#eu #kyiv #nato #lepen #Russia #france #macron #ukraine #populismi #aarioikeisto

on Fri, 12PM

From kyivindependent.com

Stoltenberg: NATO summit will discuss cooperation between Ukraine, South Korea

5 5

Though Stoltenberg didn't refer to it, Seoul said it would consider supplying Ukraine with weapons in response to Moscow's recently announced security agreement with North Korea.

#USA #nato #press #Mastodon #russianwar #southkorea #unitedstates #russianinvasion #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar

5h ago

From pravda.com.ua

Chinese troops arrive in Belarus to lay foundation for joint training of forces – photos

4 4

Chinese military personnel have arrived in Belarus to engage in joint counter-terrorism drills.

#eu #uk #USA #News #nato #China #press #Germany #belarus #Mastodon

4h ago

From apnews.com

NATO leaders will vow to pour weapons into Ukraine for another year, but membership is off the table

4 4

NATO leaders plan to pledge to keep pouring arms and ammunition into Ukraine at current levels for at least another year. U.S.

#nato #ukraine

12h ago

From kyivindependent.com

Chinese military personnel arrive in Belarus for joint exercises

3 3

The exercises aim to "exchange experience, coordinate Belarusian and Chinese units, and create a foundation for the further development of Belarusian-Chinese relations in the field of joint training of troops," according to the Belarusian Defense Ministry.

#nato #press #Mastodon #russianwar #chinaistheenemy #russianinvasion #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #chinaisnotafriend #nousrepublicans2024

2h ago

From pravda.com.ua

Russian offensive in New-York: 206th Battalion claims there is no support from 41st Brigade

3 3

Soldiers from the 206th battalion of the 241st Independent Brigade of the Territorial Defence Forces, who have been seconded to the 41st Mechanised Brigade on the Toretsk front since the end of June, have complained of insufficient support from this formation. The 41st Brigade has yet to reply...

#News #nato #press #Russia #Mastodon #novoselivka #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #nousrepublicans2024 #10yrinvasionofukraine

23h ago

From pravda.com.ua

Romania scrambled F-16s during 6 July Russian attack on Ukraine’s south

2 2

Romania has reported an increase in its aircraft activity in response to the Russian drone attack on facilities in Ukraine’s south on the morning of 6 July.

#News #nato #press #romania #ukraine #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #nousrepublicans2024 #10yrinvasionofukraine #freeeufromfascistaltright

3h ago

From countercurrents.org

NATO To Announce Creation Of Ukraine “command” At Washington Summit| Countercurrents

2 2

The US-led NATO military alliance will establish a separate command dedicated to the war against Russia in Ukraine at next week’s summit in Washington, D.C.,

#USA #Canada #Russia #ukraine #unitedstates #UkraineRussiaWar #nato

8h ago

From writeworks.uk

Ukraine Daily Summary - Saturday, July 6 2024

2 2

What Ukraine's partial Chasiv Yar withdrawal actually means -- F-16s will challenge Russia's aerial dominance over Black Sea -- Meduza: 120,000 Russian troops killed in Ukraine -- Russia faces difficulties with Chinese imports as Beijing tightens control -- and more

#News #f16s #modi #nato #Odesa #Putin #homes #india #orban #ports

9h ago

From ukrinform.net

Stoltenberg announces ‘flagship project’ with South Korea on Ukraine

2 2

At a summit in Washington next week, NATO will discuss with South Korea ways to build practical cooperation related to Ukraine, cyber and new technologies. In particular, a "flagship project" on medical education of the Ukrainian military is planned. — Ukrinform.

#News #nato #press #ukraine #southkorea #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #nousrepublicans2024 #10yrinvasionofukraine #freeeufromfascistaltright

11h ago

From pravda.com.ua

US to announce new steps to strengthen Ukraine’s air defence at NATO summit

2 2

A representative of US President Joe Biden’s administration has stated that the US will announce new measures to strengthen Ukraine’s air defence and military capabilities at the NATO summit on 9-11 July in Washington.

#USA #News #nato #press #ukraine #Mastodon #unitedstates #1936europein2024 #RussiaUkraineWar #nousrepublicans2024

15h ago

From substack.com

July 4, 2024

2 10

Monday, July 1, was a busy day. That morning the Supreme Court handed down a decision in Donald J. Trump v. United States that gives the president absolute immunity for committing crimes while engaging in official acts. On the same day, Trump White House strategist Steve Bannon began a...

#nato #Russia #ukraine #Democracy #authoritarian

15h ago

From youtube.com

Orban Meets Putin, Seeks Peace Terms, EU Horrified, Rus Advances Pokrovsk; Starmer UK PM Dismal Vote

2 2

Orban Meets Putin, Seeks Rus Ukr Peace Terms, EU Horrified, Rus Advances Pokrovsk; Starmer UK PM, Dismal VoteTopic 1251VISIT THE DURAN SHOP FOR GREAT MERCHFo...

#eu #uk #nato #Putin #orban #Russia #donbas #starmer #ukraine #pokrovsk

19h ago

From pravda.com.ua

Russians drop aerial bombs on business in Selydove, Donetsk Oblast, killing at least 5 people and injuring 11 others – photos

2 2

Russian forces dropped two guided aerial bombs on a business in the city of Selydove, Donetsk Oblast, and also targeted the city with cluster munitions and FAB-500 unguided bombs, killing 5 and injuring 11 people.

#eu #USA #News #nato #press #ukraine #Mastodon #unitedstates #EuropeanUnion #1936europein2024

23h ago

From go.com

France's president called a surprise election. The result could diminish his power in world affairs

1 1

The second round of the high-stakes legislative election on Sunday will almost certainly impact how much say France's president has in the fields of defense and foreign affairs

#nato #Russia #france #ukraine #SlavaUkraini #frenchelection #frenchelection2024 #RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState

1h ago

From amaravati.today

NATO allies at summit to unveil Ukraine 'bridge to membership'

1 1

WASHINGTON - NATO allies at their summit in Washington next week will unveil a "bridge to membership" plan for Ukraine and announce steps to bolster Kyiv's air defenses, a senior U.S. official said on Friday."Allies will reaffirm that Ukraine's future is in NATO, will make significant new...

#eu #News #nato #Europe #ukraine #Worldnews #amaravati #breakingnews #amaravatitoday

2h ago

From g4media.ro

Bulgarii sunt pe primul loc la scepticismul față de NATO: 30% ar vota împotriva apartenenței la alianța nord-atlantică

1 1

Conform rezultatelor unui sondaj publicat de Divizia de Diplomaţie Publică a NATO pe 5 iulie, aproximativ 30% dintre bulgarii care au participat la

#nato #știri

2h ago

From das-parlament.de

Streit um das Zwei-Prozent-Ziel

1 1

Vor dem Nato-Jubiläumsgipfel zum 75. Jahrestag debattiert der Bundestag über das Zukunft des Bündnisses und Mehrausgaben für Verteidigung.

#nato #Putin #ukraine #russland

3h ago

From amaravati.today

'Astonished' Germany says Hungary cancelled foreign minister meeting

1 1

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Russia's President Vladimir Putin arrive for a press conference following their meeting in Moscow, Russia July 5, 2024. /Evgenia NovozheninaFRANKFURT - Hungary has cancelled a meeting for Monday in Budapest with Germany's foreign minister and her...

#eu #News #nato #Europe #Germany #hungary #Worldnews #amaravati #breakingnews #amaravatitoday

5h ago

From spiegel.de

(S+) Olaf Scholz als möglicher Anführer der Nato: Kann er das?

1 1

Die Nato ist bedroht, die USA und Frankreich könnten sich bald abwenden. Bundeskanzler Scholz müsste zum Anführer des Verteidigungsbündnisses werden. Aber kann er das?

#USA #spd #nato #Allianz #ukraine #russland #Bundeswehr #Frankreich #OlafScholz #deutschland

5h ago

From g4media.ro

”Nu există nicio îndoială că liderii NATO sunt îngrijoraţi”: Al doilea mandat al lui Trump, elefantul din încăpere la Summitul Alianței Nord-Atlantice de la Washington (analiză EFE)

1 1

Războiul din Ucraina a revitalizat mai mult ca oricând NATO, după ani de zile în care alianţa nu s-a făcut remarcată, dar acum NATO ar putea suferi un

#sua #nato #Trump #știri #Washington

8h ago

From viabaltica.fi

Lithuania: Communications specialists to leave for NATO mission in Iraq | Via Baltica

1 1

The Lithuanian Armed Forces (LGP) will send members of its Redeployable Communications and Information Systems Module to take part in a NATO training mission in Iraq, BNS reports. During the four-month mission, the specialists will provide communications support to ensure uninterrupted command...

#iraq #nato #lithuania #communications

9h ago

From biziday.ro

Reuters: Membrii NATO vor întocmi un plan de aderare a Ucrainei la Alianță, săptămâna viitoare, la summitul de la Washington. Vor încerca să evidențieze “că viitorul ucrainenilor este în NATO”. - Biziday

1 1

“Statele membre vor confirma faptul că viitorul Ucrainei este în NATO, vor face noi anunțuri semnificative cu privire la modul în care vom consolida

#sua #nato #știri #reuters #ucraina #Washington

10h ago

From japantimes.co.jp

Biden allies abroad think it’s untenable for him to stay on

1 1

Some officials are now saying that Biden should step aside for someone with a better shot at beating rival Donald Trump.

#eu #nato #Brazil #Europe #JoeBiden #Politics #Worldnews #DonaldTrump #2024uspresidentialelection

12h ago

From japantimes.co.jp

NATO allies at summit to unveil Ukraine 'bridge to membership'

1 1

A senior U.S. official described the plan as quite substantial, saying that it will include training coordination, logistics and force development.

#nato #Russia #ukraine #JoeBiden #Politics #Worldnews #UkraineRussiaWar

14h ago

From consortiumnews.com

NATO’s War Summit in Washington

1 1

NATO leaders should conduct a clear-eyed review of how the organization that claims to be a force for peace keeps escalating unwinnable wars and leaving countries in ruins, say Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies. By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies Common Dreams After NATO’s cat


19h ago

From scheerpost.com

NATO Members Agree To Give Ukraine $43 Billion in Military Aid for 2025

1 1

The pledge will be made at next week’s NATO summit, where Ukraine is also expected to be told it’s too corrupt to join the alliance.

#nato #ukraine

19h ago

From deutschlandfunk.de

75 Jahre NATO - Ein Jubiläumsgipfel in Krisenzeiten

1 1

Frankreichs Präsident stellte noch 2019 ihre Existenz infrage. Mit Russlands Angriff auf die Ukraine gilt die NATO aber wohl als von den Toten auferstanden.

#nato #gipfel #militarbundnis #krieggegendieukraine

22h ago

From pewresearch.org

1. Views of NATO

1 2

A 63% median across 13 member states feel positively about NATO. Opinions of the organization are up in some countries and down in others.


on Tue, 4PM

From substack.com

Biden crosses red line he previously said would lead to war between US and Russia

1 1

It looks like the decision to escalate to World War III has been made

#USA #war #nato #Russia #ukraine

on Jun 2

From nato.int

Deterrence and defence

1 1

NATO is a defensive alliance whose members are committed to safeguarding the freedom and security of all Allies, against all threats, from all directions. Deterrence and defence is one of NATO’s core tasks. The Alliance deters aggression by maintaining a credible deterrence and defence posture...

#nato #WeAreNATO

on Oct 10