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From theguardian.com

The French republic is under threat. We are 1,000 historians and we cannot remain silent | Patrick Boucheron, Antoine Lilti and others

30 30

We implore voters not to turn their backs on our nation’s history. Go out and defeat the far right in Sunday’s vote, say Patrick Boucheron, Antoine Lilti and others

#rn #News #Vote #gaza #press #racism #trends #voting #history #Election

13h ago

From theguardian.com

Iran reformist Masoud Pezeshkian extends lead in presidential election count

27 27

Celebration in streets of Tehran as hardliner Saeed Jalili falls further behind in second round, with mixed picture of turnout

#gaza #Raisi #hamas #press #sanei #zarif #Israel #Russia #jalili #voting

17h ago

From substack.com

July 5, 2024 (Friday)

22 22

For all that certain members of the media continue their freakout over Biden’s electability after his appearance in last Thursday’s event on CNN, it is Trump and his Republicans who appear to be nervous about the upcoming election. Journalist Jennifer Schulze of

#GQP #age #msm #nyt #Biden #fascism #msmfail #Politics #trumpism #boycotmsm

13h ago

From theguardian.com

Biden calls debate ‘a bad episode’ in potential make-or-break TV interview

15 15

US president speaks with George Stephanopoulos in interview to be shown in full on ABC News

#us #abc #Trump #USpol #media #press #usnews #ukraine #JoeBiden #Politics

19h ago

From youtube.com

Jonathan Pie: 'It's 50 Shades of Beige.' Meet Britain's New Prime Minister. | NYT Opinion

13 20

The final votes in Britain's parliamentary elections are still being counted, but one thing is crystal clear: After 14 years in power, the Conservative Party...

#uk #CDU #News #auspol #wahlen #torries #Politics #populism #populisme #centreleft

19h ago

From youtube.com

Trump World ‘panicking’ as Project 2025 gets on the radar of voters

11 11

“Trump does not want people to know about the entire vanguard of extremist weirdos around him—and what their plans are when he governs,” says Chris Hayes on ...

#age #gop #News #Vote #maga #senile #voters #fitness #Politics #abortion

19h ago

From theguardian.com

‘Defending democracy is paramount’: Rula Jebreal warns against Meloni rule

10 10

The journalist, and critics, accuse the Italian PM of leading the country towards authoritarianism

#eu #press #warns #Europe #Politics #farright #guardian #Worldnews #UutisBotEN #journalists

13h ago

From apnews.com

Trump denies knowing about Project 2025, his allies' sweeping plan to transform the US government

10 10

Former President Donald Trump is seeking to distance himself from a plan for a massive overhaul of the federal government drafted by some of his former administration officials.

#USA #USpol #Election #Politics #Democracy #President #autocracy #corruption #uspolitics #project2025

16h ago

From threadreaderapp.com

Thread by @drvolts on Thread Reader App

9 9

@drvolts: I haven't written much about politics since the debate, mainly because I'm so overwhelmed by disgust & contempt toward this country's media & commentariat that it has rendered me inarticulate with rage. Twi...…

#News #media #Harris #Politics #Democracy #ecosystem #information #systemsthinking #votebluetoprotectdemocracy #Biden

18h ago

From semafor.com

Kenyan protesters are using AI in their anti-government fight | Semafor

9 12

Kenya’s government has raised concerns about risks associated with use of artificial intelligence as youth-led, anti-government protests continue across the nation.

#Politics #artificialintelligence

on Thu, 2PM

From apnews.com

Reformist Pezeshkian wins Iran's presidential runoff election, besting hard-liner Jalili

8 8

Reformist candidate Masoud Pezeshkian has won Iran’s runoff presidential election, besting hard-liner Saeed Jalili.

#mbs #Vote #maga #Biden #Putin #Trump #media #saudi #women #jalili

16h ago

From globalvoices.org

War on citizens: How the junta’s VPN ban is strangling communication in Myanmar

8 8

"People should not underestimate what the regime is doing. Yet at the same time, they should not succumb to unwarranted fear. The regime can’t control everything."

#vpn #media #緬甸 #Myanmar #privacy #Politics #vpn封鎖 #軍政府 #censorship #SocialMedia

21h ago

From theintercept.com

Trump's Camp Says It Has Nothing to Do With Project 2025 Manifesto -- Aside From Writing It

8 8

Trump administration officials and campaign staff helped draft the controversial playbook and appear in its videos.

#USpol #fascism #Politics #uspolitics #project2025 #stopfascism #stopproject2025 #savedemocracyvoteblue

22h ago

From theguardian.com

Top Democrats said to plan crisis meeting despite Biden’s vow to fight on

7 7

House Democratic leader reportedly schedules virtual meeting for Sunday as several members call for withdrawal

#Biden #Trump #debate #usnews #Election #JoeBiden #Politics #guardian #Worldnews #elections

4h ago

From the-reframe.com

A Fool's Hope

7 12

How to be hopeful people in this age of deliberate ignorance, empty optimism, lazy cynicism, and manufactured despair. A more useful definition of hope than these false ones we're offered.

#fascism #Politics #mustread

on Fri, 4PM

From thenation.com

Why Aren’t We Talking About Trump’s Fascism?

7 8

Joe Biden has created a distraction from the existential question that should define this election.

#fascism #Politics #newsmedia

on Fri, 4PM

From theguardian.com

David Lammy faces a world in turmoil: five key concerns for foreign secretary

5 5

Challenges include two wars and global inertia on the climate crisis as hard-right populists from France to the US flex their muscles

#News #gaza #UKnews #Politics #davidlammy #russianwar #uspolitics #DonaldTrump #EuropeanUnion #climatecrisis

1h ago

From theguardian.com

Starmer installs non-political ministers in ‘government of all the talents’

5 5

Covid adviser Patrick Vallance and businessman James Timpson among appointments from outside Westminster

#UKnews #Election #Politics #guardian #Worldnews #government #parliament #keirstarmer #theguardian #uk_politics

1h ago

From youtube.com

What is Project 2025? Project 2025 Explained | 5 Criticisms of Project 2025

4 5

Have you heard about Project 2025? In this video, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about Project 2025 including 5 criticisms. Remember, if you dis...

#gop #Vote #Politics #VoteBlue #bidenharris2024 #Trump #farright #theheritagefoundation #project2025

1h ago

From rollingstone.com

QAnon Memes, F-Bombs, and Tribunals: As Biden Faltered, Trump Amped Up the Crazy

4 4

Trump quietly had his own week from hell while the media was hounding Biden

#Biden #Trump #Politics

3h ago

From youtube.com

BET Awards Host Taraji P. Henson: 'Project 2025 Is Not a Game'

4 6

Taraji P. Henson sounded the alarm at this year’s BET Awards about Project 2025, one of the scariest legislative agendas in recent history.Despite the growin...

#gop #Trump #magats #Congress #SupremeCourt #Politics #tarajiphenson

6h ago

From theguardian.com

Forget ‘stop the boats’, Starmer wants to ‘smash the gangs’ – but will it work?

4 4

Labour’s new border security unit faces major challenges, as campaigners warn they need a better plan for safe routes

#press #UKnews #labour #Politics #UutisBotEN #theguardian #generalelection2024 #immigrationandasylum

10h ago

From americaamerica.news

When Will There Be a Real Interview of Donald Trump?

3 3

Last night George Stephanopolous of ABC News asked President Joe Biden, over and over, whether he has the mental acuity and stamina to be presid…

#GQP #gop #rnc #maga #Trump #Politics #VoteBlue #elections #republican #trumpisaloser

3h ago

From substack.com

Project 2025 Listed Authors Who Worked in the Last 45 Administration

3 3

“I know nothing about Project 2025” + 69% of listed authors worked in 45’s administration = WHAT GASLIGHTING LOOKS LIKE

#Politics #project2025

5h ago

From youtube.com

Pete Buttigieg Attack Leaves GOP Speechless

3 3

Pete Buttigieg took down MAGA Republicans one by one in a recent hearing, and it was a work of art! Pete was on fire!!!! You'll love what Pete has to say her...

#maga #debate #scotus #News #Trump #Video #press #Russia #podcast #ukraine

6h ago

From thecanary.co

The general election just BURIED news about the DWP's Universal Credit roll out

3 3

The DWP has once again started to quietly shift thousands of ESA claimants onto Universal Credit - but the news has been missed

#uk #Politics #benefits

8h ago

From facebook.com

Увійти у Facebook

3 3

Увійдіть на Facebook і спілкуйтеся зі своїми друзями, родичами та знайомими.

#fashion #topnews #Politics #foodnews #automobile #breakingnews #international #weather #loksabhab #Technology

13h ago

From instagram.com

Login • Instagram

3 3

Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.

#fashion #topnews #Politics #foodnews #automobile #breakingnews #international #weather #loksabhab #Technology

13h ago

From washingtonpost.com

Former Social Security watchdog abused her authority, investigation finds

3 3

The Social Security Administration’s former inspector general abused her authority and undermined the integrity of her office, a report from a committee of federal watchdogs found.

#ssa #Trump #USpol #Politics #corruption #SocialSecurity #socialsecurityadministration #gailennis

22h ago

From businessinsider.com

The newly unsealed Jeffrey Epstein documents have Donald Trump's name all over them. He had been secretly disguised as 'Doe 174.'

3 4

Former President Donald Trump may have fought to keep his name redacted in court documents before a judge ordered it unsealed.

#News #epstein #Politics #uspolitics #DonaldTrump #businessinsider #Trump

on Jun 24

From election-politique.com

Accueil - Election Politique Citoyen

3 39

election france monde popularites referendum presidentielle legislatives senatoriales européennes

#uk #USA #Biden #JoeBiden #venezuela #royaumeuni #election2024 #UnitedKingdom #elections2024 #electionresults

on Nov 30

From youtube.com

SECRET Plan of Trump’s Minions EXPOSED before Election

2 6

MeidasTouch contributor Anthony Davis discusses the right-wing organizations working behind the scenes to weaponize the court system at all levels against ou...

#scotus #Politics #federalistsociety

1h ago

From youtube.com

Project 2025: The Awful Details Inside -- with specific page numbers!

2 2

Yes, I actually read all 900+ pages of Project 2025. This is the plan the Heritage Foundation wrote and will enact the next time there's a Republican preside...


1h ago

From globalnews.ca

Alberta teen takes action after being deadnamed in high school yearbook | Globalnews.ca

2 2

A transgender teen in southern Alberta says nothing but bad memories came flooding back after he was deadnamed in his high school yearbook.

#Politics #education #globalnews #perspectives #albertapolitics

4h ago

From globalnews.ca

Canada’s 1st female defence chief, a U.K. vote and top stories this week - National | Globalnews.ca

2 2

Canada will get its first female defence chief, the Labour Party swept the polls in the United Kingdom and Canada's unemployment rate rose last month.

#what #weekly #canadian #globalnews #world #Canada #Politics #consumer

7h ago

From makevotesmatter.org.uk

Record distorted election result raises question marks for new government - Make Votes Matter

2 2

Across a whole series of measures, the general election has produced one of the most distorted results in the UK’s democratic history. Voters up and down the country woke up the day after election day to a result that, to an unprecedented extent, did not reflect how they voted.

#uk #Politics #Democracy #ukpolitics

9h ago

From crustiandaily.com

UK Election Results: Starmer’s Labour Wins by Pretending to Care Just a Bit More

2 2

In a political landslide that would make even the most cynical voter’s head spin, Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party has decimated the Conservatives in the 202

#uk #News #ge2024 #labour #satire #Politics #Worldnews #rishisunak #ukpolitics #KierStarmer

10h ago

From japantimes.co.jp

ICC prosecutor opted for warrants over visit to Gaza

2 2

The sudden cancellation of a planned visit to the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem and Ramallah has angered Washington and London.

#uk #us #USA #war #hamas #Politics #Worldnews #palestine #terrorism #israelhamaswar

13h ago

From citynews.ca

'Extremist' group Diagolon bringing 'Terror Tour' to Ottawa this weekend; police preparing

2 2

According to police, the event location is not known and they do not have direct communication with organizers.

#Canada #Politics #poilievre #ottawa #cdnpoli

15h ago

From palmerreport.com

Trump goes into hiding

2 2

President Joe Biden did a lengthy sit down interview tonight with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, and the whole thing was embarrassing – for Stephanopoulos. The interviewer quoted anonymous sources from the now disgraced New York Times,

#Politics #trumpistoast

17h ago

From globalnews.ca

Quebec calls on Supreme Court judge to recuse himself from Bill 21 challenge | Globalnews.ca

2 2

In February, Quebec's Court of Appeal upheld the province's secularism law, which prohibits some public sector workers from wearing religious symbols on the job.

#Canada #bill21 #Politics #globalnews #quebecbill21

on Fri, 8PM

From nytimes.com

Opinion | Does America Need a President?

2 3

Why subordinates or the “deep state” can’t substitute for a vacuum at the top.

#us #Politics

on Fri, 7PM

From abc.net.au

Plots to eliminate dissidents inside Australia disrupted as government boosts efforts to fight foreign interference

2 4

The federal government is making the Counter Foreign Interference Taskforce permanent and expanding it to include agencies such as the ATO as one of several new measures to fight the growing threat of foreign interference.

#auspol #Politics #creeping #totalitarianism

on Fri, 3PM

From aljazeera.com

UK general election 2024: Why do some popular parties win so few seats?

2 3

Reform UK has won just four seats with 14 percent of the vote, while Conservatives got 119 seats on 24 percent – why?

#pa #uk #stv #FPTP #ge24 #ge2024 #Politics #Democracy #generalelection #generalelection2024

on Fri, 8AM

From rollingstone.com

Right-Wing Think Tank Leader Promises Revolution, Warns of 'Bloodshed'

2 5

The leader of the Trump-allied think tank behind Project 2025 warned "the left" to submit to a "second American Revolution" or face violence.

#Trump #fascism #Politics

on Thu, 2AM

From theguardian.com

Welsh government commits to making lying in politics illegal

2 29

Labour administration says ‘globally pioneering’ legislation will be brought in before next Senedd elections in 2026

#Wales #Politics

on Wed, 10AM

From joebiden.com

PROJECT 2025 - Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website

2 11

Project 2025 is the plan by Donald Trump’s MAGA Republican allies to give Trump more power over your daily life, gut democratic checks and balances, and consolidate power in the Oval Office if he wins. Trump’s campaign advisors and close allies wrote it - and are doing everything they can to...


on Jun 28

From transfem.social

TransFem Space

2 6

TransFem.social: A safe space for transfem individuals and allies. Together, we build a stronger community.


on Jan 24

From hactivedirectory.com


2 3

This is a private instance for Hactive Directory

#law #USpol #scotus #chevron #science #Politics #bullshit #Environment #climatechange

on Jan 23